Anyone else been through this hell?
Anyone else been through this hell?
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Yeah, playing weeb trash is pretty awful
>Weeb Trash
>tfw got the 0.0 on my 3rd try
felt good man
>mfw 0.0 seconds
>mfw 200 lightning bolts
>mfw all the blue butterflies
Just done it, can't believe I was able to do it when I was 10
>blue butterflies
I always used to find it harder than the chocobo race but it's probably less rng
It was actually pretty easy. I've got the platinum.
you're like a little baby
>9 9 7
>nine hundred and ninety seven
To this day, I've never gone back to that cunting minigane
>playing PC version
>taking a camera picture of your screen
It's a bit annoying.
Luckily nowadays you can just emulate it and use savestating to scum anything you don't want to do.
That was one of the few bullshit things I did in that game and I remember actually doing it pretty easily somehow.
Surprisingly not that hard, had a longer time with the lightning dodge until I looked up a spot where the lightning always strikes online and then it also turned into a breeze.
a while ago now.
145 lightning then failure
lightnings was much harder than this
This one was fine.
But I'll never even bother trying the lightning bolts again.
I just watched some Jap do it on youtube and copied him. Didn't take very long, all things considered.
Did it way back in the day.
Now playing the HD version and I realize the game is quite shit.
Just finished getting all the difficult sigils
Took just over 3 hours
FFX is the first FF that was weeb trash. Thanks for clearing up that you never played on NES/SNES/PS1
Multiple times.
I did that and the lightning jump on PS2, took me a day each
I just ran a script I got off the Steam Community page and nailed that one on my first try
>get 0:00:00
>don't get sigil
>what the fuck?
>look up online
>you have to break 0:00:00
>turns out I ran exactly 0:00:00
It's not that hard faggot
Why is ffxv such a bad ff
I did it using an emulator and savestates
>here do this task that's better suited for a computer than a human
You did it the smart way.
>get the chocobo and lightning sigil after hard work
>blue butterfly rng hell for kimahri
>good blitzball players got recruited
>rng hell for blitzball tourney prizes
>wakka's sigil is no cakewalk either
>fail, fail, fail
why are we here? just to suffer?
>tfw wakka's was easiest for me and i unironically liked blitzball
Keepa at level 99 is the best scorer in the game
Still makes me mad that the japs gave themselves a cheat to get through that and then took it away from everyone else. The casuals.
That's about the only one I really didn't need a guide for. It was just working your reflexes to the controls fighting against you. Still glad to have all of them out of the way, though.
Why the fuck would you ever do this?
I got 0:0.0 once and didn't get the Sun Sigil
the only christian thing about anime and weeabo culture is shota porn
You have to break it. Probably hit it exactly.
I've seen some shit.
0.1 with a bird hitting me at the finish line itself. It spawned on top of me.
The counter is actually 0:00.00 but the last digit isn't shown.
I had Wakka's before I had the crest. Loved the shit out of the first Blitzball. If it's too hard, you can reset all of the Blitzball player stats and just go mass recruiting when you have the airship already.
Nimrook if the Al Idiots drop him for an early game goalie.
Botched development.