Why do Western game developers love this hairstyle so much?

Why do Western game developers love this hairstyle so much?

I used to dislike it. Not sure why even. I had this irrational idea that it was not just a haircut, but more a political statement. But then I started seeing it more and it grew on me.

Because femenistz want show how much they hate men by trying to look like men, act like men and take the jobs of men.

They try to show they're different as a spouse, as they can't look attractive normally.
It's more an evolutionary thing.

They don't. It died off two years ago which is why 2017 AAA games feature it anymore.

no idea, it's hideous. I've seen way too many cute girls just fuck their shit up with this style.

It's just a haircut. It's not even especially common. It was used in a couple games and that's it.

>take the jobs of men
Except any that require hardship.

Name 8 more game characters with that hairstyle other than pic related.

cause its hot