Admit it. Its a boring and unappealing game. It's a meme. It's not smart. You run down a fucking hallway.
thats it
Admit it. Its a boring and unappealing game. It's a meme. It's not smart. You run down a fucking hallway.
thats it
>OP fell for the open world meme!
>linear is bad
>what are 2D sidescrollers
This thread is gay, You're gay.
I've played through the first and second games just this week and had a lot of fun, despite having beaten them both multiple times. I started Warped this afternoon, and while I don't like it nearly as much as the others I've still had a good time.
I will admit to having fun and nothing else.
>he doesn't like 2D, he must be an open world baby
Interesting fallacy
>wow you just shoot guys
>wow you just level up to kill more things to level up more
>wow you just manage resources to get more resources to win the game
>wow you just jump and collect things
>wow you just run around and press buttons to kill
>wow you just press a button to see the story and anime titties
>wow you just point and click on enemy characters
>wow you just punch each other until one wins
>wow you just change the direction of the car to win the race
kill urself my man
I didnt know that Crash had nore intricate and developed gameplay. Oh wait, you just run and jump.
Nice missing the point of the post.
The music is also poorly thought out, simplistic, and 100% forgettable. Terrible atmosphere in every game.
Would you prefer user simplify something more fitting? Like Mario?
Or does that have the highest levels of intricate gameplay mechanics too?
Oh she thicc
Now that's over the goddamn line. There's shitposting and then there's being a complete asshole.
>just run and jump
>what is spinning
You just fucking suck at it pleb
>people are calling this "the new dark souls"
can i please die
Pisses me off too since it came out before Dark Souls and Dark Souls is shit.
i wouldn't call DS shit, but my rage comes from how people think this is something new, kind of like how many people think rihanna's "wild thoughts" is the original and carlos santana's "maria maria" was a copy.
Crash 1 maybe. Talking out of your ass though if you can't remember the jungle theme from Crash 2
>the game you like is shit
>prove me wrong protip you can't
2d platformer design doesnt work well in 3d. crash tries 2d design in 3d and it is boring
Admit it. Its a boring and unappealing game. It's a meme. It's not smart. You vie for dominion.
thats it
I disagree.
>m-muh fallacy
Oh Sup Forums
Just mad because YOURE SHIT. FUCK YOU.
Why do people feel the need to tell people to "admit" something?