was it good?
Was it good?
it was ok
i heard it's only good in coop
if i buy it i'm gonna play it alone because i dont have friends
should I still buy it?
It's great if you like action games, co-op is the only way to play. You can ignore the extra missions, they're all shit.
co-op was 10/10
solo was 7/10
it was fine, but I'll never forget when they were calling it racist.
I was a bit disappointed in the boulder punching scene after hearing about it for years.
>killing niggers in africa is racist
>but leon can kill as many spaniards as he wants
Yeah that shit was hilarious. Was it racist in RE1 when you killed exclusively white zombies?
Cheesy but fine, and Sheva a cute
Controversy was honestly pretty tame compared to what it could have been if the game was released today
I've gotta confess, it's one of my favorite games to play. I've had a lot of fun by myself and with friends.
Jesse Cox and Cryatoic played the coop version of this game together. If you think this game sucks, please go watch them play it, it's so fucking funny!
Yeah the solo campaign isn't good, but fucking around with a friend in this game is hilarious and fun.
it's fine but the partner ai isn't great. mercenaries is better than the main game anyway.
It wasn't that bad. After it came out people pretty much stopped trying to push the racist angle and let it be.
Imagine if it came out today though.
>be swole like in real life
>run around blasting away nogs
>have a nog slave girl with white features
>beautiful graphics and smooth frame rate for its time
As far as post-4 RE games go, 5 is my favorite, but nothing will ever beat RE 2. 2 had beautifully rendered backgrounds, fun interesting locales, memorable characters and events,great CG cutscenes, great guns, great voice acting, great sound, great enemies, phenomenal A and B scenario for both playable characters and one of the best end credits songs in gaming history.
The shooting&wrasslin gameplay is worth it imo. Not my favorite post 4 because Revelations exists and it blended horror with action better than 4 but Revelations didn't have the same melee system.
Fun with a friend
So no
agree with other user. ai is not the best. only have a few frustrating moments. merc mode is worth the purchase though. i also got the extra character for rebecca. along with bow and arrow sheva, she's top tier in merc mode, imo.
Holy fuck I might replay the game just to do a Rana on Jill
It was a bad RE game but an awesome co-op TPS
You can just play it for the merc mode and never get bored
What a nightmare. I shudder at the idea alone.
>a few frustrating moments
That's not what I remember, user.
Lost in nightmares DLC is the best thing to happen to this franchise since REmake
>L4D1&2 make millions
>Capcom-"Hey lets make re5 s co op monster shooter and make that money!"
You just KNOW
>You just KNOW
...that Chris is a fag.
What are you getting at? RE5 made at least as much as the L4D franchise.
Parasitefag detected
I personally didn't like it.I hated how you had to babysit the Nigress.Just a pain the ass to play.
it's not even fun with a friend
look mom he's being edgy on Sup Forums!
I like it although I play as Sheva because I don't like what they did to Chris. I can't get enough of Wesker and I thought battlesuit Jill was damned stylish.
Chris punching a boulder is one of my most memorable moments in Sup Forums.
>Complete. Global. Saturation.
5 was hammy enough to be entertaining but to the point of being stupid like 6.
I remember that there were black zombies in 2 and 3, was that racist too?
No. I mean, functionally speaking it did nothing wrong but I'll be damned if it wasn't the blandest game I ever played. At least Sheva's cute.
>Not my favorite post 4 because Revelations exists and it blended horror with action better than 4
I like you, user.
You're better off playing RE6, it goes full action and controls better.
Why would anyone watch that beta orbiter Jesse?
it all went downhill from here
Was pretty good. Tons of replay value. Also, you get to kill heaps of niggers.
Nah, RE5 is the low point of mainline RE. It's a shittier RE4 at its core, every one of its half-assed new ideas was done better by RE6, and the Revelations titles and RE7 do a better job of acknowledging the series' horror roots.
stfu cunt, u have no idea
Literally one of if not the worst 3d resident evil games in existence
>hey! let's take survival horror and action elements and mash them together in the worst way possible!
holy fuck i remember that "controversy"
>3d resident evil games
There are 2D Resident Evil games?
RE5 Madman Wesker is the reason i got in these games, also had a good time playing and laughing at enemie's AI and glitches with friend
Doesn't look that bad for a GBC title.
