Will Aunt May kill Peter in the upcoming Spiderman game?

Will Aunt May kill Peter in the upcoming Spiderman game?

why are american comics so trash

I wish someone would, canonically so we wouldn't have to endure this fucking capeshit in any form anymore.

>read 1 page from a random ass comic
>haha why are comics so shit
>reads shounenshit with self insert MCs
Kill yourself pathetic fucking casual

Fuck off nintenbabies

Go prep your bull, cuck

Why wouldn't his spider senses go berserk?

Here you go my man.

Your pooper could not be any more perturbed.

American """""""writers""""""""

Aunt May is Carnage so she doesn't trigger his Spider Sense.

Its the chameleon disguised as peter you fucking idiots

Which one was Chameleon?

It's not actually Spider-Man being poisoned.

>the state of shit stain secondaries

As some one who reads both I can tell you both are a sea of shit with random towers of gold rising out every now and then, there is pretty much 0 middle ground.

I would say you are more likely to find a superior piece of work reading manga though since the field is much more open to amatures and they are much less restricted then western comics.

It's some random alt-universe gimmick trash nobody likes. Back to your shonenshit.

no they arent

Wow, how edgy.

It's like I'm reading some middle school fanfic.

is this post suposed to be ironic

edgy shit is funny

10 years and I'm still pissed off at this garbage

here's the actual page

Here you go then



i get flashbacks of akabur's comic

That's the event that made me stop following continuity and event comics in high school. I switched to reading in trade and never looked back.

Peter Parker.

He cut out a page where Aunt May called him on his shit.

>Show dont tell

Telling me how awful of a man penguin is doesn't work, if i don't see it its pointless.

What happen after the whore got spooked by him? Did he threw her back at the whore house? Or taxidermy her to a sex doll?

Congratulations on completing your high school creative writing course.



It was called literature 12, but yeah as a high school graduate I am able to see why that awful piece of writing doesn't work.

The only person you insulted here was yourself.