>Heehee HAHA hahaha HEEHEE haha HEEEEEE!!!
What did she mean by this?
Heehee HAHA hahaha HEEHEE haha HEEEEEE!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Garuda is cute
I found a girlfriend to enjoy sb with Sup Forums!
she doesnt have cute feet.
Nobody cares
>the dev team isn't as good as the players
>we don't play the jobs we're in charge of balancing at the difficulty we deem most important for balance purposes
>Fuck what the players want, we know better every time
How does this happen? And why can the balance jobs they don't even play? It's very clear that no one on those teams plays SMN, SCH, MNK, and MCH at Savage-capable levels. Fuck.
>MCH is getting turbo buffed
>I'm going to pin you down with my talons and drain every mote of Light through your cock!
How did they get away with it?
What did she mean by this?
Why are bosses always the best semen demons?
Didn't watch, anything happen with RDM?
that ones a dude tho
no, it and samurai are being left alone for a while to see how they do
So should I make a NIN or SAM once I feel like making an alt? Heard they're the most fun of the melee dps, also don't really care about balance
You can have multiple classes on one character. There is no new for alts
Alt in the context of jobs
I mean they're right, NIN is way too fucking good right now, but their reasoning is fucking awful.
Halicarnassus is a chick. Stop skipping cutscenes.
not him but
NIN if you want to be useful and bring raid dps up
SAM if you want to do big damage/or you're bad but still want to do some damage
I only got both of them at 60, but I hear both are fun. The damage is good for both, even though Sam is superior. Go with the one you like the best, animations, weapons etc
Not according to FFV
>Yoshi says no raise for BLM because it isn't lore friendly
You could totally give BLM a raise. Make their Raise give people a "reanimated" status similar to Living Dead that requires an actual healer to top off their HP in X amount of seconds or else they die again, it's lore friendly sincs Thaumaturgy was originally developed as a set of funeral rites anyway.
I mostly want to use a lot of different abilities regularly, flashy animations and spells feeling they have impact are a bonus. Speaking of impact, Verflare/Aero need some new animations, they don't really feel powerful at all to use even though the damage is the same as their counterparts
She's having a giggle
They're pretty, but I agree. Flare looks so much more fierce, and holy for that sound thing going for it
That if we go back to the 3.x era of strict DPS checks and getting to skip mechanics at certain thresholds of damage output, WHM will once again be less desirable once most groups have things on farm.
WHM are godly when you're figuring shit out since they have more options for recovery and can heal through mistakes. But that's about all they can do. Once people don't fuck up a lot (and ilvls pad HP/defense scores), WHM is less valuable than a SCH or AST that can boost the whole party's DPS while still being able to heal through all the healer checks, if any of them are even present in the fight.
WHM is king of dungeons, but that crown isn't worth much to top-tier raiders. Their newfound MP efficiency crown might be worth something but we won't know until Savage hits and, later on, people have it on farm. Even if the majority of people who play the game won't even touch EX primals, much less Savage raids, the community at large will still adopt the mentality of the elites.
>Stop skipping cutscenes.
>don't skip cutscene
>boss is already at half hp by the time they're over
>red magic
>it's pink
>black magic
>it's purple
>white magic
>it's green
Not every caster needs a raise. But YoshiP skipped the whole question of "why does SMN have Physik if it's a dead skill since it doesn't scale off of INT like RDM's heal does?"
I think they should give SMN a trait to convert Physik into Sustain. That way the healing nature of the spell is intact, SMN get the pet heal some people want when they solo content, and SCH gets to keep the original. But I only play both jobs, I don't know shit ocmpared to the devs who don't know how to play what they're balancing.
Go with nin if you are unsure. You'll be more useful, there are so many sams now, and therefor more shitters, especially since it's a weeb class.
Nins combos don't feel very impactful, as they flip around a lot, but you get to jump on shoulders and cut throats
Well at this point every caster but BLM has one anyway. They're falling into the HW MNK trap with BLM again in SB; their personal DPS isn't nearly strong enough to be this lacking in utility compared to the other casters.
That don't work well with infinite mana. It's rather get a boost in dmg or some unique utility.
Blm was one of the few classes that actually got fun, useful abilities. That's gotta count for something
If BLM could be the SAM of magic DPS, I would have no objections about their lack of utility. As it is they just do decent damage if they're allowed to stand still... but since they aren't, you may as well bring a SMN for the res and comparable damage or a RDM because they're just better at everything.
