Not really liking the toy outfits
Not really liking the toy outfits
No reason to buy the game
I want to hotglue my Sora action figure.
What other types of toys could they have become other than legos, brehs?
Kys, fag
Toy Sora looks creepy.
I think it looks good, just could've been better
Honestly, I kinda wish Sora had just turned into his PlayArts Kai figure, since it would've fit with the whole east vs west thing KH usually has. I think Donald and Goofy work fine as cheap kiddy toys, though.
plushy Donald would have been cool
keep crying faggot
what were you expecting
They're saving polygons with those blocky ass Lego outfits
some color other than red? His entire body is grey and black.
>being this desperate for (you)s
well heres one out of pity
I agree. Too many sharp edges. It really clashes with how smooth woody and buzz are.
The designs were literally made by Pixar artists who worked on Toy Story. They look fine.
Will Cait Sith appear? He is perfect for a Toy Story world.
why are they so blocky? I don't remember any blocky Toy Story characters
oh shit you're right
i was thinking something like that looks more like a bionicle for sora
but fuck man im just so happy we're getting atleast one pixar world, who knows what else is in there
>yfw Cars Sora when the Cars world gets announced
To make them visibly toyetic at a glance
They do a good job with joints and everything, I'm sure Bandai designers helped them with this.
Agreed. I really don't get the aesthetic they were going for. It's blocky, but not lego blocky. It kind of looks like those nutcracker toys, but there aren't any type of toys like that in Toy Story.
I didn't even think about this until now
I'd appreciate it more if they're like, different toy types.
They're supposed to be like, those blocky, lego technic action figures right? That's fine and all, but maybe Donald and Goofy could've been a plush or a wooden doll or something. Just some variety you know?
but all three of them are blocky, couldn't they all be different? maybe Sora be Woody-ish and Donald/Goofy be a Ken doll or something
Why are KHbros so picky?
>giving a fuck about Cars
I'd prefer A Bug's Life, Wall-e, Monster's Inc.
Disney wise, Emperor's New Groove
back to main storyline?
I mean, I like what I'm seeing, and I'm super excited and all that.
I'm pretty much nitpicking just for the sake of it. Also to keep the discussion going, kind of.
Sora looks fine. Donald and Goofy look really bad and generic and they don't animate like toys. They are pretty much wearing the same outfit just different colors.
Why is some scottish cat perfect for this world? Or do you mean his moogle toy
Extremely long dev cycle.
They hate their own series
FF characters never really show up in Disney worlds anymore. They're usually relegated to Hollow Bastion or some OC world.
There's a section of fans that think that if it isn't exactly like kh2fm, then it's shit
Can't wait to play it on my PC ^_^
Why's that?
Who the Fuck isn't picky on Sup Forums?
People are trying to find things to shit on, especially with upcoming games
sora's kh3 design looks terrible with that blocky style. you really notice how there's too much black.
Well fuck
now I'm really disappointed
Wind-up Donald would have been funny.
It's pretty onvious why if you open up your eyes you fucking mongoloid
the more I look at his new outfit, the more I hate it.
Aw man, that would've been perfect. He wouldn't even have to animate much like other Toy Story characters, just hop up and down when he talks
This shit looks really stupid.
But then I've never liked these games.
Bit of a Return of the Jedi thing going on with all the black. Buzz even says he looks like an Org member.
I don't but I only want it to see how Cars Sora, Donald and Goofy look. That's like some weird Deviantart fetish shit and it would be fucking hilarious to see.
And honestly the only Pixar settings that really stand out are Monster's Inc, Toy Story, and Cars. What would Wall-E bring? American Sora that's too big to walk? And I'd hate to see a bug Sora.
You're forgetting one
>What would Wall-E bring?
Robot Sora, Donald and Gooby
If it's so fucking obvious, why are you having a hard time forming opinions, you arrogant prick?
>they didn't just become their Disney Infinity figurines
Wasted opportunity. They might as well have done something with that dead franchise of theirs. Like a small nod.
>finally get Toy Story world
>they half-ass the transformation
kek, look who's arrogant
Sora to be like his actual current action figures and Donald and Goofy to look like actual Donald and Goofy toys that already exist.
True but if they bring in Big Hero 6 they'd be competing over the same niche. And San Fransokyo appeals to weebs and probably actual nips more.
That's genius
At least be thankful there's a transformation at all.
You can't just say "It's bad" and follow up with "open your eyes". That says nothing except that you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
So let's try this again: Why is there no reason to buy the game?
You're just in denial man admit it.
That's it, I'm buying the game just to piss you off.
Take that.
But the Incredibles is more popular as well as it's sequel coming up soon.
And a much better movie to boot.
What kind of action figures do those qualify as? Like it's blocky with noticeable joints, I'm curious what era or kind of figures they took inspiration from
it makes them easily noticeable as a group.
no because final fantasy characters are a no show now
>They're supposed to be like, those blocky, lego technic action figures right?
They look pretty much nothing alike TECHNIC figures, Bionicles, or CCBS. Absolutely no idea what they're meant to be going for, especially since they're using metal pins as detail.
Weird thing is they look nothing like toys from Toy Story
Or are they supposed to look like japanese toys ?
>I'm curious what era or kind of figures they took inspiration from
They didn't they just slapped random "toy-like" features onto their existing designs and called it a day.
I have a feeling this is actually the last level.
Are you retarded
Sora's hair look like ears.
They're handles for face fucking.
They look like K-Nex
maggot sora not standing at attention.
That will bit 50.
I love it
I like the outfit, but hate his weird face and hair, the hair looks like it needs more gravity defying hair gel
there's no way they won't include incredibles with the sequel right around the corner.
>the leftover plasticky semi transparent bits on the soldiers
I wonder what Pixar thinks about seeing their work like this
I think the game looks better than the first 2 movies in almost every aspect but I need to see more to see the cracks. either it's crazy how far we've come, man I really want to see Pixar's faces and their reaction.
>I wonder what Pixar thinks about seeing their work like this
Pixar forgot them too.
I have to agree with this post. They don't have to be hyper realistic ten billion polygon models. toy Story really made good use of that in its inception.
I don't see the problem..
Zack is from the Hercules world, according to BBS. No reason they can't push that a little further with some other characters.
reminder that this is literally a game for children
it wouldve been hilarious if they were just statues. No animation for anything.
video games in general are for children
>complains about current outfit
atleast it has less zippers and buckles. Also he has mickey's colors.
More belts, less zippers.
Pixar still makes movies, I'm sure they're well aware of how technology has advanced.
>bright colors and having disney means its for children
Go enjoy Metro or Stalker then you big grown up mature adult, you.
His head and hair need to be blockier.
didn't even notice the belts on his wrists. Meh I still like it and Im not a big KH fan.
>western design vs eastern design
not the best toy designs they couldve done but they look nifty and i still like them
to think were actually getting a toy story world and they got transformations at all is still pretty fucking amazing
I just want to see actual footage of the Big Hero 6 world. They announced that shit two years ago and all we've seen is concept art.