Grimoire - Neanderthal Edition

Remember that Cleve Blackemore is a living fossile.

Other urls found in this thread:

"In Grimwah you can ride turtles"

It's "Next Friday"~! You need to educate people on Steam about Cleve's habitual lying. He is a true parasite, leeching on people's trust and money. It's a miracle he is still alive because I'd beat him up if I had a chance.

I can't believe he put the game up on steam knowing he will never finish the game.
It's pathetic to see.

You can't beat me if you do not know where I'm.

Nice try, human.

Even the Rpg Codex main thread is findling down. There's more negativity than actual ironical enthusiasm now. Tone is different compared to 2013 for example, if you go back the thread and see.

However I'm sure he's able to come up with new fascinating reasons why he's not able to release the game. People are waiting for next week's Friday now but...

At least one good thing came from this mess and that is finding the Rpg Codex forums. I joined immediately even if I've been playing these games since what, early 90s. I didn't pay too much attention to that place but it's great to find another digital cesspit.

it is out yet?

fixing femto issues

ITT: Mindless sapes

Sure... not after he've solved the problem # 91189381 and # 9078545

Dear Cleveland Mark Blakemore, what is your favorite food? Tell me tips for bulking up looks like you are 100% muscles, really admire your look.


Delicious soap.

This is what I expected. This is what every true survivalist needs in their bunker: tons of cereal and milk powder and wet wipes for those steamy hot nights. I mean wet wipes are for cleaning up and maintaining hygiene nothing else, sir, no sir! I want my ticket to Type 2 Diabetes as soon as possible!


why does he have the bunker anyway?

Are you being sarcastic? Having tons of cereal is good tho


I'm glad you asked!

to avoid nuclear fallout m8

Which areas are you looking forward to the most, lads?

just a friendly reminder that trying to fit in by parroting memes just makes you look like more of a sperg

He thinks the next major nuclear war will happen within his lifetime and that Australia will get nuked

I hope half of those are dungeons/city's that you can explore and outfit your party with phat loot

I always thought of 'pompamole' as being some old-timey centenarian complaint, like 'poppycock' or 'rigmarole'.

"Popamole" I've seen as an insult to modern thoughtless vidya like Gears of War or Uncharted. The enemies just keep getting up from cover and you pop them, like the game of pop-a-mole

On RPGCodex it means more modern RPGs (Oblivion onwards) in which you are a force of nature and the entire game is designed to make you feel like a powerful hero instead of an inhabitant of a dangerous land that must proceed with caution. Even overlaps with FO3 and 4 having FPS elements

but can you play as a reptile?

I eat cereal 3 times a day. You can very literally build muscle with just cereal and milk powder. I went from 125 pounds to 225 in year when I started this diet.