We'll have to wait for the 4.05 patch notes to really judge, but BLM will probably be incrementally buffed from here on. SE is very conservative about changing things but once they start something, they see it through (for better or worse FUCKING AST).
I mean that's the reason why I tried to give it a caveat of some sort, maybe make a BLM raise automatically skip to Brink of Death status or something I dunno.
Well I don't think BLM is nearly in as sorry of a state as 3.0'AST was but they definitely need a boost in either big dick damage or some utility. I'd rather they just unnerf F4's potency and call it a day but who knows.
>Implying this ever happens outside of Praetorium, especially if you say beforehand that you're new
And even if it did happen
>Ever putting up with other people trying to lessen your game experience
>Ever skipping anything the first time
>Even if, as in the case of Praetorium, you have to make a PF to do it properly
you cared enough to reply
Halicarnassus was a chick in FFV too and even kissed Bartz
Then the long, thick truth came to light.
It's happened to me dozens of times in dungeons although I play on japanese servers.
Funnily enough I play WHM so they usually get wiped when the boss room closes, so dumb.
If you want a simple, sensible change to go through you have to bitch and moan on the forums every day for it to be considered. SCH players have been complaining since Day 1 about the changes made and they're getting some of what they asked for. WHM players have been bitching since before SB hit and they got some changes, and even though they're stuck with their gay flowers SE is going to change their shitty lvl 70 skill. BLM players were pretty mum and have only just started the "SE pls make us less suck" process. 4.1 will probably have even bigger changes that were not ready or too radical for the early 4.05 patch. As with everything, we'll have to wait and see.
Happened to me occasionally on NA servers, but for the most part people would do an "oh shit" moment and run back out of the room before it closed off. I think people tend to zone out and just charge ahead without thinking once they run content enough.
How the fuck would you ever know?
There ought to be a warning that the Castrums are such poorly laid out clusterfucks for storyfags in the Duty Finder. Luckily my FC happened to warn me ahead of time and we actually did it together in a party.
>BLM needs a boost
What if they made every single BLM spell into an AoE spell and made the spells that are already AoE bigger?
This happens all the fucking time, dude.
If you say you're new, people will give you shit or tell you to fuck off and watch it on youtube.
I cared about you knowing we don't care, I don't care about your shitty blogpost
what if they gave Triplecast a trait that reduces it's CD by 3 seconds for every 1 second spent moving
Make BLM's LB do the most damage in the game by like twice as much as second place.
Triplecast CD is already being reduced to 60 sec.
just give BLM a super state like bahamut
like, replace fire 4 with comet
call the trait doomsday
make it just shit damage on the entire arena
BLM doesn't drop enough shit from space onto enemies as it is
>but since they aren't, you may as well bring a SMN for the res and comparable damage
good joke smn does no dps
how about they just make BLM actually do damage
DRK here.
Is it not worth it to use Bloodspiller? I heard it's a DPS loss.
How, my doggo?
No, they buffed it so it's not anymore. Quietus is right now though, and so is dark passenger and unleash.
Why would anyone be pressing Unleash for damage anyway
Aw man, I love this move, though. Even if I barely used it.
Using it with Blood Weapon on gives you a shitload of MP though, if you hit a lot of targets with it. Problem is there's rarely ever a time when you'll be able to use Quietus with Grit off.
Will DRG buffs be enough?
Honestly whoever complains about DRG being clunky can go fuck himself, the real problem is the absolutely 0 shit damage
I was so happy they said they will add an additional affect to it
Maybe a dot on all enemies or blind?
Well yeah, but even in low level content before you get AD in aoe situations it's a dps loss without like 6+ enemies or something because they nerfed the potency so bad.
They might as well just make a trait that turns unleash into abyssal drain since once you get that it's more or less totally useless.
Don't worry, in 4.05 they're buffing it. Don't know how exactly though.
I always just thought it'd just be increased emnity, but now I'm curious if they had other things in mind. Maybe a silence? It's called Quietus, after all.
