ITT: Used goods

ITT: Used goods.

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ugh, used goods is such a misogynist word

I'll take a slutty bitch who knows what the fuck she's doing in the sack over a shy, timid, dead fish first timer crying all over my bed sheets ANY day.

degenarate whore

This man knows what's up. Sup Forums's obsession with virgins is hilarious.

I like milf because of that.



Why dislike Zero for being into sex when you can dislike her for literally everything else about her personality?

fucking an experienced girl is not cuckoldry.
in fact, if you play your cards right, you could probably cuck some poor guy with his girlfriend, kek

In my experience with NTR the shy innocent virgin girl tend to cheat on you more than the others. Mostly because a mature girl who is already experienced tend to search for a more stable romance.

A virgin can always get better at sex, but you can't take away the miles of dick a whore has taken, nor can you remove the genetic residue of her previous partners from her children.

Also you're a special kind of faggot to imply virgins aren't adorable.

>fuck a virgin
>she was freaking out
>didn't even move
>killed my boner after she started crying

and this is a true virgin that's never played with herself or had an orgasm ever

Worst fuck ever

One and Zero had the same endgame regardless of their personalities though.

Your made up experience is counter factual.

That's what makes her the best gjrl

That's if you fuck a white, not a fucking average girl.

Girls who have had sex don't usually have had like 30 fucks in them

so white women then

>Also you're a special kind of faggot to imply virgins aren't adorable.
In terms of behavior? Not really. It really depends on the fucking girl, you dimwit.
But in terms of physical attractiveness? There's literally no way to tell. The meek, shy girl who /looks/ like a virgin, might have had 12 dicks inside her by her 20s.

And, I don't look for long-term relationships, so teaching a virginal girl is entirely pointless if I'm just going to ghost her anyway.

>tfw yoko taro is so ahead of his handlers
>they tell him they need to make all the intoners into females to attract the weeb audience
>well okay
>he then turns around and gives every single intoner the sex drive of a male on viagra and stimulants 24/7
>wow suddenly everyone hates them as waifus because they need sex all the time and japan only wants pure maiden waifus
>next level suffering

One didn't go out of her way to paint herself as the villain for the sake of confusing everyone.

but we are talking about japanese fantasies here.

why didn't zero just stab herself with her sword

why is this game so stupid

stop posting your shitty vids

Let's not pretend you have any kind of experience.

she didnt care about whether she was a villain or a hero, she knew what the end was going to be and didnt pretend to be good or evil because she knew at the end none of that mattered, if anything One wasted time trying to put up some facade like she was better when ultimately none of that matters, all of them must die and at that moment titles do not matter.

2B did alright. So I wouldn't blame it entirely on that.

the last one standing has to commit suicide.

You've clearly never popped a cherry before... it's not that great.

except that ultimately you end up with a weird scenario with real 9s getting on the ark and the fake 9s living happily ever after.

You could argue they are both real if you want though, and i'm sure that the audience will self insert as 9s or something if they wanna waifu 2B I think overall though its something that could be lingering at the back of their minds.

She says she tried to commit suicide and the flower intervened. She needs someone to overpower her and kill her, that's why she allied with the biggest dragon dude around.

Let's not pretend you're not projecting.

>didnt pretend to be good or evil
But she went out of her way to explain her actions as nothing but a selfish grab for power instead of taking twenty seconds to explain to anyone that it was for the sake of the world.

One thought she was better than Zero because Zero was psychotically hunting her and her sisters down their entire lives while they were just trying to be quirky superheroes.

Why didn't Bro1 appear in every other endings?

Its not exactly a story that can be explained in 5 seconds. And no one would believe a short version anyway. I think the whole evil villain thing was just for the sake of the narrative though.

>9s getting on the ark
To be fair that's optional.

And could just imply that they took another copy of his data.

>But she went out of her way to explain her actions as nothing but a selfish grab for power
To Mihkail, who she assumed was too retarded at that point to really understand and she didn't want to bother. Michael knew the real reason.

how did they even afford that sick ass trailer? not even nier automata had that type of CG trailer

I actually laughed when Kanna said Cuck. I only really hear people on Sup Forums say it.

Thats my fucking wife you are calling a whore

Also don't forget the end of that story is one where reality comes knocking and they almost get ate by an evil sealed away by whoever accord works with.

Ultimately they wasted time, but I can see how One tried her hardest, she simply didnt have enough time to work on the average people and could only do so much before destiny came knocking.

Just not enough time.


