So we know that Donald Trump exists in the GTA Universe as Donald Love, the business tycoon who learned everything from the real estate agent Avery Carrington in Vice City, and who made a name for himself through Love Media in Liberty City.
Would you prefer the Mara a Largo island resort in a new Vice City or the White House in a GTA DC reconstruction to be the place we assassinate Trump in GTA VI?
And if Rockstar releases this game in 2019 and has a Trump assassination plot, what will the consequences be in 2020?
So we know that Donald Trump exists in the GTA Universe as Donald Love...
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Maybe they could afford to say that when a nazi was not in offcie
point being? I voted for Trump and I would LOVE a chance to watch the shitshow of a Trump assassination in a GTA game. can you imagine how many people would be calling for the government to ban vidya? it would be fucking hilarious!
>unable to participate in triggering the president because he's too busy sucking his dick
>calls other anons a cuck
>I voted for Trump
What's wrong with you?
1. the HD universe (IV and beyond) is different from the SD universe (everything before IV)
2. They wouldn't do this anyways. Rockstar consists of lefty Scotsman but they're not libtard hacks who do libtard hack things.
3. Even they wouldn't have the balls to do it anyways.
Not him but, Trump was the lesser of two evils and him winning made my enemies eternally assmad.
>Trump was the lesser of two evils
No, Trump was the greater of one evil and one good.
lol cool bait
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
>check donald love's gta wiki page because of this thread
>In GTA III, he is voiced by Kyle MacLachlan
>zero impact on immigration
Stopped reading there. It's not going to rid illegal immigration completely but that's not the point. kys leftist cunt
people STILL don't understand this type of, "look how dumb you are. i know because i am smart" is why Trump won.
1. this star is in gta v, which, last i checked, is part of the hd universe. other elements from the 3d universe also made it into the hd universe, such as the existence of cj, anyway. the "universes" excuse is just used to excuse the map issue.
2. allowing for the assassination of the president in a video game is artistic expression, not a "libtard hack thing."
it'd be fun.
3. they would:
>destroy liberty city within a month after the largest terror attack on NYC
>torturing prisoners during the bush/obama era
Alright user. lets be honest here. Why did you go and make this thread? You have no interest in this question. The plain curt reason is that you want to rile up a specific crowd and antagonize them, while you sit back in your arm chair laughing at your saturday entertainment. Well, I'm sorry to tell you this user, but that is wrong, and uncalled for, and your jollies end here, because I'm going to arm chair physchiatrist your entire thread now. i will not leave, and instead I will start asking deep philosohical questions that do not pertain to your subejct matter, as it is clearly not vidya related, and does not belong on this board.
Now, let us begin. The emaning of life. Lets talk about videogames. Life, reality, videogames. These are the essential building blocks of modern society. without these we can not live, we cannot enjoy, we cannot breathe. Videogames in aprticular are important to our survival, but whos to say we can't live with videogames, when we have air? Air is indeed important, as are videogames, but have you ever stopped to just sit down and think? Close your eyes. breathe in. breathe out. The universe is actually made of of micro video games that we use in our every day life to play videogames, why just this morning you played a videogame, and even right now you are playing a videogame. Everyone is playing a videogame, and so are you. Do you know what this means user? You are the videogame. Thats right. Shes a videogame too. Everyone in this thread loves videogames, and they love you. And that is why the meaning of life divided by videogames is actually, in short. Videogames, why just the other day i saw a man walking down the street with a pile of videogames and i asked him, sir- why are you carrying those videogames? his response to me was one of uitmost importance, he said "Son, I don't play videogames, Videogames play for me. " And you know what? he was right. this entire time I started thinking about how - cont-
keep telling yourself you know everything prick, i am not even from americunt you stupid fuck
It was her turn, though.
How would you feel if you worked your entire life towards a goal only to be denied it at the last minute?
Based Hillary deserved a formal commendation for handling her loss with quiet dignity and grace, while Unfit Donald gloats like a braggart.
