Will western games ever have characters with good designs?

will western games ever have characters with good designs?

Other urls found in this thread:


Better question
>will western games ever have characters with good backstory?

>western games should take inspiration from japa-

japanese designed characters are a miracle of the universe 2bh

I'm literally fapping right now as I type this. Continue posting lewd girls so I can shoot a healthy load.


You better hand over the saws right now!


A>everything else

You'd better learn how to use GRIS.


dumb loli poster

>Reverse image search a modified image

Did you even click that shit?

I want you to shoot a big load for me user.

Just for you.

Doppori, Zubu Zubu


OP said GOOD design


>liking fat women

Cumming feel good.

I said help me KEEP my erection.

I want what this image fades into more than what it looks like from the thumbnail.

>using kloah as bait for a futashit image


>Doppori, Zubu Zubu
cheers user

Pic unrelated: Garbage

Oh yeah. Let's boogie.

>week 14 of nofap
>lost all desire to fap for the foreseeable future
>even when getting a boner I have no desire to fap
>can look at all the shit itt and not feel like fapping at all

At last I see, the beauty of long-term nofap.

Looks like you enjoy fat black guys.

You're a good man.


>prostate has ruptured
>leaking out of anus
>the sensation isn't even painful
>I have achieved satori

Enjoy your ass cancer.

is broken dick a fetish?

Why the fuck do girls like D get my rock solid

Hey hey hey, that shit's fuckin' gay!

What was the picture my nigs

>when Japan has conditioned you to immediately assume A is the biggest slut

Do you have a liquid or gaseous rock and it turn solid with sluts?

Tigol bitys

a chick with a big dick

Someone posted something about videogames and got insta banned.

a cantonese cat skin drawing with an overweight woman wearing a condom on her large broken penis

Which would you take: a hundred million dollars or to reborn as a Shota in a Kloah story?

How was she overweight and how was that penis broken?

Closet cock lover using /ourguy/ kloah to spread his shit taste.

too thin

garfield may 19 1995 strip

Google, yandex, saucenow cant find the source, please help

>broken penis
wtf im curious now someone post sauce


delet this thread


i'm not allowed to post it. it's porn

This is more my speed.


I love big fat anime titties

I want you to look more ~ live streaming

It's not on sadpanda

>D last

>It's not on sadpanda
Ok then.

Please post more doujins with girls playing games. I need fucking while playing vidya!


At least in English.

I love these thread.

Post more big titty doujin

It is on sadpanda, just not in English. Stop being retarded.

Shinozuka George



I didn't think anybody'd actually get it.

A > B > D > C

Though I effectively like all of them about equally. C really isn't that far off from A to me, like the difference between a 9 and a 8.5.

this one is probably my favorite artist 2bh

Arearee's a pretty good artist, though his style is different

Don't underestimate Sup Forums's autism for identifying cocks.

I'm regularly thankful for it.

Will Japan ever design a character that isn't a sameface titty monster?

i feel has art was better some years ago, like around x-eros #20ish issues (he was in 2 of them iirc)

How do you get over the sad panda


You guys are alright

Sauce? Google returns nothing.

Fun fact! Out of all of the playable characters in Smash Bros, Diddy Kong is the only one made by westerners.

Sure, lots of sameface lolis.

When Japan designed the perfect woman, they decided to stop trying.

C > B > A > D

Theres only 2 kinds of cocks, its not hard to identify which is which.

Post the name??

>He hasn't completed the trials
>He's old enough to shitpost on Sup Forums

oh boy.

*his art

another example of a fine artist whose art was better in the past is usagi nagomu. fei too


please for the love of god user

Where can I find this in english?

If that's actual dialogue, I wouldn't mind a source.

>tfw just browse these threads to add shit to my favorites that I'll probably never read

>mfw done everything under the sun to get past panda
>nothing works
I've done fucking everything I can find and has been said or linked in this cesspool of a site.

it's easy to find, stop being a lazy retard

I hate this artist. It looks like he just slaps meme filters on everything. It hurts my eyes. Chromatic aberration was a mistake.

I saw what you did now give out source or mods find out

Are you literally retarded?

it's only easy cause you know the source ya bish