Currently doing an "Ignore all quests/exploration only" run of Fo4 vanilla. Come on in and sit a spell.
Currently doing an "Ignore all quests/exploration only" run of Fo4 vanilla. Come on in and sit a spell
Too bad the world isn't interesting enough to explore.
Resurrection coupled with some difficulty mods makes it pretty fun to just run around in. Doesn't fix the shitty quests, but it's immersive
So far I've found two full sets of power armor. T45 to the north of sanctuary and one due south.
I can't stand Fallout 4's art style. Everything looks like it's made from plasticine, including character models.
Go east, crazier funner stuff's towards the coast
Also, I'm not going to level up. I'm doing this shit level 1. Interestingly, I've already killed three legendary Deathclaws.
is fo4 modded enough to be good yet?
I looked at the expansions and they all look like trash compared to new vegas' and 3's
Welcome to literally EVERY game from the ps4 generation
Currently running a high Charisma/scav build that's focused around maxing out every settlement that the radiant AI comes up with. I want to beat the computer,
>Fo4 vanilla
I don't want to play Sim City:The Season Pass.
I think guy that did all their art died and that's why fallout 4 looks so different from 3 and new vegas
raider armor is probably top 2 best looking in the game. especially with the chest rebar
>New Vegas on Switch
>fallout 4
enjoy your literal shit game that deserves to be burned out of existence forever instead of the much superior New Vegas.
>nvfags have their own thread
>still feel the need to shitpost in 4 threads
dont you have screenshots of NV to take for the sole purpose of spamming threads without never actually playing any of NV?
you literally replied to yourself.
4 doesn't belong on this board. it's objectively bad reddit trash.
>instead of the much superior New Vegas.
I actually switched over to F4 from NV earlier today after the game kept fucking up once I got the Caesar free karma shit on the strip. The game seemed too retarded to understand that I had no negative karma even though I had killed hundreds of Legion assassins while fast travelling before the forgiveness shit. I want to max out all the perks that are required for all the Minutemen settlements being fully secured.
What are some good mods?
It seems like the mod community is literally dead, a first for a Skyrim/Skyrim With Guns game.
I tried a damage multiplier mod but it was shit because super mutants became too OP to a point where fighting them inside was impossible.
Bumping. You guys should stop being huge faggots and let's have ourselves a Fallout thread on Sup Forums that isn't just a /vg/ overflow.