any games that let you liberate a country?
Any games that let you liberate a country?
Other urls found in this thread:
mgs peace walker
just cause series
Stormblood but we're not allowed to talk about that game on Sup Forums
Jagged Alliance 2
I'd fucking love a game about fomenting a revolution
Maybe you could even customize it to say what it was for so no one accused it of being propaganda/biased
This, the game even has tapes talking about how great Che Guevara was.
Close, but i don't know if it will ever be released.
I remember seeing a trailer for this game like two or three years ago.
che was a mindless romantic and a murderous bastard
what an interesting game, tell me about the plot
Our homes are safe.
a little boy learns about unicorns and fairy tales and ends up believing in them. Their plan for complete equality between all the countrymen (except the unicorns themselves) can only be achieved after they fight against those who are superior in any/every way (e.i. engineering,, math, culinary arts, basket weaving, etc).
Eventually (maybe, it's up to the player) realizes inequality is not such a bad thing after all, and is actually important to the evolution of mankind
Just Cause, all of them
The first one had the real guerrilla revolutions feeling, but it dated like shit.
Red Faction series
He only killed bourgeois scum and traitors.
It's cute when redpillers get upset
>mindless romantic and a murderous bastard
The definition of a revolutionary
TRIGGERED cuck??????
Arma 3 campaign
freedom fighters
Don't feel too bad about it. In a way the mass commercialization of Che's persona is ironically the biggest slap in the face to his memory possible.
What are some games about vermin removal?
Kek at seeing people swallow the propaganda. He's was far more tame than most of the shit other world leaders get away with, he was just more open and honest about what it took to get shit done. He deserves every accolade he's been showered with, even if it was done in ignorance.
resist comrade
Fuck you commie what other games let me fight the Red menace and send lots of pinko commie subhumans to hell?
>how great Che Guevara was.
From the point of view of big boss... who is a shady character himself with doubtful morals.
why does this toe have a face
As long as we that "traitor" = person who had the bad luck of being born in Cuba at the time and thinking differently of him.
Communism is a fascist regime. You don't agree with them, they kill you.
Now, you see, if I saw that guy I'd tell him to stop wearing a shirt like that unless he works out more because it's only associate the image of revolutionary with asses like him and make the whole cause look bad. Unless he's doing it 'ironically'.
Funny enough, I watched a "documentary" about what Cuba is like today. The Cubans themselves are really pleasant, but the country itself is below meh-tier.
Why can't we forcefully deport any commie faggot to one of these starving shithole free healthcare countries? Why do they keep trying do hard to turn our countries into these exact shitholes?
I want her to /ss/ my younger self.
Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones
does he really look like he is self aware?
Liberal Crime Squad is kind of like this, it's pretty decent
all modern leftists look like this
first you lost the meme war next you will lose the civil war
I can't remember the name of the conference I used to go to in the early noughties, in London, it was for educational and accessible games, but it was extremely common for at least one dev to have a demo of a revolution simulator. I guess they aren't ccommercially viable, because I've tried out multiple games where you play a regular man on the street who hates his government and gains followers and political power and aims to ooverthrow the establishment.
I wish I could remember the name of that conference. No idea if it's still going or what.
What are some games that let me fight domestic terrorists?
>starving shithole free healthcare countries
You mean like the UK, France, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, etc etc etc
What the fuck happened to this word? I ausually associate the term "liberal" to people like Milton Friedman and John Locke.
all modern alt right look like this
first you lost the meme war next you will die of diabetis
Congratulations, you became a master baiter!
>all shitholes being raped to death and having bombings daily by the horde of Ahmeds, mehmets and Mohammeds
Try again commie.
nice trollpost but boogie is a leftist
he will fight for us though
Far Cry 5
Farcry 3 and 4
>off topic /leftypol/ thread
>that faggot who screams FUCK OFF Sup Forums PISS OFF Sup Forums isn't here
Liberal now means the part of the left wing that is pro-establishment, authoritarian, etc
Calling a self-identified leftist a "liberal" will enrage them
Don't lump them together, they're very different groups
>posting image of faggot whose meme literally Is PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE GOYIM
Shoo shoo, back to Neofag with you.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the governmental systems of those countries, can you please elaborate your claims?
>all modern alt right
There's literally nothing in that picture that mentions anything about politics. Try harder next time.
Liberal is a meaningless word that can mean the opposite of itself to different people and in different places.
