Why does a puzzle game need attractive characters?

Why does a puzzle game need attractive characters?

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minimalism is out, waifushit is in.

You tell me, I don't know.
And neither do I care desu with you.

It's more fun that way.


because we are Sup Forums.

Sexy bitch.

so that people actually want to play it

>waifushit is in.
circa 1991



I'm sorry, what?

It doesn't. But it makes it better.

I know right?
The Tetris pieces are attractive enough.

becaus dis


Puyo Puyo Is the second worst puzzle game ever made. Just behind Super Puzzle Fighter.

tetris attack is pretty shitty

why do you think that?

When Panel de Pon dropped cute characters, upbeat and charming background art for Tetris-esque minimalism it killed the franchise.

There's a lot of charm to the presentation of Puyo Puyo. It's why other series' like Panel de Pon, Magical Drop and Pop'n Music did the same thing.

What are puyos anyway. Are they jelly? Gummies?

Not while Columns exists.

Puyo feels incomplete without anime yelling

They don't, They need more Robotnik.
Played this and Melee with Drunk normos at a party last night, most fun I've had in years

>Assblasted Tetrisfag mad that he can't git gud at Puyo
>Shitting on Puzzle Fighters

Because there's literally no reason why it shouldn't.

>SEGA owns both Sonic and Puyo
>They didn't add Robotnik with the release of the American version
>There's no chapter in story mode where you just play as Robotnik and interact with the Puyo characters

So how did you guys do in the Splatfest, Puyo-Switch friends?

They need attractive characters to distract you from the fact that you're playing a puzzle game. Same reason why crossword puzzles use pop culture references. Because no matter how you try to gussy it up, it's still a pig with makeup on it.

It was my first time playing splatoon; reached cake champion before stopping. I need to go back to ppt now where I don't feel like a turbo-scrub.

>Gamer girl

Puyo Puyo Tetris was the first game to release in the west in ages, maybe in the next game if they build it targetting both west and east at the same time, they'll throw robotnik in.