Other urls found in this thread:
Undertale is the Dark Souls of Metroidvanias.
You mean metroidvania?
Are you all new here?
no op, THIS is the worst wrestlemania
Is Creaking Skull Sans?
No Creaking Skull is Ness
I have a vidcon hypothesis to prove it.
Any new words to add to the filter?
>Why I gave Symphony of the Night to the Pope
Just stop coming here, you'll probably be happier.
>You steal mens souls and make them your slave
>Perhaps the same could be said of all religions
>Giving this game to the pope
That would take balls, either balls or incredible stupidity
How old are these threads again?
I fucking love this thread
Dracula's a villain
I love the Kirbymario genre more
New Vegas Thread
Dark Souls
video game
Kino and Ludo are the only words I've bothered to filter. Sup Forums needs to keep their shitty memes on their own board.
Stop coming to Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general.
opinion and fun
Nice one
Why are people fine with call "metroidvania" a sub genre but get butthurt when people call "dark souls like" a sub genre?
Because the latter term is much newer. There really isn't a difference.
Because Dark Souls is a Turn based Real time RPG-themed Rhythm game
This is the best Megalomania
That one is so good but so needlessly fucking hard for no good goddamn reason
>That fucking crab that kills you in like two hits when it's the first goddamn boss
>You do shit and all damage to enemies if you just play it naturally, grinding is almost required
The glyph system was so fucking cool though
You're joking right?
This is the best Metroidvania after SOTN for actually feeling innovative. The game plays like 2D souls game but with more depth in its combat due to how much weapon switching/jumping is required, and it came out a year before Demons' Souls.
Crab wasn't the first boss. If you didn't realize early in the game that you gotta switch weapons and that all weapons aren't effective on everything...Idk what to tell you.
>Overworld map
Why does it seem like the people who make these threads 1.) don't actually like castlevania and 2.) never talk about it?
what the hell
son do you not understand the concept of meming for its own sake?
probably not, i never understood baneposting either
This is the best 2D Souls game.
Prove me wrong.
I still like it better than SOTN for how quick and responsive the soul system was.
I don't know, aRPG platformer didn't catch on? Metroidvania rolls off the tongue, even if people are a bit autistic about how it's used.
Do you casuals even Classicotropic?
Metroid style gameplay is immediately distinguishable, clearly different to a typical side scroller.
Dark Souls gameplay is pretty much cookie cutter action RPG. The only reason anyone tries to make it into a genre name is because of the joke that it's very hard.
Forgot to post the best Classiccastlecop
meant to reply to
because anything like dark souls gets immediately shitposted and every OP marked as a shill by fromdrones
Kill yourself
I fell for the bait, kys retard
>Not Ludovania
Good lord, spread running is the most autistic thing alive
Because you're an anime girl akari chan
The original style castlevanias are closer to the soul games than this. They embodied the 'git gud' era when Konami wasn't the cancer it is today.
Have you not played the game? You do realize that a fair share of it takes place in wide variety of areas not just the castle, right? Also you talk like there was no Metroidvania design in each of those levels, either. Making the castle not part of the whole game also honestly gave us one of the best castles in these games due to the amount of powerful enemies with interesting mechanics and the weird kind of platforming traps you find in it.
because there are actually very few proper soulslikes
the "genre" of metroidvania is easy to build from a gamedev perspective so when someone says "this game is a metroidvania" they literally mean that it plays like a metroid/castlevania game
however when someone says "this game is a souls-like" what they mean is "this game has some things like the death system cribbed from souls but doesn't actually play like a souls game"
Is this castlemania?
>All the triggered soulsfags replying to this post
This is the correct answer
This is
as I understand it, baneposting started as a way to make fun of the scene and the writing of the movie as a whole and Christopher Nolan in general
but because it was spammed and because it's not a single meme but a cluster of them and probably because of the shooting on its opening night, it become something larger
plus we're in the age now where there's no lag time between a meme being created and it being used on Twitter and Facebook and really anywhere people are, and that age started around the same time as baneposting, maybe a year or so earlier
thank you
time to post Classicotropic bosses
Dark Souls didn't invent its genre, and didn't really innovate it that much. It was more of a pleasant surprise compared to the COD shooters and casual shovelware that had been pumped out prior to 2009. So calling something a Dark Souls-like is kind of weird. Metroid and Castlevania, on the other hand, invented their entire genre and then split into multiple sub-genres, defining and refining them in the process.
because "dark souls like" isnt used as a third person action rpg with stat systems. its used as a fucking identifier of difficulty
crash is not a dark souls roguelite
megaman is not the dark souls of platformers
CNN isnt the dark souls of news networks
dungeon fighter isnt the dark souls of beat 'em ups
King's Field is not the dark souls of dark souls
when you see a gamed called a metroidvania you know its a game that is like metroid and castlevania. defined levels but an otherwise open world
when someone says a game is JUST LIKE DARK SOULS it isnt anything like dark souls.