- you didn't vote for Trump
- you don't really want the mainstream opinion against videogames
- you're underage at the point you don't remember when GTA and artistic freedom in videogames were actually threatened -by Hillary Clinton herself
- We already got a Zuckerberg/Steve Jobs assassination in GTA
- mainstream media would love and celebrate a Trump-like assassination anyways, what are you even talking about
- lots of videogames are already doing it and nobody's giving a damn shit, while it would be an outrage with other presidents
I'm not even American and your wannabe-Berlusconi is nothing unique or original. But it's really easy to see political lies from brainwashed posters
>How would you feel if you worked your entire life towards a goal only to be denied it at the last minute?
Why do you think she was entitled to the presidency? I mean apart from the fact that she is a women and its "her turn" meaning any woman winning would make you feminazis happy.
you are aware that saying or acting that you want to assassinate the pres is not protected by free speech and is in fact a federal offense
>blaming prez for your problems
Off yourself child
As a former secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, and a lifelong advocate for women and families, no one is more qualified to be president than Hillary.
Hillary knows child care, equal pay, and paid leave are fundamental economic issues—not just “women’s issues.”
We can’t afford a temperamentally unfit, manifestly unqualified candidate in the White House.
Our democracy should work for everyone—not just the wealthy and well-connected.
Our next president could make multiple appointments to the Supreme Court.
We need comprehensive background checks on gun purchases.
She’ll fight to overturn Citizens United to curb the outsized influence of big money in politics.
Because the wealthiest should pay their fair share in taxes.
We need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to full and equal citizenship.
She will tackle the threat of climate change head-on by making America the world’s clean energy superpower—because, unlike her opponent, she doesn’t believe it’s a Chinese hoax.
She’s set a big goal: more than half a billion solar panels installed across the country by the end of her first term.
She’s set another big goal: to generate enough renewable energy to power every home in America within 10 years of her taking office.
When they go low, she goes high.
The economy is stronger when a Democrat is in the White House.
Hillary will defend Planned Parenthood and women’s health care from Republican attacks.
Because debt-free college should be available to all Americans—and current borrowers should be able to refinance their loans and save money.
She will build an economy that works for everybody—not just the top 1 percent.
Guaranteed paid family leave.
She declared on the world stage that “gay rights are human rights.”
Because we need a president who has a plan to hold Wall Street accountable.
Not him but get off your high horse.
I voted trump because Hillary posed a bigger threat to my job market, and I liked the idea of a businessman finally taking the reigns of this country instead of some two-bit politician out of school. Truth be told? I dont give a damn who lives in my country, it doesn't affect me and never will, but having a president who actually does shit for the sake of the country is far better than someone who actively wants to avoid stepping on peoples toes by forcing a no racism policy when religious zealots are literally trying to kill us simply because they don't like our god and our way of thinking. What is she going to do, convince them? They're fucking maniacs with a mission. You CANT talk to people like that, and kicking them out of the country is the right thing to do. PERIOD.
As first lady, she helped get health care coverage for 8 million American children.
After decades of fighting for progressive issues (and 11 straight hours of testimony in front of a Republican-led congressional committee), she’s proved nobody can stand up to Republicans better than she can.
Our veterans should have access to timely and high quality health care.
She’s the only candidate with the NRA running ads against her.
Hillary believes that raising middle-class incomes is the defining economic challenge of our time—and she has a plan to do just that.
Suspected terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill shouldn’t be able to purchase a gun.
Because every 4-year-old in America should be able to go to a high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.
We need to invest in infrastructure and rebuild or expand our roads, bridges, rail, broadband, public transit, and water and energy infrastructure.
We need to protect Americans’ right to vote—not billionaires’ and corporations’ right to buy elections.
Have you seen the things Trump says at his rallies?
Have you seen Trump in a debate?
Hillary will work to keep families together and defend President Obama’s executive actions that protect DREAMers.
She has spent her life fighting for a fairer America.
She’s been fighting for women and children her entire career—ever since she started working at the Children’s Defense Fund after law school.
I love how they purposely put an add for Hot Chocolate in a magazine they knew Clinton read know she would act all high and mighty about the situation and get them MASSIVE publicity. As thanks they made her the statue of happiness in gta4.
She believes we need a new and comprehensive commitment to equity and opportunity for communities of color.