>The campfire scene where she's lecturing Octa and Decadus for being shit-tier in bed and demanding improvements
She wouldn't even notice you, user

>I think the whole evil villain thing was just for the sake of the narrative though.
Yeah, I feel like the twist is essentially meant to be an antithesis to Nier. But I did feel it's a bit harder to swallow, because Nier was an inherently good albeit narrow-minded guy inadvertently committing atrocities without realizing it, so it doesn't really go against his motivations or personality as a character.

While Zero's backstory and personality paints her as someone who's given up on everyone and hates the world and its constant betrayals, but she just so happens to still care enough to keep trying to save it at her own expense without telling anyone for whatever reasons.

>but she just so happens to still care enough to keep trying to save it at her own expense
I got the impression that she hated the world but destroying it was over the line, and she hated the flower for bringing her back to life even more. She's not interested in being the hero or making grand statements so much as getting it over with so she can go back to being dead.

All Drakengard games talk about what can motivate a typical RPG protagonist to cause some extreme psychopathic violence. In 3's case, for a singular, higher goal.

>without telling anyone for whatever reasons.
She tells Michael, her only close ally, and tells Octa when he's the last one standing in path D.

>fake 9s living happily ever after.
Well if you're gonna get technical we're already playing a "new fake" 9S from the start.

But now the cycle's finally broken and they can build something from scratch.

>tells Octa when he's the last one standing in path D.
Did she? Been a while since I've played. I don't remember that guy having more than four lines that weren't about his dick.


Yeah, after Three goes down Zero explains her backstory to him (the flower, how she died and came back, and what her goals are). It's the first time the player gets the full details as well iirc.

I don't remember if he references his dick during the description but he probably does somehow.

You're wife is a whore

I want to marry One!
I don't mind her brother, it's not sex when you do it with your genderbent clone, it's masturbation.

Don't lie, you're just doing this to fuck her brother, aren't you?

Genetic residue?

What the fuck are you on? If this is true your mother must have fucked a hundred retards before your downie father put you in her.

four a best

>genetic residue
>this is what Sup Forumsirgins believe

>study is based on fruit flies
fucking flyposters

Look up micro chimeraism or some shit that sounds like that

It's probably my least favorite Taro cast for varying reasons but I'll defend Two to the end.

Two did nothing wrong

Neither did Four

>no evidence of this in humans

Used up whore coming through

You guys were calling the other user a retard, so I was just providing some articles of what he was probably referring to. Fuck off with the dismissive attitude, though. Especially you, 2nd user.

You know what, fuck Sup Forums and their dismissive attitude towards everything. Fuck your meme arrows. Kill yourselves.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, cuck defense force

Geez user, sounds like those replies are really bugging you

t. triggered virgins

sex is for subhuman apes

>back to pol
>advocating against the keeping of "purity" of a woman

>two was the cutest
>had the best fuck boy
>her story was dlc

I knew more about 5 by the time the game was over. It was awful.

t. Four

Smelly retard.

like a fat girl or an a manfaced girl, a slutty girl is just unattractive. i dont understand why nobody bats an eye if you say you wouldnt date a fatty or an uggo, but the white knights come out of the woodwork if you say you wouldnt date a slut.

That was just salt in the wound that the best character development was cut from the main game to be sold later.

because Americans are straight up cucks user. No decent man would ever choose a loose, used up slut over a virgin, especially when virgins can be turned into personal sluts.

There's a reason they're called Americucks.

your vids are trash just like you are gold-shitter

that's two words though

I haven't played Drakengard, is she really a slut? who does she fuck?

She's a literal whore. Look up the wiki.

She was a whore before she got space aids.

Grow up faggot.

When is this getting a pc port?

Literal professional whore in the past. Has a bunch of (sort of) cloned sisters, murders them, takes their boytoys as a harem while on her actual quest.

More like used up goods, amirite?

it will be "playable" via rpcs3 first




Shit, is there any woman (or man) who isn't in the Witcher world?

Is there ANY Witcher woman that's not used goods?

There's that one priestess you get virgin blood from to try to heal lycanthropy in TW1

Nope. I remember some guy in /wtc/ had a theory that triss was ntring geralt with lambert.

>Start dating girl
>When we have sex I can't stop thinking about how many dudes have been inside her already
>Can only maintain half a boner during sex because of this mental block

It really is terrible.

Some implications but no evidence. Every sorceress is a megaslut by design anyways, none of them can handle a relationship.

There is no proof at all so far that "genetic residue" changes the outcome of a child.Not from what i've read anyway.