So what games should I buy with my new NEET bux?

So what games should I buy with my new NEET bux?

Fallout 4

Is this for real?

Get a good PC

find a gun and shoot yourself with it

So they get free money and then what?

It's a jew trick by Facefaggot fag. /Po/ get in here and set this shit straight with an infographic or something. On topic, fuck the system Death Stranding nao

only for Canada and only for the summer.

then maybe the system can withstand 1/3 of the population being unemployed.

Fucking slackers

So I could just do nothing and get paid? That sounds great.

And you'll be able to shitpost and game all day

What's the point?

To end poverty

I doubt that. We don't need mother fuckers getting lazier.

>a robot is going to be a psychiatrist

lol ok

ultimately, to prevent crimes.

If the poorest people can still eat, they are less likely to steal.

By the number of people in the US that works and still need government handouts I will never understand why this lazy thing still exists

Well, you can end all federal and local programs for a single and simple entity of subsidy, control insatisfaction of those less productive for the system and just plain give a plan b for would probably not be money to really live a life, just to maintain basic needs


The first country in the world to attempt this and have it succeed will be either Japan, Singapore or Taiwan, if it is possible at all, not fucking Canada.

or Norway

It actually cuts welfare spending by doing away with all welfare programs.

But Chinada has the same culture and demographics as Singapore and Taiwan.

thank you transhumanist overlords

Singapore and Taiwan aren't China, not even close, the Chinese immigrants to Canada are lousy rich laybouts who do nothing to better the country.

>Taiwan isn't China
You dumb fucking gweilo.

And Singapore is just a bunch of rich chinks from the PRC.

The system becomes a game of "who can win the most UI money back".

Holy fuck some of you people are retarded.
>everybody gets a basic income
>nobody works
>nobody does anything
>all of a sudden your country has no industry because everyone isn't working
>economy fails and your country becomes the next Africa

It will literally never succeed.
People who actually think like this are dumb pot smoking hippies.

Where the fuck does the money come from? Literally what the fuck? Wouldn't this just cause inflation on an insane scale? Just gonna tax the rich more or something? They'll just peace the fuck out of the country, or keep their money hidden like they do now.

I hear about this basic income all the time but I just don't understand how something like that is feasible in today's world. Someone please explain.

OR this doesn't pay nearly as much as you think it does, it replaces traditional welfare programs, cutting bureaucracy significantly, and since 99% of people are not OK living off of the bare minimum, they only use the UBI/NIT to stay in education longer and get better jobs.

It doesn't work. You NEED to have a class based system and everybody needs to contribute in order for a society to operate. Society is a machine, not a feelings convention.
Take an ecosystem for example: what if you decided to protect each and every species of animal equally? You would fuck up your ecosystem and you would end up with a massive amount of predator animals and make your other animals go extinct.
This will never work and the people who think like this are driving society down a dark path.

It turns out most people are actually inherently more productive than wastes of space like you.

What's the big deal? Why doesn't this happen anyway? All the government has to do is print more money. It's not like trees are hard to find to make paper.

How a negative income tax would work (which is what economists like Milton Friedman proposed), is that the government decides nobody should make less than $20,000 a year, and you have a job that pays $15,000 a year, you will get a check for $5,000 at the end of the year. It actually saves the government money, because it allows them to do away with traditional welfare programs, and enables private corporations that are subject to market forces to fulfil those needs. Ie: instead of the government subsidizing agriculture, it subsidizes the customers so that agriculture is subject to market forces, and these companies stop dumping artificially cheap high fructose corn syrup into everything.

>sooner or later, a robot will be able to do your job
[citation needed]

That's not how it will work and you know that. Its in peoples nature not to work if they don't have to.
I'll entertain the idea though, let's just say people did decide to get educated and better themselves. Where do you think the money to pay for this is coming from? This is communism with a fancy name on it.

You think food is the only reason people steal? Real life isn't a Disney movie.

I work 60 hours a week in mining you fucking retard.
Please tell me what you do though. I'm interested.