>sections with respawning enemies
What were they thinking
Wesker = G.O.A.T.
Nothing beats RE1 intro Wesker.
Why was Jill blonde
>Why was Jill blonde
Some stupid reason in RE5 was explained,either way shes hot blonde or brunette.
Yes, it's the second best RE only losing to six.
Funny, RE6 is the second worst RE only losing to 5 IMO.
>RE6 ever being considered great
>Capcom literally replaced models in the opening level with various skin tones
>we still got to fucking gank oogaboogas in full on tribal dress with grass skirts and clay makeup
And yet, the SJWs of the time were satisfied.
coop makes the game. i played it with a buddy and we would just mess around the whole game not taking it seriously. Certain parts where you had to use your team mate for help turned into the best parts of the game because we would often try to screw the other over or blame the other for missing the QTE's. If i had played it solo i would have enjoyed it not nearly as much.
Two types of resident evil fans exist on Sup Forums:
Type A who takes the game/story seriously and enjoys the horror aspect more so then action.
Type B loves the B movie shlock that the series has always been, and enjoys the over the top characters and action.
RE4 hits almost the perfect balance between the two and is why it's considered the best in the series by many.
this is true
Friendly reminder that RE7 lose 75% of it's player base after 1 month and Capcom already decided RE to be action oriented series
>a single player game loses most of its playerbase after the first month
Everybody knows the game is shit, only five nights at freddy's fans liked this trash.
No other games in the series flopped as hard as RE7. Other single player of it's genre also don't flop as hard. Dark Descent, Outlast all have better player base after 1 month. Horror RE is dead and need to stay dead
That fucking scene was burned into my mind when I played it on hardest difficulty and tried to shoot Jill in her tits like 10 times with a deagle WHILE ONE FUCKING MISS KILLS HER
I played it with my bradah it was sick
I think it can still be fun on your own
>play it with cousin
>ruins puzzle
>i grab one chain
>cousin comes to me
>hits me with stun rod
>he takes the chain while im stunned
>have to walk all way to the other chain
coop is 10/10 m8
I like you too, user.
just play it online. randoms are usually decent
I dont know in what paralel universe youre living buddy, but in this one RE6 still did worse than RE7
So how about no
>No other games in the series flopped as hard as RE7.
I mean sure, there's other factors at play here but this was some 3 weeks after release.
These post = tales from my ass
The mercenaries is still the best in the series, specially the No Mercy mode
Did RE7 rape your virginity or whats the problem, kid ?
Until Dawn fans.
>beat game
>zero replayability because it's scripted as fuck and no unlockables other than a pistol that kills anything in a couple shots
>shitty final "boss"
>dlc for the remixed hard version
>dlc for the mercenaries replacement mode that's just wacky humor
>dlc for some twist ending nobody actually believes that's been delayed
I played base RE5 on release and was satisfied and have never played Desperate Escape, Lost in Nightmares, and Mercenaries Reunion. Dead Rising 4 was a massive flop and RE7 may have gained some traction but it's really not that all it's cracked up to be. If Capcom made a full on Mercenaries or Raid mode game like 3D except with characters from every game then fuck yeah I'm down otherwise I don't care for fps RE.
>that webm
Wonder how many people died? Living in Resident Evil's world would be scary as fuck since a whole city was bombarded by nukes and another blasted by a solar beam.
I replay it yearly
this, it was comfy but not as good as 4
>tfw remembering putting dozens of hours into the fucking RE5 demo
RE5 is a fun game, and the demo leaves a good impression
All this denial. RE7 was a mistake. That's why Vendetta is released. RE8 will be COD of horror genre
>being this much of a buttblasted 6fag
Was it the first area where you fight big fucker with the axe? I'll always be pissed they killed off the butcher you get weapons from at the start because I loved the merchant and he reminded me of him.
>did worse
RE6 to date has sold around 7 million copies. RE7 has sold around 3.5. Yes, RE7 is still relatively new, but to somehow imply that it was fiscally more successful than 6 is just factually incorrect.
>but to somehow imply that it was fiscally more successful than 6 is just factually incorrect
6 had a stupidly retarded budget that offset any sales they got.
what movie is this
it let you kill subhuman niggers in africa. it was pretty good.