What are the most replayable PS3 games?

What are the most replayable PS3 games?

Not necessarily good or bad, just something you'd come back to over and over that wouldnt get boring?

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Idk why, but lately I've been coming back to the PS3 version of splinter cell blacklist. That game on perfectionist difficulty is the tits.



Doom Classic Complete

I don't think the PS3 was a great console for replayability now that I think about it. You could get the mgs collection - those games are all pretty damn replayable. I think that there's a Japan only port of mon hun 3 as well.

Fallout new vegas I guess, but you'd be better off just getting the pc version.

Gundam Breaker 2 and Soul Calibur V if you like customization and aesthetics unlocks.

Demon's Souls

If not exclusive, then Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma as well.

>Playing Dogma on a dead console when its literally coming out with a PS4 port in a few months

After dusting off my PS3 I can't believe how fucking slow it is in comparison to the PS4

>inb4 no shit fucking retard

Dark Souls is still pretty active on ps3. There seem to be quite a few fairly new people playing too, which makes things fun if you go Darkwraith early in a run. Last run I did I would invade at every bonfire, then drop a summon sign and PM them asking if they wanted a summon. Got lots of humanity that way.

RDR is fun to come back to every once in a while.

>playing an FPS with no freelook with a controller

I thought that was just for japan


Metal Gear Solid 4

Replay in big boss extreme, then replay the save with the guns you unlocked, listen to the internal podcast and skip the cutscenes.

oh boy oh boy
still more than a few months though nigger
I was lookin for a good jrpg on ps4 with more exciting combat

The Demon/Dark Souls and the MGS legacy collection

Infamous 2 is still the fucking tits, also has a cool forge mode

>Half as long, twice as bright

I wish it was on ps4, that's pretty much the only game I'll bother booting up my ps3 for other than mw2
The amount of detail in the AI is really cool on BBE
Like one time a guard noticed my cigarette smoke when I was behind cover and I just thought that was the tightest shit

also u should check out mgo2r
ofw should be out soon

Resistance 3 is a great game. I've beaten it at least twice.

gr8 choice
I totally forgot that game had a forge mode


The Ratchet And Clank Future games have a great deal of side content, if you're into them.

Tales of Symphonia, it's a 40+ hour rpg and I've beaten it 35+ times on PS3 + GameCube

well, i'm first up, im not gonna mention any games that have PC ports, unless the PC port is shit.

>Demons Souls
>Ninja gaiden Sigma 1 and 2
>Devil May Cry 3 HD
>Soul Calibur 5 and Tekken tag 2
>3D Dot Game Heroes
>Deadly Premonition Directors Cut
>Hard Corps Uprising
>All the Ratchet games (except Quest for Booty and spinoffs)
>MGS Legacy Collection
>NBA Jam On Fire Edition
>Okami HD
>No More Heroes: heroes Paradise
>Shadows of the Damned
>Sly HD collection + 4
okay now... these aren't all games that i would replay every year (some i would)
but these are all games i think about every 3 years or so about replaying them.
basically i consider them worth Owning and often times they are the definitive versions of those games.

>CTRL+F "Tokyo Jungle"
>No result

I played through it once, then I did those arcade runs for a bit but I never unlocked the dinosaurs. It got kinda old how you needed to do stuff with a deer to unlock another deer which unlocks the next thing and so on

What's wrong with the pc port of Deadly Premonition?

do people still play sc5

it sucks ass and even with the fan patch it tends to crash a shitton, it's just a technical nightmare.
no clue, but its one of the best local fighting games you can play with friends who have little knowledge of fighting games.

>35+ times
Either you're stealing my shtick, or your second runner up. Either way, keep it up user. 43 here.

Getting an objective to go all the way to Yoyogi Park while there's smog every fucking where tended to turn me off.

Hell yeah. One of the best superhero games ever.

Time Crisis Razing Storm
Ridge Racer 7

>all these kids with their multiplats

Reading comprehension.

>Reading comprehension.
OP never asked for exclusives nerd

All that
>Jurassic The Hunted

>no EDF 2025
come on, Sup Forums. i know the upgraded 4.1 version is the best game ever made, but it isn't on PS3

Just get PC version. It runs on toasters and still runs better than PS3 version

the fuck are you on about? there's no multiplayer

This. Also Infamous 1. Idk, I just liked the way powers worked better in the first one. And how basic electricity didn't cost anything

BBE is ridiculous, I have no idea how to get past some of the opening sections

Pawns user. Dogma is awful on PS3 because theres nobody active to summon as pawns anymore, and no way to get the rift currency because of it

Dude... got a bit of nostalgia feel from that Gamecube screen.


That bios menu had some seriously ASMR music