Have you finally ungraded to Windows 10?

Have you finally ungraded to Windows 10?

It's literally made for gamers like us.

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Triple Kill!

What does it do

it games the system

Makes it even better than Windows 7 for gaming.

You win The Game.

how so

If I remember correctly it's supposed to free up resources by closing or putting on standby non-critical programs and services while you're playing a game.

Wasn't this already tested and found out it actually makes games run worse?

>The Game
Shit I lost, gotta start again

broke my freesync and lowered my frames significantly, turning it off went back to normal though.

It Dougs games

literally nothing and the only way to use it is with the xbox dvr bullshit

It alerts the botnet of which games you play and their genres so that you can receive relevant game ads in the Metro UI.

Read the privacy settings user.

By eating more RAM unnecessarily to make you think you're playing the game using "all of your resources".

I don't understand all the hate towards Windows 10, It's nowhere near as good as XP but It's still ok


>tfw actually searched for it in configs

How does it feel being such a hack Bill Gates? You literally never actually made your own OS, you bought it from others or paid others to make it for you.

>You literally never actually made your own OS, you bought it from others or paid others to make it for you.
That's called business. You don't need to be able to make everything yourself if you can pay people who know what they're doing.

it makes games run worse

data collection
win 7 and win 8 exist and work perfectly fine
MS pushing win 10 on everyone

It forces all games to run in performance hogging borderless window mode.

Oh wait, that's just W10 in general.

Don't forget forced updates that routinely break shit.

Correct answer. This has been tested and it will, not all of the time but a lot of and maybe most of the time, make games run worse.

Bravo, Bill. Have fun Microcucks

Name an open world as comfy as horizon 3, you just can't



it turns on voice recording and key logging so you can be safe from terrorists communicating through puffin party

Install Gentoo

ISO Files:

Installation Guide:

How to install steam:

Bash guide for begineers:

>tfw you upgraded to Windows 10 And you found out how absolutely horrible it is

Gentoo is cool, but it doesn't work with my fucking monitor

Forza Horizon 2



When I try to apt-get directx Gentoo bails out. Since this is Sup Forums, care to offer any suggestions as to how to game on Gentoo. In 21c?

>Need a guide for installing steam
No thanks

For Windows Store games it puts all the menial windows processes on idle and dedicates more processing threads for the game itself.
For normal games, it just dedicates more processing thread to the game process and suspends all metro apps like weather and news apps.

>apt-get on gentoo
Get out, CIA Nigger

I'd care about all the cucks and tards that are using Windows 10 for gaming, but then again they're the retards for using Windows 10 in the first place for gaming.

I've never had system slowdown with windows 10, I had it fairly frequently on windows 7 if I didn't restart for a while. Also dx12 requires win10, no?

>botnet meme
reminder that your hardware even collects data, including your CPU and your monitor. not saying it makes it right but its silly to complain about one botnet when you already have 20 others you're apart of

Activates Turbo Mode

Most people(myself included) can leave win7 running for multiple months if they don't need to shut down or restart it for any other particular reasons, with no system slowdowns. For microsoft, it's a pretty robust OS.

Don't know why you'd be different, unless you're mistaking shit webbrowser code for your entire PC.

Why would I use Windows 10 game mode when there are hundreds of other softwares out there that do the same thing? In fact, didnt' one of the GPU manufacturers put out a "game mode" years ago?

Windows 7 for life!!!

Bill Gates doesn't even do anything at Microsoft anymore

>would mostly be on Linux if not for some games
Support Linux/SteamOS as much as possible. It's the only way we're going to free ourselves from Microsoft's jewish bullshit

Go away gabe.

>Also dx12 requires win10, no?
Yeah, just look at all those amazing games that require DX12.
Oh, wait...

Or buy Linux versions of GOG games, I guess

Well isn't it just a matter of time until they will?

>Using Windows 10

SteamOS has been such a shitshow. Is Valve even properly supporting it any longer?

DX12 is a meme Pajeet.

>finally "upgrade"
>laptops wifi disconnects at random
>literally tried everything to fix it
>can't be fixed


>the only way to use it is with the xbox dvr bullshit

You don't need it activated. You just need the Game bar to activate the game mode, but once activated for that game you can disable the game bar.

Just like Steam overlay, the game bar/Game DVR is an overlay and should be disabled whenever possible because overlays are famous for causing conflicts with the Direct3D api.

Hopefully not. Vulkan is everything good about D3D12 with none of the stupid bullshit like only working on a single version of a single OS.
Plus it updates at the pace that video card hardware advances, instead of Microsoft's console release schedule.

Plus there's already more games and emulators using Vulkan than D3D12. Dophin in fact dropped D3D12 in favor of Vulkan because it was just the better option.

awkward smartphone bullshit, what a nightmare

She looks like Don fucking Cheadle.

>Windows 10

>stopping Windows programs and services
>programs which barely have any CPU footprint
>freeing up memory which is rarely an issue on modern machines anyway

So in other words, it does nothing.
It's just an electronic placebo then.

They just released a pretty major update not too long ago that switched from using the proprietary AMD driver to the open source one.
This is pretty important because the official AMD driver sucks and the open drivers are faster now in part thanks to Valve having hired a bunch of people to work on it.

Nobody will confirm it, but Valve is apparently working on a second generation of the Steam Machines built around a specific spec, possibly a specific board. Their goal is that SteamOS will be like RetroPie for modern games.

>Second generation of steam machines
That can only end in misery. Especially after that latest article just came out shining some light on valve's relationship with third party producers for steam machines.