She’ll empower veterans—and strengthen our economy and communities—by connecting their unique skills to the jobs of the future.
Prescription drug costs are still too high—and Hillary has a plan to lower them.
As senator, she championed the Paycheck Fairness Act and co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to help close the wage gap so women earn equal pay.
It’s time to close the Charleston loophole that lets otherwise prohibited individuals buy a gun if their background check is not complete in three days.
Because we should do all the good we can for all the people we can for as long as we can.
Community college should be tuition-free for every American.
Hillary negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that ended the rain of rockets on Israel.
Smart power is a smart strategy.
We need a president who will crack down on companies that send profits overseas to avoid paying their fair share in U.S. taxes.
She’ll defend Social Security and Medicare against Republican attacks.
We need a president with a plan to protect the transgender community from violence.
If Congress continues its refusal to act on comprehensive immigration reform, Hillary has a plan to act—and do everything possible under the law to protect families.
She knows how to find common ground to get the job done—but also how to stand her ground.
Hillary is the only candidate who’s ready to be Commander-in-Chief (and who doesn’t call the U.S. military a “disaster.”)
She has a plan to reform mandatory minimum sentencing.
We need a small-business president.
Because every American citizen should be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18, unless they opt out. Hillary will get it done.
She’s a progressive—and she’s a progressive who gets things done.
>greater evil
I also tried to find dirt in Trump's past, and THERE ACTUALLY IS (like almost any other politician/rich guy).
But worse than the fucking Clintons?
Just no, man. Not in a million years
>Another Sup Forums thread on the front page of Sup Forums
Immigration enforcement must be humane and targeted—and she’ll end family detention and close private detention centers.
Hillary has a plan to reduce the risk of future financial crises.
Because we should hold corporations and individuals on Wall Street accountable—and prosecute them when they break the law.
She’s one tough mother.
She fought for health care for 9/11 first responders as a U.S. senator—and she’s been a vocal advocate for a permanent renewal of the Zadroga Act.
It’s time to end for-profit private prisons in America.
The Affordable Care Act is working—but we are going to strengthen it by giving a new tax cut to cover out-of-pocket expenses and taking on prescription drug costs.
Hillary will defend and fight to restore collective bargaining rights for workers.
She knows historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) serve an important public mission and will make a significant commitment to them.
We need to end the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine.
Because it’s time to end conversion “therapy” for LGBT minors.
Hillary will put a stop to Republicans’ systematic efforts to stop millions of people from voting.
We need a president who will fight to restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act after they were gutted by the Supreme Court.
Hillary helped negotiate the toughest sanctions Iran has ever faced.
She’s earned the wrath of the gun lobby, Iran, pharmaceutical companies, and special interests—and that should tell you something about who she’s fighting for.
She has a plan to invest in American manufacturing and revitalize communities that have lost manufacturing jobs.
She knows what’s going on in Laos.
She believes we should let families buy into the Affordable Care Act health care exchanges regardless of immigration status.
If you enjoy videogames, you cannot support Hilary Clinton. She was trying to ban video games in the 90s
Time to kys
Prison is not a substitute for treatment for drug addiction and mental health issues—Hillary knows that and will do something about it.
We can create a new national standard of no fewer than 20 days of early in-person voting in every state.
Because those at the top are doing just fine. It’s your family who needs a fighter in the White House.
Hillary has a plan to combat America’s quiet epidemic of substance abuse—including prevention, treatment, and supporting our first responders.
In the words of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: “I’ve never met anyone more prepared to be president.”
She has a plan to make our financial system fairer and more accountable.
High-quality K–12 education needs to be a priority for every child in America.
As secretary of state, Hillary lobbied for the first-ever U.N. Human Rights Council resolution on LGBT human rights.
She made LGBT rights a priority of U.S. foreign policy.
In the words of the Advocate, Hillary has an “awesome LGBT agenda” to protect and expand LGBT rights.
She’s not afraid to stand up to discriminatory attempts to roll back voting rights in places like Alabama.
Hillary knows Muslim Americans are helping our communities succeed and are our first, last, and best line of defense against radical jihadism.