>rape little girls
>kill thousands of people
>try to bomb America
>the left idolizes you
This is why the left needs to be cleansed from this planet.
Fuck off saged
Hey man I'm here because I'd love a game about a revolution, not to argue with alt right or commies or whatever
he also hated homosexuals, which is another thing the lefties want to ignore
Communists don't like being called communists. So they refer to themselves as "tolerant and inclusive liberal minded people." Welcome to 1984. We newspeak now where you can't be racist to white people or sexist to men because we've redefined the words.
"Lefties" don't give a shit, my friend, leftists aren't concerned with dumbass social issues like the statist faggots in charge now, they're more concerned with economic issues, as they see them as the root of all problems
Fuck no, liberals are authoritarian cucks, socialists and marxists are at their core libertarian
>any games that let you liberate a country?
>also posts a picture of che guevara
>I'm here because I'd love a game about a revolution, not to argue with alt right or commies or whatever
Brigador is the most accurate representation of what happens when you "liberate" a country
if that was the case then why aren't they stopping immigration or make it more strict?
What the fuck are you talking about you absolute retard
Communists do call themselves communists, the people you're talking about are in fact liberals
I didn't make the thread, I just wanted something good to come of it but I shouldn't expect nice things on Sup Forums
nice try
Because leftists aren't really in power anywhere
And why are you so concerned with immigration, do you really think that brown people are the biggest problem in the world today?
I'd pay to live in your world, it seems so easy
Yes you shouldn't, OP clearly wanted to start a /leftypol/ vs Sup Forums fight.
>liberate a country
>enslaves people in a insland
heh there's something very wrong inside some people's heads
Desu wearing a shirt with Che's image printed on it is probably the best way to spit on everything he stood for
lmao what? Socialists and marxists = libertarian??? Are you memeing or actually retarded? Libertarian is the antithesis of government, or at the minimum, minimal government. Socialism -requires- big government. You need to fucking kill yourself if you're serious.
lmao reminds me of these dumb faggot 20 year olds who call themselves "Anarcho-communists"
Newspeak is so mainstream that Hillary is healthy, trump is bad at shaking hands, and Bruce Jenner wins a woman of the year award.
We are living the doublethink nightmare, and no-one cares.
I, for one, appreciate your attempt to keep things on-topic. It won't work, though. This is now a politics thread. It will be deleted immediately as soon as a liberal definitively loses an argument.
But that's true you nigger
True socialism IS completely anarchic, or rather a total, direct democracy which is essentially the same thing
chill homie
>leftist aren't really in power anywhere
this is what delusion looks like
Do you really think that poltards think that far ahead?
if they were concerned about economic issues then they wouldn't be lefties
You're an idealistic retard faggot. I don't care what you think these terms mean, they have no application in reality. I guarantee you're like 19-20 and still live at home and never worked an honest day in your life. Grow up and get educated on life then you'll be taken seriously, squirt.
Hitler was a failed liberal arts student who blamed those he deemed "privileged" for society's ills. Does that sound familiar, neofag nigger?
'white people should check their privilege'
'whites don't know what it's like to be poor'
'it's my job to shut other white people down'
'white people being attacked? only black lives matter'
'we don't need white people in power'
'white people being replaced is a good thing'
'white men killing themselves? great!'
What are some games that let me form right wing death squads to break the shackles of Marxism and Capitalism?
Why do you make this thread every day?
>any kind of argument, statement, or point is made
>conservicucks always reply with "but that's not true" with no elaboration, "omg look at this retard" with no elaboration, etc etc etc
>they never provide any actual points, just buzzwords that it's clear they don't really understand
Communism doesn't work. A large bureaucracy creates a large bureaucratic elite.
The Saboteur if you want to kill nazis
Communism is anarchistic. Please tell me how much you know better.
That's completely untrue
You are mistaken in thinking that "lefty" equals "SJW"
Most lefties are some form of socialist which is an entirely economic-focused idealogy
The idea is that social issues like racism, gays, abortion, whatever are exaggerated by the capitalist elite to keep the masses pitted against one another rather than realizing what the real problems are
Chapo Trap House listeners pls go. Your heroes are smug elitists from upper middle class families and who can't win an argument with anyone legitimate.
why are leftists so bad at memes, humor and just general argumentation? everything they think of fails nowadays.
Communism cannot be achieved without government.
>inb4 "b-but true actual real legit communism was never tried reeeee"