But I've got this

>but It's still ok
Right, thats the problem. You can't release a new OS thats 'just ok' and change all the UI for no reason and force updates.
WDDM 2.0 and directx 12 are facing a real threat from vulkan as well. There is also a wealth of older titles that require lengthy work around or japanese games straight up breaking.
When you make an upgrade, its suppose to be much better, not just 'ok'. If the nicest thing people have to say about it is 'i havent had any particular problems' its a fucking giant klaxon blaring.


It does not free up any memory though. It just gives the game process more threads, both CPU and GPU threads.

>"Depending on your machine configuration, what software you have running on the machines, what system services you have running, you could have threads running across all your cores making the machine relatively hot," Gammill said. "And then when you have a game running on top of that, depending on how the game is architected, sometimes those threads can contend from a resource perspective with what's going on in the system. So essentially what we're doing with Game Mode is allocating a number of threads that will be for the game only, and the rest of the threads for the system only."

>Gammill said that in working on thread contingencies, they've been able to make performance more consistent. Games don't have to contend with other services running on the same threads, so when the game suddenly needs more CPU power—perhaps due to a spike in AI-driven enemies on screen—it has plenty of headroom.

>At launch, Game Mode will be easy to turn on and off through the Game Bar (Windows key + G, if you have it enabled through the Xbox app). Microsoft is also working on a whitelist of games that will benefit from Game Mode, which it's filling out by testing on a variety of systems. Eventually, Game Mode will be able to switch on automatically when it detects one of those games, but the whitelist will start out empty in the upcoming Windows Insider build.

>Microsoft stressed several times that this is just the beginning for Game Mode, and that performance should improve as the team continues to iterate on it. "This is not one of those features where we ship it, we high five, and move on," Gammill said. "This is one of those features where this is really phase one, and we want it to get better after we ship the Creators update. Not only waiting for the next big Windows release, but as the Creators update continues to mature in the marketplace as well.

I updated long ago.

it let's you play games.

such a beatiful interface

Threads are only 8 bytes a piece.
Question is, why someone's not disabling unnecessary services and having thousands and thousands of threads in memory to the point the OS runs slower.

fuck you

Basically think about that first generation as the early dev consoles that you usually never see. Remember when Microsoft was buying up old PPC Mac Pros for Xbox360 dev systems?

Expect a single system from Valve themselves, or something along the lines of the single board computers where they have a specific main board in mind.
SteamOS may still technically support other hardware, but they'd be doing all their development and testing for the open source drivers on their hardware.

>Windows 10 doesn't let you backup the installs of games or allow you to copy them to your other devices.

>You MUST re-download them every time on every device

>Update corrupts Windows Store? Re-download everything

>Update corrupts your User Account? Re-download everything

>Devs upload the wrong update to the Windows Store? Re-download everything.

>Most of them are 50GB-100GB

Windows 10 is literally the worst experience i'v ever had with an OS and the absolute worst OS you could possibly use for gaming.

Something as simple as having a wireless logitech dongle plugged in when Windows 10 decides to do one of it's forced updates whilst your sleeping is enough to completely fuck your User Account and force you to "reset" windows forcing you to re-download EVERYTHING.

Oh and have fun when that re-installation results in their cloud servers wiping your saved games.

The word is "downgraded"

It stops spying you for a while until you end gaming.

My apologetic state has been corrupted by your choice to install it in the first place.
Please re download everything.

I didn't choose to install in the first place, it's literally the only Windows OS my CPU supports.

I ended up building an entirely new machine just to go back to Win 7.

The privacy concerns were the greatest missed opportunity for lulz in my opinion.
If they were collecting our data for the NSA and advertising bots, we could have organized something for them to 'collect' i think. In fact they would have hit the motherload of keyword triggers such their SNR should have made the entire system useless.

Have had it for a few years now. Still best Os I have used for what I use it for.

It's simple, it's clean. And it functions well. outside of all the horseshit compatibilty issues I had to work around. But now that I've fixed them, I don't care.

No, I don't install malware on my machines

rate my marcus

>all these Windows 10 haters

You know you can't hold out forever. Current platforms (Ryzen/Kaby Lake) already require Windows 10. Only a matter of time before Microsoft starts leaning on GPU manufacturers to gear their drivers for Windows 10 only. You already need Windows 10 for DirectX 12.

You can resist but not for much longer.
You think your precious GabeN will save you? Not so long as Steam keeps working. SteamOS was just a shot across the bow so Microsoft doesn't require games to be purchased through Windows Store. Tick tock, user, tick tock.

So you made the choice with that CPU. Same difference.

>it's literally the only Windows OS my CPU supports

>(Ryzen/Kaby Lake)
Patches exist for those CPU. Vulkan is better. Next

Werent there benchmarks where it actually slowed down games?

Thanks. But it offers nothing new, at all. I will not install malware on my machine and then use it as my main operating system.
Also this

>You already need Windows 10 for DirectX 12
Good thing Vulkan exists!


>not using linux and putting wangblows in a VM cuckshed where it belongs
its like you want to have aids




Gaben knows 10 S is real. Its too much money for Microsoft to leave it on the table allowing third party stores to continue to exist by default.

He's been keeping the Linux work they've been doing quiet, the media made too big a deal of it too early the last time. This time they're keeping it close to their chests until its ready and the time is right.

My bet is that Valve will unveil their new systems right around the same time that Windows 7 is officially EOL, holiday 2020.

How do I disable the botnet part of win10?

>There's literally a switch preventing that
>Micro$shit Pajeets are this desperate to force their street shit on everyone else

You can go disable the processes or just use O&O Shutup10.

>needing third party software to make your OS do what you want it to do
this is part of the reason why W10 is shit.
