>protagonist changes side mid-game
Protagonist changes side mid-game
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit took that wiki over in like 2012. It used to be pretty much complete back then too before all the trash was "recommended."
>camera collides with game objects or walls
>play as a different protag in the sequel
>the original games protag in certain parts of the game
>*appears in certain parts
fucked up fampai
Fucking hell. I told you
>Console versions of Bethesda games
>Indieshit games out the ass including absolute stinkers like Mighty No. 9
>A fucking Ouya page
The worst one of all
>Games that either have not come out yet or have not been out long enough to determine their actual quality
Sometimes I wish we could actually made a successor that wasn't filled with reddit's blight but we've gone through at least 30 of them since 2013, none of which ever caught on.
Who knows, maybe the fuckers at encyclopaedia dramatica will buy the wiki out and give it the purge that it truly deserves.
oh yeah, that exists
Seeing as how it no longer has anything to do with Sup Forums, changing the name is a good idea.
There's no point in having a recommended games wiki. Taste is subjective, and even for games that are objectively better than others, there are still people out there that simply will not enjoy some games out there.
If you're legitimately interested in what other people think, you're better off lurking here and waiting for someone to post an image that rounds up games of a specific genre or platform, even if they're not updated as often.
But what about old games user? We only talk of recent ones and i played a handful just from checking the wiki.
But that's exactly what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, I don't have any saved at this particular moment, but people do post compilation images of "games to play on [platform]" or similar things. I've seen them for Gen 5 and earlier consoles as well.
>can't even walk
I'd kill myself
I remember when this was made.
Then suddenly all the shit on it started to change, the recommended games became opinionated rather than just objectively describing them.
It was all downhill from there, pretty sure idiots from all over the internet decided to become a part of it rather than just using it as a guide.
Anyway, someone should make a new one that's called the same thing but comprised entirely of shitposting.
That's literally what the wiki is, you retard.
Alot of the games recommended there have gotten garbage. Might No 9 is on there for fucks sake.
>someone should make a new one that's called the same thing but comprised entirely of shitposting.
>games listed:
>Gone Home
>Depression Quest
>Five Guys: The Game (a Power Rangers ripoff)
>Superman 64
The pages for old consoles are relatively useful.
Oh I mean like saying that Dark Souls II is the best souls game and that Bloodborne is trash.
That the Witcher two is the best in the series, that Final Fantasy 8 is actually the greatest one.
Since the audience is external to Sup Forums they'll have no idea.
I looked to confirm you werent bullshitting and guess who added it
Why does the name Magma Dragoon sound so familiar? I mean like even outside this wiki. Like I could have seen it on a youtube video comment or something. The name just pops up in my mind as something I've seen before.
Just like origami
Its from megaman...
The fact that people actively contribute to that wiki without knowing what it's about is horrendous, but what's done is done. Obviously this community doesn't have much influence there, if this is allowed, so I hope they do change the name. Fuck them for not doing it years ago, if they're so far gone; it didn't happen overnight.
That guy is an admin by the way
Is it? I have admittedly never played much Mega Man.
>console versions of Bethesda games
You could have stopped there. Holy christ has forsaken us.
>he became an admin of "Sup Forums's Recommended Games Wiki" without knowing what Sup Forums is
So all the other admins are retards too?
What the fuck? How did a guy like him become an admin? Who is the genius behind this decision?
>That one guy who calls out his shit for adding MN9 and gets downvoted to oblivion
Not sure.
those aren't votes you goober
That wiki hasn't belonged to Sup Forums in forever. If anything, it has just brought more retards here.
>playing bethesda games
>playing bethesda games ON CONSOLE
they're buggy and badly made shit on PC but at least mods can make them more decent. console versions have no redeeming graces at all
Hard to watch any of this with the audio
I'm no wiki guy but I think that's just a count of differences of some sort in edits.
to be fair I haven't used that wiki in years
Yes, I'm fairly certain that it's the character difference. Mamaopapaya removed 729 characters because he was cleaning up trash. Then he removed 6 more characters (a follow-up minor edit), and then Magma Dragoon added 1033 characters of trash.
He's Brazilian. Makes sense.
At least he has one thing in common with Sup Forums then.
This just sounds like your bugchasing son telling you that he's changing his surname to not associate himself with you because you rightly fucking hate him.
Get it done ASAP niggers.
>look him up
>brazilian admin
>retarded edit log
>top lists are hentai games lists 5 times in a row
The first thing I do whenever I go to a new board is hide the FAQ post so I don't have to see the link to the stupid wiki
HAHAHA its ran by idiots!
> Can't even kill myself
jesus fucking christ
Not even a little bit surprised. BRs ruin literally everything they get their filthy noses in.
Should have put a password on it.
the same guy
It should be illegal to be this daft.
This is a joke. A shitty joke, but an attempt at humor none the less.
wiki autism is no joke
>That's how library sorting systems work
Jesus fuck
Wiki thread?
Wikia was a mistake
Just had to check
The hentai games page is still up, but the talk page is about 60/40 split on whether they should delete it to become more friendly.
>look at the h games list
>not a single full flap game on there
seriously, every game except technobreaker is really fucking fun and also has really good ero-content
what a buncha fuckin plebs on that site
that site went to shit a long ass time ago
It's a lost cause. It's easier to just post a thread here and get game recommendations.
