Are there any visual novel (((video games)))) that are actually worth playing...

are there any visual novel (((video games)))) that are actually worth playing, or are they all just the same boring moe trash weeb bait as everything else?

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Be honest OP, you don't actually want a vidya thread do you?

i miss ozone so much :,(c

no, i have lost the will to play video games, they are all shit now.

Kino no Tabi is good. H-scenes are a bir forced, but the story is stellar.


Umineko was interesting but the ending was pretty bad
The rest of VNs that I read were just alright

>Kino no Tabi
I meant Kara no Shoujo. Holy fuck, I need to sleep.

You answered your own question. If the gameplay experience is the equivalent of turning a page then no, you're not going to find anything worthwhile in any of them.

if all of the ((videogames)) you tried playing were weebtrash then that says something about your tastes in games....

Its shit

well, its okay if there is no gameplay or whatever, im more looking for something that isn't just harem shit.
i want like... monster girls, and futa amazons.

>H-scenes are a bit forced
Those are the best kind.

Monster Girl Quest?
It has actual gameplay too

999 series. It's a more serious take on the death game/puzzle room genre.

Danganronpa is not nearly as good, but great if you're into a more anime type of tone.

do the monstergirls actually have animal gentials? like centaurs have horse pussy, dog girls have canine pussy? etc.
any futa?

Rance is technically a VN, and every game has a nice gameplay. But I doubt that anyone actually faps to them, shit is too hilarious.

Saya no Uta

If you want monster girls and futa, try playing Trials in Tainted Space. I'll never stop loving that filth.
Text based, though.

every bread

>tfw we'll never get more Angel Blade

I would even take a VN at this point as long as Obari does the art

But if you sleep then you might miss the amazing fantastical action happening on Sup Forums daily.

Root Double is a fun visual novel. Not saying it isn't weeb but it's a fun read.

>kino no tabi

l-l-link plea-see....

Did you know that another Kino anime is in the works? This is better than any H-scene ever.

don't do this with me user

Muv luv has been pretty good so far. Halfway through alternative

That arc after CHOMP was the best thing in a VN.

>tfw this is real

He's not lying tho

Which arc? PTSD is pretty gud

Just finished the UN joint-op with the far east. Its good to see some great mecha payoff finally


what the actual FUCK