Hillary will defend marriage equality—and appoint Supreme Court justices who believe in equality for all, no matter who you are or who you love.
She will provide funding to make sure body cameras are available to every police department in America to increase accountability on both sides of the lens.
She’ll expand on-campus child care and scholarships to help student parents balance going to school with raising a child.
weak bait. anyone can copy paste actual cringe worthy liberal talking points.
not to mention that there's literally a trump wannabe assassination on mafia III and no one is giving any fucks whatsoever about that
(no one besides Sup Forumstard brainlets that is)
Her first major address as a presidential candidate was a call to end the “era of mass incarceration.”
She’ll fight to end racial profiling in America.
She’ll hold irresponsible gun dealers and manufacturers fully accountable if they endanger Americans—and that includes repealing the gun industry’s unique immunity protection.
She’ll work to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world.
She worked to expand the Family Medical Leave Act, allowing families of those wounded in service to their country to take leave in order to care for their loved ones.
Family members who care for ailing parents and grandparents could use some tax relief.
She has called out the Republicans’ offensive, inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric because she knows it’s against our values as Americans—and our national security.
Because when a company does well, the employees who helped produce those profits deserve a share in them—not just CEOs.
She believes we should use alternatives to incarceration for low-level, nonviolent marijuana users, and she will reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule II substance.
The Presidents have always been off-limits in every GTA game. Besides, a staple of the series is dealing with some seriously shady government agencies running their own world of espionage behind the screens. It's something the average GTA protag isn't keen on diving into.
She’s not afraid to to call out Republicans for blocking efforts to keep guns from suspected terrorists.
She helped lead the charge to raise the minimum wage as a senator.
Building international coalitions advances our values, interests, and makes the world safer. Hillary is the only candidate who will respect our alliances—and has actually done it.
She worked across the aisle to expand health care access for members of the National Guard and reservists—making sure those who served and their families had access to health care when they returned home.
We should put American families over the gun lobby—and Hillary is not afraid to stand up to the NRA.
There are cities across the country that are already leading on climate change—so she’ll launch a Clean Energy Challenge that will form new partnerships with states, cities, and rural communities.
She’ll “ban the box” so people who have a past conviction can get a fair shot at employment.
When Hillary was secretary of state, the U.S. extended antiretroviral therapy—which helps HIV/AIDS patients live longer, healthier lives—to 78 countries.
It should be easier for businesses to train and hire apprentices.
The nation’s leading advocates for gun violence prevention have said Hillary’s plan is the right strategy.
In what ways will Trump affect the gaming industry in general? Are we about to enter a new golden age of gaming, free from SJW meddling?
>Because the wealthiest should pay their fair share in taxes.
Oh look, the sweet little thing does understand tax rates are competitive like all global markets and if America isn't competing with the rest of the world by offering tax incentives for the insanely rich, no rich person will EVER pay tax in america, not just the villain of the week Trump
>She’s been fighting for women and children her entire career
She knows the only way to curry political favours with some country's is child offerings.
Fact is Open Arms Open Borders not only illegally removes kids from countrys they don't properly document their activity so who actually knows where all the kids end up.
If you honestly think someone who was involved with politics as long as her is clean you are more delusional than i give you credit.
Because women’s rights are human rights.
Because even when people didn’t want her to go to China and stand up for human rights at the 1995 U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing, she did it anyway.
Because a woman’s place is in the White House.
Because all families should be have access to high-quality, affordable child care.
Hillary will make sure people living with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as every American.
Because an AIDS-free generation is within reach.
Hillary is the only candidate with a plan to expand opportunity in low-income communities and make housing more affordable.
Because mental health should never be stigmatized and we should remove barriers to accessing care.
Because she’s spent 30 years in public service—creating change for all Americans.
We can create a National Service Reserve so that Americans can enlist to help communities in need.
Because we need to put an end to campus sexual assault.
Because people like these folks are on Team Hillary:
Because rural communities are the backbone of this country—and Hillary has a plan to make sure they reap the rewards of our economic successes.
Because she will make environmental justice a central priority.
Because every kid in every ZIP code deserves quality schools.
Because she’s not afraid to stand up to bullies.