>Black Mage
>Have to stand perfectly still to do damage
>Long cast times mean you get cucked by interrupts
>Flare nerf means you suck at AoE
>Have an ability that legitimately punishes you for moving
>Have absolutely zero utility outside of fucking role abilities
>Bad positioning means you do no damage or die
>Endgame fights are a total nightmare
>"Simple" rotation
>Mediocre damage
>Red Mage
>Extremely low cast times
>Who the fuck came up with dualcast
>Great AoE but also great single-target
>Has a heal and a raise
>Can raise half the raid in a couple seconds
>Easy to position and reposition
>"Complicated" rotation
>Insane DPS output
To be fair DRG is kinda clunky, needing to use Mirage dive every after Spine Shatter and Jump is redundant but granted they are lowering the animation lock on it in 4.05 so it'll probably be double weavable.
except in the Omegas you can't start the fight until everyone's out of the custscenes
BLM was a fucking mess and I don't know how anyone enjoyed mashing one of three spells six times in a row. Personally I'd like RDM to be a little more complex during casting phases but not if it means just mashing steroids/buffs
>They are puting str on fending accessories
>You can even meld more str if you want
Looking up the definition
It really should cause a dot or drain health since it literally means death
I'm baffled by how incredibly inept this team is at understanding how their own game works.
I wish they'd delete all the solo instance shit already. Not only is it shit trying to deal with DPS queues, but being 15 minutes into a queue and then seeing that piece of shit glowing light for a solo instance is fucking abysmal.
The worst thing is they've even incorporated unwinnable battles in the fucking solo instances now. Here I thought clearly I'm supposed to lose so I just AFK, and I come back to see the duty failed.
Well perfect, it's one of those fucking fights where these fucking Japs thinks it's awesome storytelling if you lose the fight, but only after enduring 3 minutes of bullshit.
As somebody who's only ever been a tank main yet always outcasted DRK, what has DRK become in SB?
I have yet to level it and don't quite get its "thing," yet. Does it hit as hard as WAR/PLD? Does it have PLD's utility? What's the purpose of bringing a DRK where any of the other 2 would suffice?
I speak birb so allow me to translate.
"I am anons' waifu no one else is allowed to have me."
It seems more that making RDM was easier than than fixing BLM as opposed to trying to balance the two
>Getting outDPSed by the fucking healers as BLM because you can't find a moment to hunker down and put out your damage without dying
>tanks creeping close to dps numbers
I really hope they buff shit classes instead of nerfing the top ones, but who knows, in ready for 3.0 PLD and RDM to become the new cuckshed dps
>cuckshed dps
Keep dreaming, BLM
DRK was a compromise between WAR's damage and PLD's mitigation/utility. They could absolutely shit damage, had some crazy self-healing, and were difficult for shitters to play since doing more DPS meant your MP was constantly drained on top of all your fun buttons (Dark Arts) using MP instead of TP. You brought DRK because PLD kind of sucked in a DPS-reliant meta and you brought a WAR because of course you fucking did. Once Savage Omega hits we'll find out where DRK is now, but many people aren't optimistic.
Now they're less punishing for stupid people but they lost damage and fun factor for the people who really liked them. DRK is getting damage buffs in a few days but it's a lot simpler to play now. I think it's the tank class that suffered most from the streamlining, much like MNK, SMN, MCH, and SCH were casualties for their respective roles.
What did he mean by this?
>Spamming Gravity as AST on a trash mob
>doing more damage than the BLM shitting out Fire IIs and Flares in his magic circle
>we're both synced down to maximum ilvl
>he isn't even having to move often
It was amusing until I realised that I had to drag that fucker along for the entire run. It was a long, long instance.
>Dealing the least DPS in the group as BLM because I have to move constantly or become dead
It's becoming a trend and I can't seem to save myself. I love the class' theme, but... I'd like to be useful on more than just the fights where I get to stand still, you know?
movement only updates serverside every 0.3 seconds, learn to shutter step properly
>have to press 50000 buttons and make sure i dont get raped by animation locks
>still only be third in dps behind sam and nin
please stop se, loldrg was almost not a thing anymore and now youre trying to bring it back
Are you done sperging out yet
stop replying to me ty
>all of these xiv threads give me a small itch to resub
>remember that I have to slog through hundreds of hours of quests before I'm allowed to have fun
>or I can look like a jackass and pay to skip that content instead
fucking MMOs are the hometown buffet of videogames
I want to throttle the idiot who came up with Nastrond.
More cosplay pls
War used to be my friend but Drk is a lot of fun
How y'all enjoying the DDoS tonight?
Not getting ddos on my server.
Hes right
He's right.
Losing your shit over the easiest primal fight to date is too funny
Plus he doesn't even hit hard
>tfw i pull highest dps in every raid im in while tanking and requiring the least hps of anyone in the raid
>tfw still wipe to every fight because everyone else is incompetent
Thats definitely bullshit considering how little tank damage rose in this expansion compared to dps damage.