>it replaces traditional welfare programs, cutting bureaucracy significantly

Which is food for a very small portion of a state's population and now you want to extend that to the entirety of the US? Who in their right mind would turn down free money? Cut bureaucracy? That sounds great, but now what jobs are those social workers going to get to replace their old job that you just took away from them? More people to flood the already over saturated job markets. You can bet your ass those desk job workers aren't suddenly going to spring for a trade when that's the job market that will be hit the hardest by basic income. Why would you be a trash man or unclog the shit from people's pipes when you can just work part time as a cashier or something that requires no training at all to supplement the basic income?

Sure staying in education sounds great but that's one of the biggest issues we're facing today, too many educated people with too few jobs for that level of education.

But what will make them produce anything worthwhile if there's no market forces directing labor?

>people like Milton Friedman are communists

Go read a fucking book before you lecture people about economics on the internet.

Basic Income might work but it will definitely need tight immigration controls.

No, the problem is that people are not educated enough. There are no more factory jobs left. And not everyone receives a UBI, only people who earn under a certain threshold.

Nothing, because this money will barely cover the cost of rentijng a hovel and maybe a light dinner of bread and water. You want games, get a job. Basic Income isn't enough to play with.

>presents no argument
>durr read a book
Wealth redistribution is either socialism or communism. Take your pick.

Why? We already have laws preventing legal immigrants from getting welfare, even if they become citizens.

>there are no more factory jobs left
tell that to everyone working in factories m8

also tell it to the politicians who say we need mass immigration to fuel the factories

>And not everyone receives a UBI, only people who earn under a certain threshold.
Do you know what "universal" means?

Except we aren't fucking apes anymore. Universal basic income or the living wage is for living on not thriving on. It allows people to have basic amenities so food,water,clothes and shelter. Without having to worry about basic things like that anymore people could then focus on further education which leads to work or just work. If people chose to just use their living wage then they wouldn't be able to afford luxuries as well and if they spent it on only luxuries then they would not have enough money for basic amenities.

The living wage will have to be implemented at some point because more and more basic jobs will be swallowed up by the wave of robotisation.


you're a fucking idiot, read a fucking book

It's not about the factory jobs, those have been on the decline for a long time now. It's about the trades. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. Those jobs have always been in high demand. They pay well because of this, but when people get a basic income what incentive is there to do these blue collar jobs? Why not just stay in school to be a doctor, lawyer (another market completely devastated right now with over saturation), pharmacist (see lawyer), etc.? The fact is that a college degree means nothing and allowing more and more people to go back to school will only make this situation worse.

I am a neoliberal. Communists want to throw me into a gulag just as much as they do to you. UBI/NIT is not communism. It's a basic tool to maintain living standards above a certain point so that people do not revolt like they did in Russia in 1917.

>hurr free money for lazy niggers
You dumb shits haven't even looked at the program, have you. This will cover the bare basics of living. Rent, utilities and food for only the most barebones of budgets. After paying for basic living fees there's literally no money for anything else, hence why it's Basic Income. Unless you're still living with your parents, you'll still need a job to have any spending power for games, drugs or booze.

You're still not getting it.
Forget all your feelings about how everybody "deserves" a minimum standard of living and think about the bigger picture.
Where is the money coming from? That's the one big thing people don't seem to understand in this amazing plan.

This. I'm a productive guy and I enjoy working, but if you think for a second I'm going to work on the factory lines when I can just fuck about and tinker on my own shit, and get paid a similar amount, I'm just going to take the money and work on my hobbies.

People do like working, and being productive, but good luck getting them to do any actual worthwhile work when you're giving them free money.

There isn't a cure for being a Nigger, user. Except for a bullet hole in the head.

>just repeats himself again
Wow great argument good talking with you user.
Go kill yourself you 15 year old faggot. Maybe one day you'll get out in the real world and actually understand how life works.

Because a UBI/NIT does not pay nearly as much as working a trade does. If anything, a NIT would allow people who otherwise couldn't afford it to go to trade school so they can make even more money.