Hillary will make it easier to start and grow a small business—and easier for small businesses to thrive.
Because she will protect Roe v. Wade and women’s health.
Hillary will invest in STEM and computer science education—because we need to prepare our kids for 21st-century jobs.
Because we need to do more to support the millions of Americans living with autism and their families.
Because no child should have to grow up in poverty.
Donald Trump. Enough said.
>trump won because you act all high and mighty and paint everyone as racist sexist bigots with no real arguments besides strawmen you can hate if they so much as say "hillary might not be the best"
>proceeds to do just that to disprove it
Trump was a terrible candidate and Hillary still managed to lose, she ran a terrible campaign and if the Democrats can't come to terms with that fact they'll lose again in 2020.
>politics are forced in games for "progression"
This is you
>banning the sale of M-rated games to minors is the same as banning M-rated games themselves
Nice try. Besides, how can no gamer support Hillary when she's a gamer herself?
He wants to gut net neutrality which will hurt any kind of online gaming, and impose tariffs because AMERICA FIRST, so you can kiss Japanese games good-bye.
Well, we'd never get an assassination mission to take place at the White House, that'd get shut down in a second, just like how people got fucking booty blasted when Independence Day came out.
That said, I feel like it'd be pretty dope and reasonably funny to have a mission where you try to off a politician, you fail, and the response is trying to get violent media and guns banned. Because you're a career criminal, it totally backfires and makes you a millionaire on the wave of people wanting firearms and violent shit, and eventually you've gone so deep into the black market that you realize the ban literally doesn't matter because you're supplying millions of people with that shit.
Also, nice bait thread.
>voted for trump for fun
>doesn't even matter because electoral cockage means my vote went to hillary anyways
I don't know why people outside of swing states even bother voting, dems won't let the system change to not be all or nothing because despite all the crying about it post trump win they know that without 100% of jew york and commiefornia they'd lose a massive chunk of their power
I wish i was so delusional i could copy past bullshit and feel progressive. Sucks being sane.
>He wants to gut net neutrality which will hurt any kind of online gaming
Bullshit. Net neutrality is a reddit meme and it serves no purpose other than disallowing us to pick and choose better internet services.
>kiss Japanese games good-bye.
They'll respond by lowering prices to even things out. US is a huge market for them and they're not going to lose it. Not an issue, not an argument.
>Well, we'd never get an assassination mission to take place at the White House
stopped reading there
Not immediately, if e3 was anything to go by we'll get swamped in overtly political crap until it turns off the average consumer and companies start losing money. I give it about 2 years, just play jap stuff until then.
This is the most backward post I've read in ages. EC helps Republicans, not Dems. There's a reason Republicans haven't had a non-incumbent candidate win the presidency with a majority since Bush Sr.
>not an argument.
>Poor white American here
Fucking this.
Politics, for whatever reason, have reached this desperate fucking head in the US, and it's shitting all over into video games. Everything has to have a fucking message to it nowadays, and it's garbage.
the EC existing helps smaller states overcome their low population to gain a stronger voting presence, ergo republicans
what I was referring to was how states' electoral votes go all or nothing to the winning candidate, meaning if shillary got 51% of votes in new york, she'd get 100% of the electoral votes, THIS is what helps the dems because of the massive amount of votes from california, new york, and a couple others that snuff out any opposing votes that exist in such a high population area
republicans only have texas that comes close to that kind of easy one stop boost
>writing names next to persons, just in case
is this the new age of political cartoon kino
That's still retarded since it's never helped Dems win an election. The EC helped Trump and Bush win while not getting the popular vote. If you want to abolish the EC, the president would have been straight Democrat since 1992 until the present. Any time Congress even mentions getting rid of the EC, it's the Republicans who immediately strike it down, not the Democrats.
>Literally an unironically using pepe the frog, kek, the_donald, annonymous and Sup Forums in your works
this is embarrasing, really
Political comics have been labeling the hell out of everything for the last 200 years. It's nothing new.
>labeling the hell out of everything
No, I mean he literally writes the names of political and popular persons he draws even though they look distinctive and his target audience should probably know them anyway.
They aren't paying you anymore, you should probably stop