What video games did you play today Sup Forums?

What video games did you play today Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


bomberman world

>animal Crossing New Leaf
>will play Cave Story after

This one. Glad they patched it to run at 60fps.

Nothing, I just woke up.

>Berserk Musou

Been playing some Doom.

It is really slow at work today

A little Dark Souls, a tiny bit of Baldur's Gate, and a few hours of Tales of Berseria.

Nothing, had a long shift at work (retail) thanks to the sales, came home crashed on the bed and just woke up 5 hours later.

I can't, there's too much harassment going on, and you're part of, OP

FFXIV and mystery gamer fight arena

sauce bruh

Digimon Cyber Slut
It's fun and cute and it looks pretty good

I've been playing Persona 3FES. I got stuck in a really shitty spot and didn't want to grind so I'm restarting the game on easy this time. Keeping my old save though.

Don't laugh


PUBG Inb4 tantrum
And I'm going to play my free copy of jotun soon.

I've been trying to as well.
Key word being TRYING.

Total warhammer, dota 2 and Deus Ex Mankind Divided

again, fuck off

Gearing up to beat Shinovi Versus tonight. Got one story chapter left and two shinobi heart missions. Then I'll probably just grind out the last of the achievies.

>literally dozens of of pop culture references
>sperg out over one of them that's barely in the image at all, literally tucked away in a tiny corner

>impersonating barneyfag

you can just tell it's one of THOSE threads though. It's not like he was serious in any way.

was playing metro 2033 today

Plus it's edited out of OPs image so he shouldn't even be shitting up this thread

thought it was supposed to be a stealth loli thread, though

Dokapon Kingdom

I installed nolf2 and got the coop to work with a friend, that was pretty chill..

I also recently caught a shiny pumpkaboo in Pokemon Y..

It had IVs in SP attack and its nature was also boosting Sp attack, so I EV trained it in special attack, and evolved the fucker..

Which actually made the thing suck, because sp attack is the lowest base stat the fucking thing has..

so basically:

Base Stats>IVs/EV Training/Nature

How's it like to live life as a paranoid schizophrenic?

monster hunter 4 you

Just use a walkthrough to find out how to beat the bosses. Restarting dont do nothin

Goldeneye 007
Boom Blox
Hyrule Warriors Legends

I want friends

A lot of Nier: Automata. Never really got around to fighting Emil and grinding the last things

What kinda manchild plays video games?

Sonic 2 3D Classic
Mario Maker 3DS

I'm just way under leveled. I'm like level 19 for a 25 boss (3rd full muoon) and don't have any way to revive from his instant kill spam moves as I saved in tartarus the night before and can't buy that shit. I'll take your advice though.

Shantae Half Genie Hero

I really liked it despite the gale being way too easy.

don't try that shit with me faggot

You should go play some video games. Why are you even on Sup Forums? Do you only play DOOM?

Tales of Berseria

i beat katamari damacy two days ago, and im in the middle of P3 FES, but im watching EVO today instead

It's not fun, but grinding is the way to go. Bump down to lower levels if you have to.

Why do you keep missing my posts? That's highly unprofessional.

Why haven't you fucking killed yourself yet? You really should.

>Grim Dawn
>Grandia II
>Hitman 2016
Having fun thanks for asking.

Nothing yet, I went kayaking instead. Maybe I'll try out Divinity: Original Sin tonight though.

>You should go play some video games
see this faggot's gonna guilt trip me over it.

I played Infinite Warfare and Titanfall 2.
I'll probably hop back on to one of those when I get back from eating foods

little bit of Pokemon Platinum and the splatoon 2 splatfest

some Sonic 1 and DKC2

Do you want me to send you the links, or are you too busy with something else right now?

I got a better idea, fucking kill yourself. I've told you this plenty of times yet you haven't done it. Fucking faggot.

Too busy, got it. You might want to check Sup Forums, by the way.

Dark Souls, Rocket League, and some Quake.
fuck the palace of hate

Like I've said, fucking kill yourself.

FF12 for a few hours, FF14 dailies, and some Warframe. About to get back in either Warfare or FF12 for the rest of the day.

Nothing. Have no new games to play and no old games interest me cause of depression.

don't try to think that way.

nice meme

I'm going to finish VTMB tonight, all I have to do is kill Ming and Lacroix.

Dragon's Dogma,SMT:Devil Summoner Raidou,Danganronpa:AE and a bit of Rule of Rose.

>green day concert
That's fucking hilarious

you wish

What happened to the shota you usually post?

It's another guy, this time a ban-evading Argentinian faggot

don't talk to me if you're not going to answer

Trails of Cold Steel 2

About to play some Overwatch

I was answering, it's a different guy

Played Onechanbara Z2: Chaos for the first time today. It's dumb as all hell but it's like a slightly better Senran Kagura.

Just a some Warband, I'm kinda stuck now and don't feel like playing it for long sessions

Nothing. I haven't played vidya in the last couple of days.

Crash bandicoot, FFXII and NMS...

Been too sad to do anything besides stare at my computer screen

>Not playing on Hard without guides or grinding while increasingly underleveled and beating the game at level 30 through sheer brainpower and force of will

I had to figure out, on my own, ways to manipulate the AI for both party members and enemies during some later boss fights. You probably weren't even playing on hard. It's time to get good son.

Raise of the Tomb Raider.
Brought it to 97% compeltion, only couple of challenges and random collectibles left in the Geothermal Valley.

Alright cool. It's my first SMT game that I'm actually trying to finish and it's kicking my ass. Will play on normal for 4 and 5 though.

I'm not though

kill them

Got the new version of Elona Plus today and rolled a mage qt, good stuff.

People have essentially roped me into doing nothing but this. Fucking degenerates. I really hope they all fucking die.

Can anyone explain to me what's the deal with the autist posting pictures of forum posts?

Shills. That's it.

Get Even, the game with a million mechanics

Girls Aloud

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

I'm ashamed to admit that I actually enjoy the game.

Crash Remastered. I'm so god damned hungover.


I literally hate the fucking shills and I wish they'd die

Why are you so angry babyboi

Papers, Please for the first time, great game btw.

N. Sane Trilogy
Asuka best girl

Skyward Sword.
I cant believe i had to fight that giant evil sock puppet a third time. This whole game feels phoned in.

Guilty Gear

Fire Emblem Echoes, Heroes of the Storm and Dark Rose Valkyria.

just because faggot

Four hours of MGSV

Never played an MGS game before but I'm loving this so far.

Monster Rancher 2.

I feel extremely upset that we won't get any other game of this variety ever again.

Half Payne

Soul Silver to get screwed by Battle Factory RNG. Haven't passed a one set streak in three attempts despite hitting streak 5 days ago.

Crash Bandicoot 1 N Sane, doing a casual speedrun. Went from 1:47 to 1:19.

Civ 5.