Is this game worth buying?

is this game worth buying?

If you've got friends to play it with, sure.

you didn't have to be a dick

It's got a system that makes for a lot of organically tense and wonderful moments, but overall it still needs a lot of optimization and content. I put about 9 hours into it on my first few sittings and haven't touched it since. Partly because I finally won a match.

I'd say the first time it goes on sale for whatever discount, since it's very active and probably wont go without updates. Full price is a little much.

yes it's goty and you'll easily put 100 hours in to it

My thoughts after my friends got me to buy the game:

Solo-mode can be both intense and incredibly boring depending on your playstyle. It really comes down to camping or playing very aggressive. Since everyone is on their own expect vehicles to be hard to come by and loot is limited.

Duo and squad is the core of the game because you have to work as a team with your friends in order to get #1 or close to it. Don't solo queue either of these because your teammate(s) will just TK you for your loot. Also playing on the asia servers is hilarious (and a turkey shoot).

Only buy if your friends are playing it consistently.

he's stating a fact you turbo autist, not insulting you

its a multiplayer game that is only fun with friends. he wasn't calling you a friendless faggot, you friendless faggot

>only fun with friends
i have 300 hours solo and it's pretty fun

but i am schizo and friendless

Really fun with friends at first.
But the 50+ matches on the same damn map just gets old. You'll get your moneys worth but you'd be autistic to put more than 50+ hours into it.

Does it need a shitload of work? Yes, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. I put 76 hours into it in my first two weeks. That's a full time job on top of my full time job. I went out of my way to play this game while juggling everything else. In short, I got fucking addicted and I still play a few hours most nights. It's much better with friends, but still great solo.

PUBG offers a lot of unique experiences, and because of the huge amount of variables, no two games are alike. Winning a game comes down to a combination of good luck and skill. If those two don't line up, you lose.

I could go on, but let's just say it's core concept is interesting at the very least. It does a lot of things wrong and a lot of things right. I say give it a shot.

It's the flavour of the month, is going to be dead after 2 or 3 months

>you find a frying pan
>guy next to you finds a rifle
>lose instantly
amazing game

And the typical non-white team member who kills u for being white.

No but thanks for shilling the 4th thread today

how can you be this detached from reality

actually this is like the 5'th thread.

It's infuriatingly luck-based.

Maybe you shouldn't of landed right next to a guy then, thats the risk. You can always change course if too many people are landing by you.

Worst case scenario when I do land near someone, I just follow them. If they see a gun I go to pick up the ammo first so they can't use it.

>jump where the action is
>instantly die because you picked the roof that didn't have a gun spawned on it

>jump where you're alone
>loot for 10 minutes, run towards the circle for 10 minutes, and then get instantly sniped by a guy with an 8x 500 meters away

I just saw a guy shooting me behind the play zone limit, what about that?

How fucking autistic are you to think that's an insult.

So he shot you from the blue zone? I don't see the problem with that.
>Get fucked and know I'm about to die outside of the playzone
>Take as many people with me as possible before I die

But aren't you supposed to die when you're in the blue zone?
It was during my second game ever.

It's not an instant death, you take damage over time while in the blue zone. The damage taken increases with each zone limit.

Good to know

I have run through the blue zone to flank people before, they don't always expect it.
But beware of enemies still running inside the blue zone when you're in the actual playzone itself, people can and will show up late rater often.

>autists calling others autists when they can't pick up an obvious joke
Can you two even dress yourselves?

>my sides

please be a serious reply

>t. friendless

It's been four months now, user.

>b-but it's fun with friends!

asuka's frowny face is the absolute cutest

It's a good looter shooter. The "end game" is kind of boring, with the luckiest person usually winning based on their gear and position. I personally enjoy the early and mid game (lootin, shootin, and scootin across the map) the most. I don't have friends, so I only play solo and have a blast most of the time.

