Im a mercy main
he's cute.
Natalie > Sue > Bailey
>ywn line all three of them up and wreck their asses
might as well kill myself.
All healers should frankly undergo hormone therapy and sex change operations.
girls name?
Natalie will forever look like a dude.
I was laughing my ass off when FinalFanasyPeasant was trying to flirt with Sue on his channel.
Bailey is a cunt
>inb4 1 million replies of >girl or >newfag
>Natalie will forever look like a dude.
She's gorgeous what are you talking about.
I just see a nerdy ass man. She doesnt pass
i don't get it
>those teeth
>those tits
>that hair
What the fuck is this sewer rat?
come one, guys.
natalie's mutilated square penis is the worst thing in the world
Did they get bigger?
Yo I'd suck this girls dick
>deformed dick "girl" and dead inside "girl"
>better than Bailey
Its a man baby
good one
Natalie will forever look like a dude.
ok so whats the girls name?
are these threads allowed?
sue a best
it's """"""Sup Forums"""""" culture
just report them and move along
>tfw no qt trap to wriggle on your lap while playing Mariokart
Kate > Miss Robo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
>go on /gif/
>post >she
>get thousands of replies
Natalie still looks manly, and Sue has bolt-on tits.
tfw no kalindra gf
>I won't fuck her, she used to be a man and I'm not gay!
By that logic you're a pedophile for having sex with a woman because she used to be a girl.
qt grill
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this
Most posts about him either worship him or only point to his nasty dick as his flaw but I always thought he just looks like a white guy with long hair
Very passable. Shame she does dumbass meme/weeb expressions.
this fucking forum is filled with faggots and porn
that's why every video game player is a fucking loser
fuck you loser and you stupid hobby killing your sex life, this is social engineering!
>No mentally damaged dude will suck you off or beg you to fuck his ass
i love how people want to flame with shit like this
and it works holy shit
Why can't trannies be happy with their B-cup HRTits instead of profaning them with silicone balloon monstrosities?
Mental illness.
they are either mentally ill, or they work from that
it's sad
>disgusting manly five head
>better than Bailey
Nigga you must be retarded
Who's the one on the right?
>Used to be
Lurk on Sup Forums until you figure out makeup won't make you female
>implying wanting to be a chestlet isn't even more mentally ill
Fake boobs are a sin, bro
Lurk on Sup Forums until you figure out girls don't turn into adults either
I couldn't give a fuck about Bailey Jay, but you should look in the mirror you fucking homunculus.
Traps/trannies would be 100% better without the dick and instead with actual female vaginas. Prove me wrong.
>tfw no sugar daddy to buy you whatever you want just for bouncing on his lap for 15 minutes
>tfw christian probably already has
>while only slowly inserting his dick halfway in
That retarded fuck doesn't deserve such prime boibussy
Natalie would be great but what the fuck happened to the penis?
Do people genuinely jerk off to this faggot shit or is it a meme? I've been here since 2010 and I seriously have no idea if it's a meme or people are actually into gay men with fake tits
fucking gay
>used to be
It's hot, you fucking newfag
Hotter than my GF. I would.
Where the fuck do I go for my smut now that the fucking faggot mods got rid of the erotic fiction threads
>ITT: Faggots as far as the eye can see
Sup Forums should be wiped from Sup Forums
yo why that nigga dick look like a 2x4
Is this that catch me outside girl I keep hearing about?
This place is crawling with straight up faggots user,can't tell if this place is Sup Forums or anymore.
Bottom left mate
Natalie was in a discord channel I used.
She was nice. Called me cute :3 People bullying her made her leave though - I can say that people calling her a guy really upsets her.
if you think people being unable to get a female pushing their mind to be attracted to the next best possible thing is a joke everyone on this board is playing then I have a fucking bridge I can sell you
Name a better combo than Tranny x Girl. You literally can't.
Fake tits are always, objectively worse than real ones, regardless of size. They're fucking disgusting. Also, I see no difference between mentally ill men chopping off their dicks to be more "feminine," and women jamming bullshit into their chests for the same purpose. Body mutilation is mental illness.
You're gonna have to wait a looooooooong time for that, kid.
sauce on the pic
Gimme her discord, user
I've been here for 7 years you regard. And no this shit isn't hot, you're so addicted to porn that softcore and straight hardcore aren't even enough for you anymore. Youve completely fucked your brain so you need something fucking gay like this to get off. When's the last time you had your cock in an actual woman?
>Not respecting people's personal pronoun choice
Either way she looks like a girl no matter what angle you look at, why does it matter user?
i wanna see some more pics
Do you fuck at the chromosomal level?
Dumb phoneposting
He said female vaginas, not mutilation.
jesus christ how horrifying
Trap without fake tits x Girl > Tranny x Girl
but the dick is right there! you cant just play dumb!
>I saw some gross pornstars so I know everything about fake tits
He's a man and still resembles one.
I hated him but seeing him respond calmly to angry people on social media has made me respect him more
this man knows
Exactly, and that just goes to show how far away we are from making real ones.
Does straight trap porn exist?
link me some
What does "she" plan to do once she's 40+ and her beauty starts to fade and she can't land a husband because at that age men want a woman to settle down with not a wrinkly old tranny with a hairy crotch and a 5 oclock shadow.
2010 is fucking newfaggotry, dude. Further proven by the fact that you are phoneposting.
What's not hot about fucking a dude so hard he becomes a woman? It's about utter domination.
Most of us have no plans to get surgery on our dicks, I'm so tired of the ignorance
Live off of her porn money for the rest of her life
She lives in a fucking mansion already user
already married. To the cameraman.
Every video on bailey's website is them fucking.