>Learn Japanese
>Play Japanese games
>Uncensored, undelayed, unmemefied
Why haven't you?
>Learn Japanese
>Play Japanese games
>Uncensored, undelayed, unmemefied
Why haven't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop making this thread every other day you fucking retard.
My eyesight is getting worse and identifying the runes is difficult for me.
It ruins the magic.
I love most Japanese stuff right now because it's unreachable and still enigmatic, if I would learn Japanese it would become like any other media to me.
>You should have to learn an entirely new language to have the privilege of playing a game without pantyshots removed or content removed
How about you eat a fucking dick
And I'm not one of those autists who thinks that jokes getting localized is censorship, I mean the shitshows like Xenoblade X, Fates, and Fatal Frame were
Once you learn it you realize EVERYTHING is incredibly cliche and stereotypical.
idc about weeb shit
gonna start today mang. Gonna pile this on top of learning C, learning guitar and general ed / reading.
here's the /djt/ guide btw
I'm still trying to learn characters, like a wee baby. I also don't really understand the difference between hiragana and kanji yet so there's that. Also I'm kinda lazy.
Let me guess, you started learning Japanese a few months ago and you think you're making so much progress because you recognize a word or two in JRPGs. You think you have another couple of years before you're completely fluent. You're wrong, and you'll eventually give up when you get a job and you're faced with the prospect of spending all your free time learning a language just so you can play video games that you're rapidly losing interest in.
If you don't know enough then go fucking study instead of making this thread every fucking day you stupid shitposter.
If you already know enough then go put it to use and do things with it instead of making this thread every fucking day you stupid shitposter.
>posting the original picture
My god you can't do anything right can you?
pirated a couple language programs and didn't learn shit. had a good feeling it was gonna be shit but I figured I'd give it a shot.
guess the only reliable way is to get a teacher.
>projecting this hard
The best japanese games don't have much text, why even bother
>spend 6 years learning Japanese
>play 1-2 VNs a year
>spend almost all my time playing western vidya
I keep telling myself that it was worth it.
>Japanese games
>worth playing
>Start trying to learn Japanese
>Make a case to get a few lessons per day
>Eventually lose interest because I feel I am not making any progress
How do I do it? I want to learn but lost my inspiration
Japanese is a somewhat difficult and time-consuming language to learn, and its application outside of video games and anime is rather limited if you weren't born in Japan.
You could learn Latin and probably get more enjoyment out of it.
Carpetdium motherfucker.
To learn the real Japanese (moonrunes) supposedly takes a fuckton of time and dedication, weebs have none of the latter.
>t. Kid who got his first job a week ago
but I want to read an untranslated manga user
or can I pay someone to translate it for me?
I learned kata and hiragana and some kanji as a hobby but I dropped it at some point because i was getting tired of memorizing it, need to get back into it honestly. When I can understand little things in games or whatever I feel it's worth it, like what the kanji mean in the name of the ship in Dead Space 1
Because I learned Chinese. Learn a language that matters dumb weebs.
It takes less than 10 minutes a day to learn a few words or characters and practice old lessons, I do it when I'm bored or finish my lunch early. If you're doing it like 5 times a week, it adds up and makes you want to practice more. Progress really starts to show when you can look back at old lessons and breeze through them.
Hiragana is simplified kanji . Katakana is used for non jap words. Actually you learn hiragana in less then a week. Look up hiragana practice sheets. Good look bro
>I learned Chinese
why would you do that?
Any recommended websites or classes?
Only 2500 you actually need .some are really easy to write and remember.
>weeb website
Writing helps a lot, at least that's what worked with me. Although learning katakana and hiragana is kindergarten-tier
Because it is a shit ton of work to learn a language, especially Japanese. A language that will have no practical life uses outside of media consumption.
What are some good (preferably free) things you use for lessons?
