She's literally not wrong.
She's literally not wrong
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Hardly any JRPG is.
...are you subscribed to Brianna Wu or something?
>implying the Wu-Man knows how to make a good game
that weird robot person is right.
Who cares what opinions that eldritch abomination might hold? She's completely irrelevant in every sense of the word.
reminder that brian shills his tweets here for attention
Is it still running for congress or did that dream die on the vine not unlike its testes
Revolution 60 is not a good game from a video game perspective - and her delusions is only fueled by mental illness.
She's also a total idiot who actually thinks she can win a seat in congress. It's a shame she's from my state.
>the creator of revolution 60 being an authority on what games are "mechanically good"
It's not a surprise he attacks the actual good games people get hyped for in jealous revenge over being humiliated by people dismantling this unholy travesty
>not wrong.
kingdom hearts is for fags
It's a man retard. That being said Kingdom Hearts is shit except for its aesthetics.
if that was the case brianna would like it
plenty of people new to the franchise are finally giving it a chance and like it due to the 1.5+2.5 releases
Also unrelated but it's right. Played the remastered for the first time and it sucked, it's nostalgia that's the appeal.
Half right, Kingdom Hearts isn't good from any perspective.
Implying that my hype for kh3 isn't based solely on nostalgia
He wants to become an astronaut in order to throw big Moon rocks at GamerGateā¢ HQ.
>he is not a mechanical working women.
Your not letting a scumbag developer get points for saying the obvious right?
Brianna Wu can fuck off regardless of what her opinion is
im going to masterbate
>Like something I don't like? Impossible!!
Wu is so fucking starved for attention, it's unreal
I actually agree, holy shit..
Reminder that Brianna Wu does not care about transgender people.
you mad, gamers?
When will the gameplay meme end? We are way past that point, this is not 1983 anymore
It's a bad game cause the only minority represented is a nip man with white hair who's tan
This is the kind of asshole who thinks The Last of Us is remotely good.
It is right, but so? Even retards can be correct sometimes.
why are these so many versions of these fucking games? where do i even start? what is 1.5 and 2.5? updates of 1 and 2?
I don't see how she can say this yet not realize what a steaming pile of garbage her game was
Idk I think that's wrong, I just replayed some of 2 and still really enjoyed the mechanics of it even though they are meant to be simpler.
But saying its fueled by nostalgia is fucking autistic since the re-releases are stupid popular with new fans.
>gamergate victims
Stopped reading there.
>Chloe Sagal
wew lad
>uses the term "gamer"
Are you actually autistic?
>hating on Based Chloe
What is the tranny on now? Kingdom Hearts took turn based combat and made it real time. It worked.
Get the fuck off this forum, Sup Forums.
Could Brian wu be XV-kun
I can see it. It actually makes perfect sense
Anyone that says that only reveals that they never played more then a few minutes worth of button mashing and shows just how ignorant they are about game design. But what can you expect from the person that made
1.5+2.5 is one purchase that contains every entry in the series besides like a mobile game
I'll form my own opinion and not take the thoughts of the mentally ill into account thanks.
Yeah, because its game is so renown for great gameplay... oh wait...
>Trying to say another game is bad mechanically when your game is literally fucking Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
I don't even like Kingdom Hearts, but whats wrong with people liking and wanting a conclusion for it?
also yes, KH is a shit game
emptyhero literally beat the entire game and even complained about how you can't finish the game without changing the control scheme during the final quick time event
>listening to the opinion of a woman
Mechanics are great, that's why the games have stood the test of (some) time. Its not nostalgia at work if you go back to play the games and still really enjoy it.
1.5 and 2.5 are the original games with extra content (secreat bosses etc) play them from top to bottom and pick up 2.8 as well so you can understand the autistic story of KH and to be prepared for KH3
Except KH is literally button mashing given that it's practically an abomination between turn-based and real time gameplay
>listening to the opinion of a woman
But we're not.
In Revolution 60? Are you serious? God that is sad.
Why is this waste of space even claiming to hate the game? We all know it's for attention, but what's the pretext?
no-one who writes a fucking wall of text without any fucking paragraphs can be based
i want you to hook up with the op of this waste of a thread and clean the gene pool from the burden of your shit before you manage to find females desperate enough to breed with you
Well, it's no Revolution 60 but what is?
She's wrong and you're wrong
It's still mechanically better then her "game"
Wu? Is that you? Are you reposting your shit on Sup Forums?
the last quick time event to beat the game is to quickly draw a circle with your mouse, and using only the keyboard is the default control scheme, missing the qte forces you to listen to a speech over and over
"She" is not a woman from a mechanical perspective, and "her" desire is only fueled by a mental illness
And it's fine if you want to button mash, you can do it. But the game does have moments where it punishes you for it. If you are mashing, you aren't understanding the true depth of the combat. Did you know that enemies will always break out of your combo at certain times? Meaning you will want to use combo down to have your finishers come out sooner? How about how magic effects certain enemies? Like in 2, where the Undead Heartless boss fight can be frozen by Blizzard, giving you lots of time to gather up all the coins to make it vulnerable. This is a fight that people have always complained about, but if anyone took the time to actually try things instead of mashing away, they would find it wasn't nearly as hard or annoying as they thought it was.
>not using paragraphs
>not editing your rant down to make it more likely people will take the time to read it
>Reading isn't based!
t. Illiterate
Honestly we should encourage all trannies to get surgery as this feels like a far worse punishment than anything the worst bigot can think up.
>the game does have moments where it punishes you for it
Except it doesn't, the entire gameplay is designed so a fucking 3-year old kid can beat it
Show me "tranny 1.jpg" please
He's right to be honest
Doesn't include 2.8 stuff.
And why the fuck is he posting this? Didn't he make a travesty of a game?
This. Tranny surgery almost certainly kills them.
ALL trannies should be subjected to genital mutilation and dilation. It will get rid of them for good.
Hold up ill correct myself
subjecting yourself to something so poorly written that it doesn't have any paragraphs hardly qualifies as the kind of reading that makes you grow as a person you piece of oxygen-stealing monstrosity that might resemble a human being to a degree
It's nowhere near turn based.
Are there any trannies that don't have social media? No, right?
Yes, paul.
Backseat game designers are a recent trend and always appear to be people who frequent reddit or neogaf with narcisism complexes and sticks up their ass.
>game marketed towards children is geared for children to play
really makes u think.
>He played on Beginner
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Learn to read user, jesus christ
>enter a Brianna Wu thread
>"It Ain't She" starts playing