The key to enjoying this game is to not start the main quest line until after you have fun doing all the guild missions...

The key to enjoying this game is to not start the main quest line until after you have fun doing all the guild missions first.

If you start the main quest you are plagued with dragons the entire game. At first it's kinda neat to fight a dragon but it gets pretty damn annoying when every time you go outside you have to deal with the shit.

I actually quit in the middle of the main quest and created a whole new character to start over with just to explore the world without the dragon nuseance bothering me.

Some other thoughts ... I hate the thieves guild in skyrim. They literally did a piss poor job designing it. The missions are terribly boring and the guild itself is in a dark sewer.

Seriously the more i play this game the more i miss Oblivion.

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same with oblivion RE oblivion gates

At least the main quest line was fun. Going through oblivion land was like getting a grand tour of hell. Also fighting the deadra was much funner than gay talking dragons.

ya agreed. i liked the larger oblivion gates with many caves and shit full of loot and exotic alchemy ingredients.
just hated having nice peaceful stroll through countryside and then - RAINING BLOOD FROM A LACERATED SKYYYY

What dragons?
There are no dragons in Skyrim, only wyverns.

>traveling to Karthspire with Esbern and Delphine
>pass by a group of Thalmor without incident
>dragon in the distance
>wait for the dragon to attack everyone
>Thalmor and Blades fighting side by side, dragon is killed
>decide to kill the Thalmor, fuck their shit up
>Delphine starts firing arrows at me

If you get Dragonrend most dragons can be taken down below half health (where they stop flying) in one cycle. Just rush that if you don't want to deal with them.

There it is

I never had the patience for the mage college. You don't really need them to be a mage anyway.

>Some other thoughts ... I hate the thieves guild in skyrim. They literally did a piss poor job designing it. The missions are terribly boring and the guild itself is in a dark sewer.
The other guilds are equally bad.

The more I play Skyrim the more I want to play Oblivion, and the more I play Oblivion the more I want to play Morrowind

No the best way to play it is install random mods but don't read up on what they do.

The whole game sucks compaired to Oblivion. The thing that really grinds my cogs the worst though is the terrible NPC AI. It feels like everyone is just waiting around to talk to you. They almost never talk amongst themselves. Go play oblivion. The NPC's are constantly going to a fro talking and doing things.

>thinks dragons are a nuisance in skyrim
>misses seeing 3 oblivion gates every 2 steps.

The Companions are tolerable only because you get to become a kickass werewolf.

>know how to actually balance this game
>much better than mod faggots on the nexus
>know how to fix dragons

the key is changing their AI on a certain level which may not be possible in CK
need to get rid of that stupid flying bullshit where you end up chasing this half assed faggot lizard with magic fire breath.
i want to turn the dragons into melee beasts. but which swoop down on your shit from the air.
like a total predator

picture just going somewhere on your merry way, then having this massive beast just crash down directly infront or behind you and aggressively chase you on foot, and tries to eat you, or attack you with melee jaws

No, the key to having fun in this game is mods

if someone has to tell you how to enjoy a game? Its probably a shit game.

And you become a werewolf almost immediately after joining just like what happens in the other guilds. It would be better as a disease like it was in previous games.

Werewolves are plebs, become a Vampire lord

It's ok to become a werewolf but if you become a vampire god help you. You might as well just start a new game. Unless you just like only being able to go out and explore when it's night. Otherwise you go out in the day and enjoy having 50% reduced health and being so weak you get killed by mud crabs.

Vampirism really is a curse.

dragons cant fly long because of their size,
but they can chase you on foot.

but yeah, they would be 90% on foot, and agressively persue you after crashing down on you out of nowhere. this would be very startling by the way. there would be little if any warning

it would change the whole mentality of encountering them.

lots of brawn, as a melee beast with only limited flight capability

...also know how to balance the rewards they drop and the entire economy of the fucking game. i should write a book on this shit and let the plebs actually do it

>get dragonrend
>hit them with it
>dragon circles for a minute before flying away so far it exits combat
>comes back a few minutes later when I'm in the middle of quest dialogue

Fucking REEEEE

Yeah. It would have been better to have the Companions keep the information secret from you entirely unless you contracted lycanthropy somewhere else to help you deal with it, and it were less controllable.

The only thing worse than becoming a vamp is starting that awful expansion. The vampire lord is pathetically weak and can't fit through any doors requiring you to have to constantly change form. And that annoying bitch wont stop following you until you finish every gay quest she needs.

>increased stats and unique spells
>only burn when you don't feed
>become a cripple and get a shitty drain life spell
thanks todd


And the form just looks fucking awful. Look at these shitty "wings". They're fucking fingers with like an inch of membrane on them and they expect you to believe these can let you fly.


We don't need to worry about it anymore anyway. Bethesda has already said they don't give a shit about the franchise anymore. They will continue to milk fagrim until it's milked out. Hence why they didn't unveil anything at E3. They have nothing to unveil...

At least we have open Morrowind and it will keep getting better and better.

dude, magic, lmao

It looked better in the movie they blatantly stole the design from.

More dragons means more shouts though. I was always glad to run into a dragon, because even after I'd maxed all the shouts I started using a 10 souls = 1 perk point mod.

Best place to stop is to never deliver the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre or even better, use one of the alternative start mods.

Unless u fork over some $$$ to todd for dawnguard dlc to get that Pure Bloodline tm. Now u get 0 (zero) debuffs and u get a transformation in which u can ragdoll EVERYTHING.

>even thinking about playing skyrim without mods

How to fully enjoy Skyrim
>Uninstall Skyrim
>request refund if you still can
>buy Morrowind
>install Abot's real time travel mods

I love that bethesda themselves have just resigned to making a shitty blank canvas of a game so they can charge people for the communities work and reap the rewards.

worked for cities skylines

Isnt working for FO4 though.

Those do look better than the default but still look like shit.

I personally like default one more and I think it looks good, but animations are terrible.

>The key to enjoying this game
Install Daggerfall or Morrowind instead?

I just start a new character and make all NPCs killable then start a rampage across the map. Eventually gets boring because nobody reacts to it.

Even at level 1 you can kill an entire city with Flames while kiting the guards. Trash AI.


>yfw Bethesda releases the Special Edition script extender as one of their first paid mods