>only 2500
Protip: you can actually master an instrument in this time. Or master painting or drawing. Or master a language that has wide usage outside of a singular island country,
Use Anki for flash cards and memorize . And you need to learn stroke order ... Just look up hiragana practice sheets and stroke orders. Tae Kim on YouTube will help on grammar
Ive learned hiragana and katakana in a week. Should I start reading up grammar or should I start learning kanji?
That's what I want to avoid
I used easy to use books
Normal people don't learn a different language just to play video game if the English version is fucked beyond belief play a fan translation
grammar for sure
Well I have to learn Geailge (Irish) what the fuck am I going to use that for?
>normal people
Do both, learning kanji will take you a long time and you might never get around to grammar
Got them from my Japanese teacher . I only remember her first name Tomoko . These are actually the books u use for Japanese on a vetec 5 course (High school course)
That's why I've lost most of my motivation towards learning it. I'll probably keep learning it on and off forever at this point.
It's too hard. Learned all the kana in a day then tried to move onto Kanji and it felt overwhelming.
I only know basic grammar fuck you Ru verbs and u verbs.
JP is a meme language. Better off learning something else
Eh kanji wasn't to bad . I got fucked on advanced grammar
lol learning a dead langauge
I get a lot out of my ability to speak/read Japanese.
I'm too stupid.
Woulda been fun to learn with shop signs, instead I learned it like a fugging monk, by writing a lot.
Better learn Polish when they become the symbol of white hope
>Most spoken language in the world
>Made by the people you would want to ever have to speak to last
Good luck getting a job NOT involving China with that on your resume.
no, they just have Japanese memes
some are far more censored (eg: re4)
some games come out in japan later. like days of ruin.
Wew lad, only Japones is left and I'm set
Use objects or pictures to remember kanji. Heck some even look the objects. Look at the kanji for month it looks like a calendar
Spanish is the worst language. masculine and feminine nouns? fuck off.
>Totally won't turn into a nuclear dumpster
I remember some basic kanji, what I don't remember is the meaning, sometimes when watching anime a character says something and it triggers my memory, like mura (village)
Tfw when you can read some of that
pretty much every other language is more complicated than spanish, user.
Same . Scrambled my brain a bit. After looking interjection and feminine and masculine way of saying things. I can't listen to anime in Japanese without cringe. Hearing women use Ore and boko.kms
it's pointless. no one said it was hard.
It's not actual Chinese but Japanese words thrown together with some Chinese particles. It's a Japanese meme kind of like pig latin to make fun of the Chinese.
Boku* I mean
too many kanji
>learn Japanese
that's why. I already barely know Spanish and don't wanna start on a new language
Heh yeah. I think the best way to deal with those differences in languages is to just accept it, instead of complaining. That will just make it even harder for you to learn it.
Bad memory, I can't remember Kanji
I could understand the language symbol and the symbol for country and China. Think I seen hito (person ) there too don't know what the fuck the others are
Also this 下 which means below? or above.
No future tense in gook speech. Nani
>more native speakers than english
what's the point of learning any language then
I remember it's Shita thanks for the brain jogging Migi is right, ue is up (I forget left)
Reminder that Duolingo has Japanese now.
To read and reply to obscure shit posts? to
appropriate another culture's language?
And hidari is left, damn boxing anime kek
My fav kanji is manji here it is here 卍
Hajime no ippo?
In Japan you'd read that right to reftu
why do you lie?
Good kanji
Other good ones:姦孕蟲嬲
he doesnt. its been up for a couple weeks
In Chinese it means down, under, below.
Yeah, also 豚 means pig/boar in Japanese but it seems archaic to use it to refer to pigs in Chinese, 猪 being used instead. It's a hint showing the sentence wasn't written by a Chinese person. Interestingly 豚 appears in Chinese to refer to other animals, like dolphin 海豚 , sea pig/boar
Love the intro song . Love manly anime ... Fuck this new age waifu moe Yuri cancer
I remember when firushii furanku used to upload short japanese videos, fucking gook cunt stopped doing it
>lol i'm such a weeb xDD imirite
fucking kys faget
Rape and insects holy shit I could read that WTF HOW DID I REMEMBER THIS