guilty gear finals thread
will not beat Leo, but I want him to.
Weeaboo President soon!
Bridget announcement when?
Omito wins this year. I watched the stream an hour ahead.
>city of blazblue
>no one wants to watch or play this
Will Samitto BTFO Reddit Unga with ninja democracy?
Omito is such a fucking monster good god
>Baiken couldn't even make it to losers bracket
Felt good to see that perfect go down.
wtf is this dude doing
is omito a human
his reads are literally cheating AI tier
At the end hopefully, he has the highest chance of getting in out of anyone
Anji or Ariels first, I'd put money on it
>post yfw someone talks about a fighting game you don't like
what's the GG song on right now?
Chip is going to get raped and Evo will be won by the king of unfaithful pedos.
Time to an hero.
>GG finals are ongoing
smashbabbies will never learn
>tfw eating pizza watching multiple streams at once
Feels great man
Hell no. Have you seen what happens when Leo touches Chipp once? Samitto is gonna get blown the fuck out.
why are so many pauses between matches?
>Open up saltybet for fun
>They have all the streams listed
Why the fuck did no one else bother to do this shit?
>Omito in grand final again
Will he get it this time? How is he against Samitto?
Answer's better
>evens study
>odds evo
Stolz, Leo's theme
People are scared of Skeletal's Hakumen I'm sure
Too bad he lost.
How come Melee and SF5 got more viewers than GG top 8?
Cmon Reddit, we gotta pull through for Tomo so he can get his revenge
>BB still in pools
I can b8 too
I mean the inputs and comboing sure seem robotic he's fucking nutty to the nth degree at this point.
>Melee has more views in pools than GG in grand finals
>highest chance of getting in
Nah that would be Anji unfortunately
Ariels is pretty much confirmed since you can fish out her stuff and not actually use it in the digital figure mode. Also Robo-ky stuff was also added to the digital figure mode as well.
My bet is Robo-ky and Ariels.
thanks, user!
>tfw you realize a lot of Sup Forumsirgins actually play fighting games
my faith in this board is restored
shame the smashfags and nintentoddlers drown us out though.
GG top 8 is split between this and the Japanese re-stream.
>majinobama goes on and on about how good games dont need to be shilled and fake hype isnt needed
>shills and tries generating artificial hype for this boring af top 8
What did he mean by this?
Still fully charged naked 6C was funny
When is the DBZ announcement? They said there would be one during the stream
5 billion viewers on japanese tv
Bridgets more likely based on popularity polls and the fact they'll want some easy sales boosts between games since they don't have anything coming up soon
>not smash
lol who cares
I don't play I just like watching it :^)
Not even close, dude. Bridget's not in story mode, and several other characters not yet in Rev2 are. There's literally 0 chance that Bridget is getting in before Robo Ky and Zappa.
Considering ASW only puts in 2 characters per version, you're going to have to wait AT LEAST a year and a half for Bridget to be announced.
>Implying Melee players are ever around water
Baiken was gutted for Xrd and has nothing of value
study evo
We need more matchup threads.
>kids game with no future
>brand new games with brand new content
>3 smash evo threads
>still shits up GG threads
this is why melee will die
Not really; I've called out a lot of people to fight me online because they keep spouting bullshit and they just dodge.
I love how GGfags shit on BBfags because ''UGH GAY ANIME WAIFU SHIT'' and yet these thread are full of people posting lewd images of the GG girls.
Just be friends you retards. You're both virgin weebs.
who watching puyo here
>boring af top 8
Why are you even here if you hate fighting games?
Xrd Baiken is a joke
Soon probably, since he's modeled in the story mode.
>cutting based Sol theme short
yeah the dodgers suck but I've played a lot of people from Sup Forums
He was talking about r/Kappa user, not the games.
>t. Chad
we're all virgin weebs here, regardless of what game we play or don't play. And by far, the biggest virgin weeb of them all is (you)
whats that on
Sorry to destroy your hope but im pretty damn sure most people in this thread doesn't even play fighting games.
>no one wants to play a Sup Forums autist
I wonder why?
There's no actual rivalry, I play both games and most people do too. It's mostly just shitposting.
What? GG and BB players get along pretty well. We just all hate NRS and Smash
Use to play SF4 on PS3 with one of those endless battle rooms filled with Sup Forumsirgins
>You're both virgin weebs.
BB fags know this. GG fags are delusional.
And here I am playing both.
We've already discussed this to death. Most of the people still doing it are trolling their dicks off
>Pick on Ragna because of his anime jacket full of belts
>Sol in AC has no less than 16 belts on
You stupid? You can't expect to make any actual contact with someone on an anonymous board, especially with a community as toxic as Sup Forums
>Considering ASW only puts in 2 characters per version,
But that's wrong. Rev1 got us Jack-O, Raven, Kum, Dizzy, Johnny, and Jam.
i don't even care about smash, i'm just here for the (you)s
I play a lot of Guilty Gear, I'd been playing since #reload. I'm still trash, though. I've always been bad at it. At least Revelator made it a bit easier to nestle into. I can now use combos with roman cancelling.
not him but outside of the first set and the raven/faust set this top 8 has been really bad. unless top 3 changes im glad that we didnt get the sunday slot where wed just be bullied
post leo wearing timbs someone
Xrd Baiken requires too much work to make it that far. Smaller pool, sure. Evo? Nah.
Dem fight sticks
>break for 6minutes
>button checks
>top 8 so shit you can hear hype from other games in the background
>chipp vs leo
I want nobody to win desu
What's a good entry stick for a cheap faggot?
hope this reddit scum gets assfucked
I didnt deny that my good friend.
You can easily set up a lobby and invite them. People who don't put their reputation and their mouth on the line are weak
>samitto immediately corners himself
Just pony up the money for a good one. You can use it for a ton of games and it will last you for years.