ITT: good licensed vidya

ITT: good licensed vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

>That fucking lightning round time limit
>Finding all the vampire bats
>Stopping that fucking Clown
>Navagating the hanging tree maze
>Christmas town train
>Oogie sending you to HELL
>Fighting Titan Oogie, and using all your suits at once
>Those musical numbers

Shit was cash


Let me get this out of the way

>Goldeneye 007 frames per second

Gameplay was alright, but the presentation was great.

this game was the shit

Remember when EA used to make fun sports games?


Who'da thought.

That game aged like a glass of milk that's been left out in the desert for a year




I own this, for reasons I don't quite understand myself.
Is it actually good?

My niggas.

I've never played it all the way through, but I've fiddled around with it and it plays really nicely. It's also generally considered a hidden gem sort of thing.

I blame the controller layout
>27 controller options and none of them work like Halo
>best controller layout has you grabbin two controllers with each of your hands

These. I wish Hasbro or Sony would make a ps2 classics rerelase of that Armada game

Why would a game that came out before Halo work like Halo?

Say what you want about CoD, but that default control scheme is arguably the best controller FPS control scheme there is, and that's why most FPS games use the same style of setup.