Don't have anything to lose if you buy it on Steam. You'll know if it's for you within a few matches.

Solo play ends up with way too much camping and crawling.
Duo is fun.
3 player team you will always be struggling.
4 player teams are more chaotic, but fun.

Duo is the most fun. It's also comfy getting a motorcycle and just crusing to a remote area and loot

it's also fun solo

>shilling the most popular game on steam besides CSGO and Dota


I still have no idea how this game is anything better than something like DayZ or any other 3rd person survival shooter. Run around, shoot at other players, loot, again and again. Im not sure how people can enjoy something so simple for so long.

You're trying to hard mr. Marketer.

Is this one of the most shilled games here?

because it's fast, and the mechanics are solid. a round is only like 20 minutes at the very longest.

Because in dayz you spend like 8 hours running around, looting and trying to find others.
Here you can to some degree chose where you land, finding loot is a lot faster easier, and the zones get smaller forcing people to move and meet.

Pubg is a game that's easy to pick up and play. Sometimes you get lucky, other times not

solo, its a game about patience and decision making, while hunting down other people, you know, the most dangerous game is man, that type of shit.

Multiplayer is a little bit more tactical, if you're communicating but still the same as singleplayer. Keep each other alive and you'll probably win also theres a heavy amount of rng involved, but play to your strengths and youll be fine


Dont fucking play it for 8 hours a day? But its basically a refined version off all those stupid ass survival games you mentioned, plus im fairly certain the developer is still adding new content, it should go on sale eventually or the price will hike up to 60 since its going to console. Still if you buy it through steam you can always refund it

It's better than the others because it's actually been done right this time.

They actually patch every week, with a larger patch every month. The patches actually fix things, improve things, add things.

The gameplay loop is also tight and well thought out.
DayZ has no goal. Hasn't been updated in years. Trash.

H1Z1 literally runs on an MMO engine, and plays like LITERAL shit. Also never gets updated, the game is in the same state that it was a year ago.

Yeah, it's like a lot of other games that have tried to get this concept right. But unlike all the other games, this one finally got it right.

I think Arma2 Dayz battle royale did everything far better than this game did. Too bad it didn't last very long, it was some of the most fun I had in a game for a very long time.

Where Arma2 Dayz battle royale games required some commitment (and a great deal of tactics), this game feels like a casualised version of it, providing shorter games with a bigger emphasis on twitch based shooting because of the speed at which the playing-zone shrinks.

basically it's the best of the worst, it takes the good(?) of dayz and friends and distills it while adding actual framework and removing the persistence (less hoarding and "bambis" v. hoarders with tanks and nukes) plus the standard hype from getting picked up by "famous" twitch streamers
how that allows people to overlook the awful early access jewery, terrible netcode, bugs, and lack of new content despite producing more than enough money to allow fixing the aformentioned issues, hell "playerunknown" showed up at E3 and a major point of his was adding a new rifle, A SINGULAR GUN added to an existing game was important enough to waste time at E3 (not that E3 time is valuable, but point stands), to the point of it maintaining top sale position during the summer sale WITHOUT BEING ON SALE I don't know

Oh, and I also think PUBG's production values are shit at this point in time.

Arma2's engine was clunky, but at least it wasn't eating 4 GB of RAM, causing my CPU to go in a frenzy, failing to load in assets on time (causing me to be unable to get into a building because it hasn't loaded yet), make it sound like shots are coming from the opposite side of where they're actually coming from, and have immense framedrops related to asset loading (sometimes my screen freezes for about 3 seconds).

>start some porn or anime on the second monitor
>start battlegrounds solo
>parachute as far away from the plane as possible
>loot a couple of houses
>go to the nearest field and go prone
>start slowly crawling towards the middle of the circle while getting a chubby from watching the second monitor
>shoot some retards running around in the open
>pop all wheels on any vehicle and continue to crawl away
>chubby slowly turns into a boner
>open a bag of doritos