Is it too late to get into the MGS franchise if you have no prior experience?

Is it too late to get into the MGS franchise if you have no prior experience?

Ive always thought the franchise looked cool but have never had an opportunity to play until now, that I have a PS4.

How lost will I be? Ive heard the story is rather intricate. Is it fun?

You can't never be late for anything.

I am planning to GZ + Phantom Pain on PC and probably then emulate the other games.

I don't have much prior exposure to the games story and heard that cutscenes last for hours but luckily I have 100 capsules of Focalin so I won't miss anything of the franchise plot.

V fucks up the series timeline beyond comprehension. If I knew how the canon would be left in tatters after V I never would've started it.

Don't bother.

I played through 4 first and then I played V, they really are good games no matter what the assmad Sup Forums fags tell you. I'll probably play Snake Eater next

I started with V and still had fun. There's loads of tapes and codecs to read if you get lost or confused.

I'd recommend playing the previous games first. For these kind of long running series, if you enter with the new ones, the polish will make playing the old ones much harder.

As someone who played MGS 1-3 two years ago, they all hold up pretty well, except for maybe some parts of 1.

Nah, I started with MGS3 just recen-
>2014 was 3 years ago

NO, not only is MGSV the best game of the entire series, it's also a good game to start with

Are there going to be more MGS games after 5?

Play in chronological order if you can, it helps to understand the story. Metal gear 1/2 aren't that necessary to play since they can be a little archaic. Their story is explained in mgs1 I think. Always good to see new people playing on MGS.
1 and 2 can be played on PC with hardly any issues. I played twinsnakes as my replacement to mgs 1 since its a remake of it. 3 can be emulated but its better to play it on console since you kinda miss out on the effects with emulation. 4 cannot be emulated (yet). PW is way better on consoles than PSP.

Survive, maybe

PW is best on PPSSPP

Na, controls like shit and runs at a lower performance than consoles.




Yeah, it is 1080p/60fps on consoles. On pc is runs about 20-30 fps IIRC. Increasing FPS on ppsspp breaks the game, similar to ace combat x.

Dude fuck off. V is the beas

Play V.
If you get really hooked play the PS1 Solid Snake and PS2 Metal Gear 3, ignore the rest.
Regards, I played my first metal gear on MSX2


full plen. ppsspp has better aa and supersampling for a game that was designed for 30fps in the first place

60 fps is smoother and adds to the experience though


But so does better textures and fewer jaggies

OKAY! OP, listen carefully.
>start with Metal Gear Solid and work your way up to MGS4
>play Peace Walker between MGS4 and MGS5
Be ready for LONG cutscenes. Like, more story than gameplay, but also tricky gameplay that takes a bit of thinking to get through. View the story of each game like a stand-alone with only the broadest concepts carried over to the next, given how the context of the stories get fucked up with each new installment.
>what about Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
All you need to know: Solid Snake was a rookie green beret who befriended and learned from Grey Fox and was recruited into Foxhound and sent on a mission to destroy the terrorist organization/quasi-nation of Outer Heaven by Big Boss, only for it to be revealed Big Boss was the real leader of Outer Heaven. Then, remember that Colonel Roy Campbell and Master McDonnel Miller helped Snake take down Big Boss, Grey Fox, and multiple turn-coats from the first game when Big Boss tried restarting Outer Heaven in the nation of Zanzibar.
>context fuckery
Seriously, the context of each game gets fucked by each installment. Don't think of the games in terms of continuity beyond the broad essentials.

>4 better than anything


please ignore this melodramatic nerd.