when does this get good?
When does this get good?
After character creation
it doesn't
i dunno senpai, i'm at undead purgatory and its not lookin good
when you learn to like the stiff, flat and unsatisfying combat
not a big loss if you never do
When you beat it and start the DLC
Lol! Dark Souls 2 sucks donkey dick dude, haven't you heard? Man it is soooooooo bad, haha even like, playing with shit would be more fun!
Right Sup Forumsros? Who's with me?
When you become a man. Sure it lacks the lore of 1 and 3. But the gameplay is the best. Prove me wrong.
After you finish it 100% the 2nd time
notice how the people this post is whining about do not actually exist
Dark Souls II is the worst NG in the series.
Dark Souls II is the best NG+ in the series.
They actually do
How new r u?
for me once i got about 5 estus flasks this game definitely had the steepest curve of all soulsborne games at the start
Oh boy another Dark Souls 2 thread, everyone come take a shit on it and leave.
sure they do, in your mind so you can avoid facing much of the criticism presented at game you like
trying to make fun of people who say things you don't like hearing never really worked though. everyone knows people only do it when they can't respond to the points made instead.
the graphics feel just as unfinished as the gameplay
I really wish they hadn't fucked up the whole development process as bad as they did, it's not that far from being pretty good.
When your character goes under 50% equip load
The thing is, the legitimate points have been made ad nauseam, and more often than not recently, any "criticism" of the game is just mindlessly shitting on it in a circle jerk of hate.
Yes, Dark Souls 2 has flaws, some pretty major ones at that. Is it the worst Souls game? Well that's a matter of opinion, but even if it is, it still wouldn't be the irredeemable trash most are making it out to be.
>awful environments
>awful animations
>a Soul memory
>no eye orbs
>breakable chests
>despawning enemies
>games insistent on mobs and mob ambushes
>you can only run about 5 steps before your stamina is depleted
third post best post
REMINDER that Victoria fags, Ashley fags and Dark Souls 2 fags should all be killed
I really enjoyed it starting at lost bastille.
I wish DaS 2 was better, it had so many neat little mechanics that would have been great in DaS 3
It actually bothered to take a risk unlike ds3
When did you realized DS 2 is irredeemable trash? for me it was when fast travel was unlocked that early
I played the fuck out of Ds2 and have every achievement but I honestly can't think of a single enjoyable area of the game
Go back to morrowwind
here's your dlc bro :)
That's the attitude that picks up when the fanboys go around telling people that Dark Souls II is supposed to be just as good when it really isn't.
Especially most early parts of the game being a pretty big drag that's not necessarily even worth it in the end because even when the world design has its moments, the quality never gets steadily much better.
when u git gud
When I left the tutorial area and there was no boss.
when you do
Not them but I kinda liked how huntsman's copse connected various areas and felt more open and dynamic than most of the game.
DeS: Patches
DS1: Patches
DS2: Pate/Creigton (no Patches)
DS3: Patches
BB: Patches
Find the odd one out.
As soon as I had a weapon and pressed R1
When I realized your character is unable to turn around in place freely
dark souls 1 and 3 still have the pivoting bullshit that happens sometimes but at least you can just point the direction you want to go towards and it actually goes that way.
>tfw you realize you have jack shit chance hitting certain enemies because of your weapon of choice
longsword was just about the only weapon that felt like it had good moveset
it's actually the best in the series, all the four basic moves feel very utilizable
Well.. He's not wrong.
I liked it, just pretend it's from a different series
DS2 is a quality title
You can bitch about anything but this kind of shit happens in all soulsborne games.
What is it with you people on and harping on every little thing, would you rather every ds1 npc be in the game? Did Ds3 not wallow in the original enough for your taste?
>"I can't believe you care what others think"
>mfw DS2 fags WILL defend this
Yes because Ds2 establishes that history repeats itself and it's still better than Ds3 literally copy pasting parts of the original
I still don't understand why DS2 fanbabies think that saying a different game is bad somehow means that DS2 was good.
It was their first Souls game, they don't know any better.
Will we ever have a decent Souls thread without fanboys of this faggot ruining it?
>when you skip the 1st area boss so you walk ALL the way through the area on 6 estus flasks, doing your best
>you get to that lava couldron place on top and fall
>try again to get that xp and get to the "next part" that I missed
>die and lose xp
>never find the ladder before the iron king boss to the bonfire before fighting him many times
LITERALLY I fucking killed every enemy in that path to the area boss so many times they stopped respawning. I was such a loss fucking cause but I did it
>implying this shit doesn't happen in every other souls game
You really like proving a point dont you kek
Because the excuse is that people who don't like what DaS2 does are just too used to DaS and DeS and their complaints are therefore invalid.
The truth is that if it actually did good in different ways than the other games people would like it for that. And to some extent it does, there's some merit to how PvP or your character building and designing works and people are noticing these things.
because you both Ds2 and Ds3 are flawed games and ya 2 is probably a bit more flawed than 3 but its the completely disproportionate amount of criticism directed at 2, I mean someone else in this thread pointed out a thing ds2 had wrong when ds3 did it worse
Stop projecting.
People don't care how you feel specifically because you're ignoring what they're actually thinking and just deflecting it with what you're feeling.