Making it Wikia was also a problem -- /fa/ has their own site for a wiki and that avoids newfags just waltzing in and editing everything.
Give it to me straight. Did they gill the NDS list full of shovelware garbage, or did I do good in hoarding goodies for later?
I just used that site to find good NDS games, but specifically for hidden gems. I don't know if it recommended me garbage yet.
I know mamao. He's brazilian too. Should ask him to do another wiki so another person can be an admin.
But Morrowind plays best on the Xbox.
>Got rid of the logo with Bartz and Boko
Fuck em
This makes my blood boil. Seeing an old community come crumbling down over the years due to mishandling by new people having nothing to do with the project.
Unfortunately it looks like this came down to bad management, too many hands with power. The best (and longest lasting) Sup Forums communities I've been following over the years have all been lead by one (1) individual who isn't afraid to say no to faggots. This is a prime example of what happens in the absence of such leadership.
Can we just not make a new and improved one? I like having a list of vidya recommended as it's helped a lot over the years to discover gems I just wouldn't have tried and I'd rather have a list that isn't fucking tainted.
>go to the recommended games wiki a few weeks back to find new stuff to emulate while i idle in runescape
>wonder why the lists are filled with shovelware, terrible games/ports and kikestarter games that were absolute wrecks like mn9
>this thread
what the fuck man. Sup Forums needs a new recommended games site like /fa/ has for clothes and Sup Forums has for computers
The proper way to do it is to have a voting system whenever a user wants a game added. If it's above a 75% approval it gets added. Anything can be removed by a similar vote.
Also having a wiki for a set of lists is dumb.
As someone who worked at a video/music store for years I and had to sort that shit for hours some days, I am vomiting.
I don't care where it is I just think it will always be a good idea to have something that's loaded with great vidya, especially for retro shit. Voting would be a good thing to have though.
if you gave a shit you'd do something about it, but nobody here talks about video games. You brought it upon yourselves.
This happens with literally every single Sup Forums related project, ever.
It starts on Sup Forums, some people get into it, then Sup Forums mods start deleting threads related to it for not being console wars and eventually the community gets filled with normies or dies entirely.
You could. In fact, that's the optimal way of doing things.
However, it still won't last long unless it has good moderation and administration and that requires commitment if we're going Wikia route. Vidyas are something very popular, so I assume naming it Recommended Games would lead to hits in google.
/fit/ has a functioning wikia since it's named just /fit/ wiki instead of /fit/'s ultimate guide to fitness I think, along with a functioning administrator and that getting /fit/ is more niche in Wikia and internet terms.
stop being dicks
How would the basis of an improved one look anyways?
>Use the pages from pre-2011/2012 as a basis (Pre-Shazbowl/creation of /vg/ Sup Forums was the last truly-Sup Forums period before Reddit was a large presence here)
>Have pages be exclusives-only (With the exception of 1) Console-family exclusives (PS3/PS4 for Persona 5, for example) and 2) Multiplats where one console version is obectively better than the same game on other consoles (Like how 360 Bayonetta was the best version compared to the PS3 version until the PC/Wii U versions came along)
>No HD Remasters unless it's an actual substantial improvement on the original (ie. Pokemon Red/Blue to FireRed/LeafGreen)
You should also have separate lists with only certain people who can vote games into them, i.e. have recommended games of only people who are verified 30+, have beaten certain games, etc etc.
>verified 30+, have beaten certain games
How the fuck? Timestamp + ID card?
>actually going to plebbit's recommended games wiki
Despite all the trash that on it the Sup Forums wiki is still pretty good for 4th gen and below
>A community starts up
>Gets popular
>Overrun by an outside group
>Turns into fucking garbage
Which one was it for you, Sup Forums? For me it was TV Tropes.
>Used to use the panty shot page to find new ecchi anime/manga I didn't know about
>Had all kinds of fun info about stuff I didn't know about
>Tumblr takeover
>Every page has brony shit for half the fucking page
>All sexual stuff has just been turned into a definition REEEE NO EXAMPLES PLEASE
>Pretty much any kind of anti-men trope has been erased or purged
>Pretty much every page has some kind of "here's all the shit we think is sexist and wrong" section
They could do something like how the Sup Forumsgas does their voting and see where the link gets referred from. Just keep an hour open each day for people to suggest game lists for whenever a new thread goes up.
Why not just make infographics and fuck the wiki, dumb zenbuposter
>verified 30+
why? That would be a huge violation of privacy. Especially on something that is a majority anonymous. And having a special club for certain people to vote will lead to the games being really one sided and go against the whole "Sup Forums's list" thing.
What if instead of making a new wiki, we raided this one?
Just purge the fucking thing.
>implying there's anywhere else even remotely reliable to get vidya recommendations
To be honest the simple fact that it's recommending any games at all alone makes it completely irrelevant to neo-Sup Forums
>when tvtropes purged the page on Rance because it was "problematic"
he is killing himself
i actually have a bunch of em
imagine caring this much about a wiki for recommending games
I'm a faggot learning php and web design so I could maybe help with some shit.
Gee user you might actually just have to start thinking for yourself.
You know, they fucking should. It only hurts Sup Forums's name.
You fucks don't need a site, just do a chart like Sup Forums does
>le Sup Forums's name can't be hurt anymore XD