>ITT: brainlets
As technology improved, more jobs were created. This is no longer the case. The quantity of jobs has stopped increasing as fast as population has and is only slowing down, and fast. Automation is beginning to reach unprecedented heights, and in another two generations, there will be basically nothing to do for 80% of the population. Sure the lucky 20% have very niche jobs available, but what about everybody else? The whole western capitalism culture is based around the axiom "You've got to go to work if you want to go to town." But when you actually have nothing anybody needs, what then? So it's either government-mandaded hamstringing of industry (you must have at LEAST 70% human workers or something) which the corporate fatcats will lobby to SHIT to avoid, or FUCKING COMMUNIST basic income just for breathing.

can't repeat myself since I'm a different user and just felt like also telling you to read a fucking book

>get paid a similar amount
But that's not true. A NIT would put everybody barely above the poverty line. An actual job puts you way above it.

Paper and oragami is filled with economists

>how life works
we're talking economics
economics is not a matter of experience with life

Why do you assume people will use all their newfound free time to pursue an education?

We need mass immigration for the taco trucks, not the factories. And we literally don't have many blue collar jobs left. Arby's has more employees than the entire coal industry.

Why even have money?

>Where is the money coming from?
The Government, of course.

Sounds like min. wage without the hassle of contributing to society for 8 hours a day.

Its not "corporate fat cats" that are pissed off about basic income.
Its middle class working people that get ripped off on taxes and can barely afford to live because of it.
I'm a middle class dude who makes $80000 a year and after taxes I see only about $40000 of it. I don't care if I'm rich and I understand rich people wanting to be rich but the government needs to fuck off with taking my money and giving it to retards who don't know how to find a decent paying job. Anybody who can't is just making excuses for themselves.

Because of the profit motive.

There are so few people in those trades that actually enjoy doing them. I know very few plumbers or electricians that actually enjoy the backbreaking disgusting work they have to face every single day. Most of them would trade working some brainless cashier job part time if it meant not having to work the hours they currently do.

Sure there are people that can't afford trade school but the number that can't afford it and actually WANT to have that as a career is too small of suddenly offset the mass exodus from the blue collar workforce.

How do you ensure that people will spend it on the necessities? Do you have any idea how stupid people are with their money?

>the government
This is what liberals actually believe.
Its coming from the people who are actually working.

>80% of the population being out of work within 2 generations
You don't think this sounds even just a bit hyperbolic, user?

No you are not getting it. I'm a functionalist. If you want the system to keep working you have to augment it as the society becomes more advanced. More basic service jobs will go eventually leaving a massive part of the population out of work because there is less and less unskilled labour needed. They need to be supported whilst they enter a new jobs market. There won't be as many jobs as more jobs are mechanised. You have to account for that. Also taxes don't just fucking disappear because a living wage is introduced. Those that are eligible will have to pay tax on all the services they rely on their government for.

he never said it was corporate fat cats who would be pissed about basic income.
he said that they would most certainly lobby against a mandate that you couldn't use machinery that would replace human workers for efficiency.
If anything they would be for UBI

But a NIT would lower your tax burden, and increase the spending power of the consumers that enable your employer to exist.

Well, traditional welfare programs would exist, so they'd literally die if they spent money on Cadillacs instead of healthcare.

Regions and countries are doing the experiments for a reason. How about rather than saying if BI is the future or it's a terrible idea, we look at how things work out with an objective and rational brain?

It's just for a few cites and smaller areas as a pilot program that's running for three years. It's not like this is suddenly everywhere you idiots.

>The Government
Who gets it from people who WORK

What are you gonna do, tax the dwindling workforce even more? That's how you piss of even more people and cause them to say "Fuck it I'll just sell random shit on ebay and live off the free money"

It's a downward spiral the moment you introduce it. The money comes from taxpayers and taxing them even more will not be a good thing at all.

A NIT is not going to cause all the plumbers to quit their jobs if that's what you're implying. The profit motive will still exist. People will profit more from being plumbers than being NEETs living barely above the poverty line.

