Am I missing anything?
Am I missing anything?
Other urls found in this thread:
A black hand and RDR
Are you making a collection of every mediocre game on the Xbox 360?
Alright OP, that comes to $2.17 store credit, or we can do 75 cents cash
Kill yourself.
Testosterone from the looks of your baby hand
I have no clue, you're the only person in the world who uses an Xbox.
this thread will surely turn to racism
>white hand
are these all bootlegs too?
>4 music games
Excuse me, is this the daily hand thread?
A working Xbox 360.
And don't lie to us. We know you have a RRoD.
Darksiders 2
stop biting your nails
>original games
A few inches.
what do you mean
Whats with those cases?
Are those all bootlegs?
Why do Americans have such disgusting nails?
Where's lollipop chainsaw and lost odyssey?
I can stop anytime I want dog
I like your collection and glad it isn't filled with too much weebshit.
>owning wagglan games unironically
>"""""""weebshit""""""" games being bad
roastie detected
serial killer/10
>Sonic Unleash!
You're missing an explanation for that bootleg.
why not just put all your games alphabetically in a giant CD book?
this just doesn't work without Black people.
which one to play?
is ff12:za a remake or what
i reallyl dont know
that top shelf is an accidnet waiting to happen bro
because then I'll have to reorganize the whole thing If i add one thing in it dog
cute hand
>star wars the force unleashed
give it back miguel
How about putting away your fucking dishes first.
Because now you have all of your game cases taking up space as well as a cd book now
A better console.
>niggas still don't got PS4
youre the type of cunt who chopped up N64 boxes and put them all in VHS cases arent you
a playstation
It's a fun game. I been trying to grab the ps3 version recently but have been too busy with my og xbox this summer.
Weeb shit from 6th gen were fun and genuinely great games. Most modern weeb games are just contain fap bait and emo characters, contain waifus, anime tropes, nonsensical inconsistant anime stories and generic jrpgs with rpg elements. Not trying to shit on your preference but it's hard to take Japanese devs serious these days if their main target audience is waifu fags first before actual gamers. Just look at the nier and persona 5 threads.
no but I want one for p5 bruh.
This is the stack of games you see at your old oxy addicted friend from gradeschools house
This is just one section.
Brah.. I own the ps4 but the only games I liked on it was rise of the tomb raider and gravity rush 2. Had more fun this summer playing old games this modern shit.