DS3 didn't show off a completely different lighting engine and graphics fidelity in every video on the leadup to release. DS2 deserves it, and to say B-B-B-BUT IT GETS TOO MUCH is horse shit and you know it. DS2 was so fucking hyped up as it came out at the peak of the DS1 hypetrain.
With how Dark Souls 2 was pitched at them, people are rightfully pissed at what it turned out to be.
If "there's too much Dark Souls 2 criticism" is your problem you shouldn't be in threads like this where OP starts out by questioning the game's quality. I'd get it if the problem was that it was half-assed and invalid critique, but even if it can get blown out of proportion the points are typically valid.
That's not when the credits roll, user.
Ok thats not a problem with the game so much as it is a problem with the marketing. If you looked at it now without hype goggles on is it really that bad? Ds2 definitely has more problems than Ds3 but the thing is that 2 and 3 don't share many problems ds3s problems are all their own. I'm justing saying we should look at Ds2 for what it was, an inbetween story that tried something different
Rather than even stiffer and shitter combat from DkS1?
DS1 had great lore, but as a game it was awful shit
DS2 had great mechanics and irrelevant but entertaining lore
DS3 only has the quicker gameplay going for it. Mechanics were dumbed down, the worldbuilding was rehashed and cluttered, linear as fuck.
>character building and designing works
Like soul memory making it all pointless?
never happened to me in DS1, DeS, or DS3
Ya but we should all be past that, we're criticizing the merits of a game why are we so focused on its the poor marketing when it was so long ago that the salt should have run out by now
The hate on DS2 is so fucking rabid here its unreal. I mean ya its the weakest souls but it dosnt mean its bad.
The term "irredeemable trash" is used so often on ds2 threads you would thinks its a bot.
Ds2 is still better than a lot of games out there.
Is this all because of that youtube guy?
2 trades off stiffness in combat into ways it wasn't in 1
those little nuances matter how satisfying that either way stiff combat feels however, and that matters a lot for the game
dark souls 3 also fixed a bunch of basic mistakes both 2 and 1 had made
maximally precise movement with no feeling of velocity and having very low stamina cost for rolling are dumbing down, but returning to freely turning character with redirectable attacks, being able to roll on wakeup, omnidirectional rolling, bringing back more precise hit validation in PvP or just making the weapons feel more responsive again are not.
Lore can be fun on the side but combat is how these games are mainly played and it's what really matters.
this happens in ds1 and ds3
there really is a lot to hate about ds2, i can't think of any positives comparing it to the strengths of the first game
lore/setting/environment is generally accepted to be much weaker but the counterargument for why it's a bad game is that it gets its mechanics right. this is totally wrong though, and if anyone wants to bring up how exactly it improves in this area id love to talk about it
not nearly close to that
finally some genuine discussion bout the merits of both games
I dont understand where this DS1 and 3 had magnetized grabs idea is coming
coming from*
That webm of the Iron Golem grabbing someone that's behind them for one.
few more glitchy hitbox issues he demonstrates here as well. there's another example w/ a glitchy evangelist grab but i couldn't find it
please don't hate on me for using joseph anderson's vid as well, it's just the most recent example that sticks out in my mind.
thats literally a sword designed to magnetize you though
my bad, wrong timestamp
Sorry, but this is /ourguy/ now
when you eject the disc and slap in literally any other souls game
same timestamp whoops, anyways that actually is the one im talking about...
??? explain
>2 trades off stiffness in combat into ways it wasn't in 1
It's called perspective. In reality it's different and you refuse to learn it, but you will never see it that way, because again, perspective.
People that hate DaS2 see 1h/2h attacks in the game, and think 'man it sucks how it does barely any more damage to 2h attacks!'
People that like DaS2 think instead '1h attacks are much more powerful than in DaS and that's where most of your crowd control moves are, nice change.'
This is something really consistent with most complaints about the games. Perspective.
Just the Sunken and Iron Crown DLC. Shame about the rest of the game.
>this happens in ds1 and ds3
it does, but with far lower frequency and level of ridiculousness as in ds2
they seriously rushed a lot of the parts and it shows, especially with the bigger enemies
the parts of dark souls 1 that were rushed do have similar sort of thing happening
taurus demons have some very stupid attacks where they land when you are clear of them and ones that only drag your pc around a little when they really should hit
centipede demon is another problem
ye don't get me wrong, i totally agree that it happens more in das2
but it's not something from has ever gotten right, even in the last das3 dlc w/ the demon princes
>not a problem with the game
it is when lighting is a core gameplay aspect, you disphit.
>if what I consider good game design is actual shit, it must be the other person's perspective that's wrong and not my shit taste
come on lad, DaS 2 is rightly shit on and you know it
Yes but you were talking about how they were showing it off prerelease before the downgrade correct? if so then yes thats a marketing flaw and not a game flaw
I see you have shit arguments, that much I do realize.
>you must invest points into a stat to make dodging actually viable
claiming something is good because it's "different" or needs to be approached with a "different perspective" is a poor argument in place of explaining why something is actually good
the reality is that the majority of the changes in mechanics from DeS -> DaS1 -> DaS2 were unneeded and improvements made between DeS -> DaS1 were thrown away or changed in the weirdest fucking ways for little reason