randomized save points
when you quit you can never be sure when and where you will start again
randomized save points
when you quit you can never be sure when and where you will start again
>just don't turn off the game
wow so hard
If you die once it starts running unoptimized code causing your cpu to melt
Tank controls, mandatory inverted y axis.
button layout changed every minute.
Combat and gamplay does too so you cannot master it.
>make a game hard by increasing its difficulty artificially
if you want to be a faggot and make a game like that then just make the controls randomize every 20 seconds
if you want to make a game actually difficult then you need to think carefully about how your system works and optimize enemy AI without allowing them to read inputs
Game requires trigonometry to solve puzzles.
nah you can skip all that by just goading the player. Make the villain an A.I. intelligence who straight up says:
>I will use every trick in my possession to beat you, just like you humans use yours
>let's see who wins
That should light a fire under their ass and make them view failing as their fault and not the game's.
taunts you with waifu only kill her when you get together
hard on your heart
Glass cannon enemies
but you're like a fortress with pebbles as ammo.
That's not hard, it just evens out.
enemy can only be hurt by damage below a small fraction of its health forcing you to grind with weak attacks
no but it's also a time travel game so it's not just your location that can change you could wind up at any previous save point. and future ones.
Monster Hunter meets Dark Souls
There I saved you a threadful worth of memes.
But neither of those are hard.
This sounds like a pain in the ass more than anything. It would make me stop playing more than make me want to keep playing for a challenge.
Games for babies ----- >
>villain lets you choose which one you want to save
>you pick your favourite obvs
>he shoots that one in the head and calls you a dummy
Which Game does this?
Fully homing projectiles that move faster than you do.
game gives you a limited number of "lives" and you can use them whenever you choose. but some portions of the game are impassable without dying
if you kill every black person you see, you fail