So is this supposed to be a good game now that RE7 came out?

So is this supposed to be a good game now that RE7 came out?

>implying that RE7 wasn't way better than RE6
Wew. The only thing good that came out of this game was Sherry getting BALLISTICS

RE7 was fucking great. felt short, thats the only complaint I had.

underrated game

Nah, though I've seen a greater defense force for it in recent times. I finally got around to playing it late last year and...well, at least it's better than RE5, for whatever that's worth. But no, RE7 is definitely a better game.

I wasn't implying that, I thought that RE autists now glorify 6 because 7 wasn't just more of the same.

Is 6 even good?

I've always enjoyed 6But I also recognize it's got a shit load of problems

RIP Piers

Did coop with a friend and it was shiet, finished it and played online for like 10 matches and completely dropped it.

good butts

RE6 did to RE4 what RE4 did to classic RE

It's a really bad game that unfortunately buries some really good ideas under several feet of bullshit. Things like the combat flow and interconnecting narratives do have something going for them but RE6 chases the cinematic action trend pretty hard, it functionally can't decide whether it wants to be action or horror properly, and it can't even be arsed to teach the player how you're supposed to play it (protip: it's completely unlike EVERY other RE game). If you could distill RE6 to its good parts and ideas it'd be an easy 8/10 game but there's SO much 3-4/10 bullshit dragging it down that it never shines like it should have.

These are different. No need to compare them.
CRACPOM introduced a cute boy and immediately killed him off, what a shame

RE6 should have been a Dino Crisis game.

Fast movie dinosaurs and the mobility of the combat mechanics blend perfectly.

It's a shame we're never going to see those controls deployed in a game where it actually takes advantage of its mechanics.



>RE6 should have been a Dino Crisis game.

Yes. Yes, yes, fucking yes. Resident Evil was not the right series for this kind of gameplay.

>RIP Piers

he's still alive

6 is a fucking mess, it's a strange mishmash of ideas that can't decide if it wants to be a horror game or an action blockbuster. It's a game where you are fighting zombie mercenaries with guns and tanks in not-Serbia in one point, crawling through catacombs in another, escaping an avalanche in a snowmobile at third, and then storming an aircraft carrier and underwater base at fourth. It could be described as a scizoprenic experience.

I played this on PC, and for some reason the running from the giant skeleton thing was impossible to pass. After 500 tries with no luck, I resigned myself to using a trainer and teleporting to the end of the chase.

Is RE6 the X6 of the franchie?

post sheri pusi

No, absolutely not. It's been on a steady decline because of RE5. RE7 just spits on the series and mocks its traditional assets by saying "LOL LOOK ITS SIMILAR IT MUST ACTUALLY BE RE", when it looks more like one of the series failed spinoffs.

I wonder if that is related to a bug I got with that tank chase part in chinese villa. I mean, I got crushed so fast that the buttonmashing QTE prompt hardly even had time to appear on the screen, and starting mashing beforehand did nothing. Took literally dozens of retries, I have no idea what was up with that.

I always thought RE6 was heavily flawed but still underrated, I had like 90 hours in the game (played through the full campaign 3x with different friends and the rest in Mercs). But I also thought RE7 was good. They're different experiences.

Not 90+ good, but still fun enough for me to consider replaying but still getting angry at the cinematic/QTE bullshit and dumb pacing.

Out of the 3 new OCs, I really liked Piers.
Helena comes second because of that ass and dem tits, but that's about it.
I didn't pay attention to Jake during Sherry's campaign

Kind of. I don't think RE6 is as staunchly traditionalist as X6 - in that light it's more like X7 - but for all the bad word of mouth it gets it still can come across as a bit misunderstood and in that way, I can see it being the X6 of the series.


But it has the best co-op and mercenaries in the franchise.

RE6 is still the best Resident Evil experience I have ever personally had due to cooping it with
multiple friends multiple times.

>Helena comes second because of that ass and dem tits, but that's about it.

I despised Helena so fucking much. Worst excuse of a plot device across the 4 campaigns and that's saying something when Carla is a thing. Made half of Leon's campaign a whole bunch of "WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHURCH BUT DON'T ASK WHY", and I got frustrated with that shit long before Leon did. Also, Jake's not a bad dude in his own right, plot stupidity notwithstanding. I'd say it's Piers > Jake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steve from Code Veronica > Helena.

This is one of those "Sup Forums hates it but I loved it" games

Killing off Piers was a mistake. After 6 ends Chris is back to his old self which makes the whole thing pretty pointless unless they do something with him in the never ever 7 dlc.