ITT: We discuss replayability of splatoon 2

ITT: We discuss replayability of splatoon 2.

I got about 400 hours out of the first one. Will probably get 500 out of the second.

>Sup Forums



>X is no longer jump
>can't change it

preorder cancelled

>400 hours on 5 maps


Splatoon had like 20 maps

It's not bad. You aren't used to it yet.

I hate that I don't have a gamepad for a map. But I'll get used to the new one

Ask the people who play MOBAs, though there are more than five maps in splatoon.

well DUH, of course it's gonna be replayable as hell.

that's not why u made this thread is it? u just wanna watch Sup Forums scramble like the special ed children they are

>tfw 3000 hours in CSGO and the only map I play is Dust 2

It makes sense when you look at placement of the R-stick.

its a bad game, should buy horizon instead

Sony ponies defending the I console like they work for them. Disgusting.

$0.01 has been added to your PSN™ Wallet

Lol you stole that from me

0.01 cents has been added to your Nintendo advertising account thank you

I can't get over how good the ink looks. Splatoon one looked good. But this game is just so pleasing

>Lol you stole that from me
>cent has been deposited into shill account meme
this has been a meme at Sup Forums for years

I think I had about 300 hours in the first one, 2 seems to be even better than the first.
>Controls are good
>Joycons and their motion control feels natural
>Lots of fixes to old complaints, like Spyke's wild ride and Sheldon's never ending dialog
>All new subs, specials, and music
>New and improved maps
>New weapons
>New cosmetics
>New single player (hopefully a bit longer)
>Revitalized discussion
Very excited for this. I'm sure I'll put in at least 200 hours.

It's still the button closest to the right stick silly squid

I'll probably get minimum 150 out of it throughout its lifespan. If I really like it as time goes on, I could see 250 being a reasonable number as well

I got 100 hours in the first one probaly 200 this time