Shit, I meant WOULDNT.

Okay. Here's a better question: Where is the government going to get money to pay for the $2.2 Trillion yearly to pay for everyone's minimum wage? (Which is practically doubling the governments spending)

>coal industry
Well deregulate it and remove "green" laws, and see how low that employment figure stays.

Then I look forward to the results of said experiments. They'll either vindicate my opinions or I'll have to admit I'm wrong, big whoop.

Though, I'd much rather see experiments like these run on a national scale before anyone rushes to embrace UBI.

The federal reserve obviously.

>less than three months of free money will end poverty

But it did not lead to a downward spiral in the places that have already experimented with it. IDK why Sup Forums, an incredibly conservative website, has such a problem with an idea invented by a conservative economist (Milton Friedman).

Natural gas is way cheaper than coal, so yeah, those jobs aren't coming back even if we removed all regulations.

Won't be much change, actually. Coal's been dying with or without environmental regulations.

I didn't say Uncle Pennybags are the ones against UBI, just that they are not going to like having to have substandard profits just because the populace needs work. I'm not going to pretend UBI is an amazing solution or even a great idea to implement this second, though.
Technological advancement has been growing exponentially, even right now. Comparing a growth to population to a curve for jobs, the data points to clearly having past a critical point recently. And it's not going to get better, there's no foreseeable market which will suddenly require a lot of human labor.

It doesn't lead to a downward spiral in those places because it's still at a small scale. Providing UBI for an entire country is an unprecedented undertaking.

That's an extremely good way to destroy the economy and devalue the dollar to be worth less than the paper it's printed on.

Carl Marx tried to peddle this same bullshit after looking at combine harvesters and factory belts -- over a hundred fucking years ago. I'm not buying into this whole "work will be obsolete as we are about to enter the post-scarcity era" bullshit.

You cannot seriously be advocating that the reserve just prints it, right? Do you want to live in Zimbabwe?


>first generation of basic income earners
>wow this is great, i have more time to persue other things than work a mindless job

>second generation of basic income earners
>simply living is my job and therefore i owe my life to the government, i should vote however the controlling political party wants me to

>third generation of basic income receivers
>personal property? The fuck is that? Government gives you your money, therefore you belong to the government as does everything you 'own'. Are you some kind of ungreatful entitled retard? Everyone knows money comes from the government, how the fuck are you going to get money without a government? Just shut the fuck up and stop rocking the boat, we've always been at war with eurasia.

basic income is just welfare 2.0 with even more disasterous society wide connotations. It only took 1 generation to destroy black communities and the black family unit, and now blacks are the poorest/most crime ridden group. Without a father providing an income, women feel they dont need a husband to raise their children, and without a father children grow up with a selfish/warped world view, which perpetuates crime and poverty.

I understand a lot of you live in sheltered predominantly white communities but I work in a pharmacy in niggerville, USA where a good 80% of my patients are on medicaid and get all their shit for free yet drive around in cars nicer than my own sometimes. They go to the emergency room 3-4 times a month, get some percocet and sell it on the street. The pharmacy two blocks from me was robbed at gunpoint but the guy killed himself in the pharmacy when police arrived.

The very notion of basic income for these fucking animals disgusts me. I plan on moving very soon once a job opens up in another market. Fuck this place and fuck anyone who wants to support these pieces of shit.

How would healthcare work with this magical plan? Why should I take a bigger tax hit to support these societal leeches? Things work relatively well now because food stamps can only be used for food, you give these fucks straight up cash and these shitty places will become literal warzones once they spend all their money and start looking toward the nicer communities for food.

is this enough to put a down payment to purchase a home? and food? and transportation? and luxuries?

do I just move to Canada to sign up? Is there any reason to work?

You think food, shelter and other physical needs aren't major reasons people steal? It doesn't have to be a cure-all to be effective. Hell, even if they buy drugs with the money, at least they're not stealing or committing robbery to make that money.