Do you agree with this sentiment Sup Forums?

Do you agree with this sentiment Sup Forums?

While I like the idea of mastering a game and beeing "the best" at something, I can never pull it off to actually try. While there are people who play 1 game all day every day, I'm usually juggling 4 of them at any given time, becoming decent in any of them, but mastering none.

It's all about the way you approach it.
A smart man can recognize the games that are trying to offer a worthy challenge (like a Devil My Cry), an articulate narrative (like The Witcher), an "immersive" "experience" (like Abzu) or a mindless time killer (like Mario Run).

A smart man can recognize them, and appreciate them at their fullest, knowing exactly what they are.
Newfags, instead, need confirmation; insecurities will lead them to focus on a single trait (like the "great challenge" factor), ignoring many videogames with a lot to offer.
Don't forget: a smart man can also recognize games that aren't worth a play.
If you keep this hobby long enough, you'll either differentiate your tastes (finding something to enjoy in every game), or keep playing a single title/genre.


I like playing competitive games and I like doing good in them, but I'm not gonna stress out over it.

There's room for all kinds of games for me to play.

I don't agree with wasting your time and money on mobage of any kind.

But fun things are fun!
I'm just talking about the text, ignore the picture. Mobage are the devil's games.

No worse than wasting your time here

>I want to play games for the enjoyment.
>I guess I found out that I don't like playing for the competition.

There's nothing wrong with it and I agree a little bit. We're living in an age where everything has to have multiplayer forced into it even if the game wasn't designed with it in mind. Sometimes I just want to enjoy a game alone.

A smart man also recognizes that 'video games' isn't one word.

I feel this way. I don't like playing competitively at all. Playing multiplayer, beating someone online, I don't really get any enjoyment from it. I'm just that kind of person.

I also juggle lots of games at once. I've played a lot of video games in my life. I value variety and interesting games & experiences. Why master one game when you can be a jack of all trades and play a wide variety of games?

Like there are some youtubers I follow that claim to be big fighting game buffs, but whenever they play anything other than a fighting game they have all the video game competence and spatial awareness of a dead fish. Fuck that, I'd rather be the kind of guy that can pick up any game quickly even if I don't master it.

Earth Io confirmed

a smart man doesnt waste his time on children's toys

My pursuit at getting better is entirely personal, I don't care about being the best in the world or how I compare to other players, I just hate being stagnant because it's when things get repetitive and I end up finding another game to play when I could be enjoying the current game more if I got gudder.

In terms of video games, yes I agree.

But life skills, I don't agree. You would just look lazy and maybe even jealous.

What show is this?


Isn't it? It is in my language

Some people enjoy competition.

Fuck being the "best" in video games.
What are you the "best" at? Hand-Eye coordination? Mastering the mechanics of a game that has no application in the real world? Bragging rights in a digital distraction?
This isn't something you could make a living off of, like real sports or art. It's just masturbatory self indulgence. You don't have to be competitve at it, since none of it matters.

Competition is fun, sorry you're too low test to handle it.

Joke's on you, my balding is caused by a surplus of testosterone.

Oh, sorry.

Competitive gaming brings out the fucking absolute worst in people so fuck that noise. League fucking destroyed friendships.

A smart man is paid to waste time on children toys.

But if i get overly angry doesnt that mean i have more test?

I guess someone with less test would do better because they could stay calm and focused easier.

Too much test makes you pretty aggressive

Have you not been paying attention to the rise of eSports? Sure, pro gamers aren't going to be making NFL money, but I feel within the lifetime of your average Sup Forumsirgin, eSports will eventually be lining the pockets of the best players. And just in case you didn't realize it, throwing a ball around a field doesn't mean jack shit in the big scheme of things either. Pro sports are just about commercialism as eSports are

Bald guys in their 20s is my fetish, if you shave it I'll lick it.

I'm not into dudes user.
Also while having considered it, I haven't felt adventurous enough to try it yet.

Shit thread. There are many types of games designed for many types of purposes. I wouldn't play Devil May Cry for the same reason I would play Roller Coaster Tycoon. Games are not meant to be a challenge or for fun or as a distraction or anything, they are meant to be played and that's it, everything else is secundary. Play whatever you like and fuck all these pretentious faggots trying to explain the "real purpose" of games.

There is no reason not to play to win. Fun, casuals, competitive, anything and everything inbetween.

The point of all games (especially those with any sort of multiplayer focus) is to win. You can have fun any way you want, but there is no reason ever not to try and win.

When you start a game it doesn't say "do whatever you want, it doesn't matter" it says "defend the point" or "capture the base" or "kill the enemy" or whatever. All of those things mean to play the game to be the victor.

Winning is fun, losing isn't fun (or rather, isn't as fun). You can fuck around all you want, as long as it doesn't effect you trying to win.

Not every game has a winning point or even a goal.

There's nothing wrong with playing to win, but if you're That Guy at the party who's trying to metagame something like Mario Kart or Mario Party where the game is outright designed to be total chaos with hardly any way of "gitting gud", you'll only piss yourself off and become exponentially more autistic to everyone around you

Most games are about winning in the sense that you beat it. You "win" the game by beating the last boss, getting to the highest level, whatever.

I am more talking about multiplayer games. If you're playing solo, if you're on a team, if your in a tournament, if you're in a clan battle, if you're trying to win lootbox style prizes, etc, etc, etc, it's always about winning. Winning is always better.

Why play the game at all if you're just going to be a fucking retard and play the game wrong and fuck over your teammates? How low-self esteem do you need to have to think that losing is okay?

Even in sports, it's the same thing. Racing, baseball, basketball, etc, it's always about winning. Have fun, and have a good game, and all that; but the entire point of the game is to win. To put yourself/your team to the test, to defeat the enemy team, and to put another notch on the belt. It is the entire concept of any sort of "battle".

You made this thread yesterday, fuck off.

>Most games are about winning
How old are you?

For me theres two types of games: the ones I play because some aspect interest me, and the ones I play just to have simple fun.
I tried multiple times to "master" a game, like Overwatch for example, but I always lose interest. It stops being fun and becomes kinda like a job, except it wont pay me a salary at the end of the month.
Most of the time I rather be playing a new game and seeing new mechanics, new stories, characters, music, etc.
Time never stops and one day I might die or lose my hands, so I wanna try as many as I can while I have the chance.

I didn't though. I just got drunk on vodka tonight and decided to look through the current anime season.


Why do you think that most games (especially multiplayer games) aren't about winning?

Or rather, if it's a single player game, why don't you think it's about beating it?