
Screenshot thread?

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witcher 3? How do you get rid of the blue tint/fog?

There are a couple of mods that let you do it.
This one lets you customize drawdistance

Man the game looks great without fog. What were those dirty polacks thinking?

What vidya game is that? It looks fucking gorgeous holy shit.

I need help


it murders the CPU. It'd probably cause the console versions to slow down to a crawl in Novigrad/crowded areas.

They managed to fix this in Blood & Wine but they had to completely re-write their entire renderer.

It's Kaer Morhen in The Witcher 3, maxed out, no mods.

Thanks user. Here, this is all I got in terms of screenshots. Boipucci.

Just realized I've lost all my screen shots.
Had some good W3 ones too.

Well I am playing shadowrun.

>removing fog murders the CPU

Is that Shadowrun?

Is that game any good? Does it have compelling characters and/or a story? I've always been curious about it but from gameplay it just looks like a dungeon crawler with a tacked on story more than anything

I recommend it.

Definitely not a dungeon crawler.
The action is broken up into missions, which last about 30mins to an hour each and are largely stand alone.

There's a lot of reading, to supplement what would otherwise be cut scenes or animations in bigger budget games.

The characters are well done, and there are lots of cool writing moments. ie. bringing certain characters on specific missions will trigger unique dialogue or solutions to missions.

Great variety between them, and the different classes play unique and satisfying.

All that is well and good, but it's my love of the lore and cyberpunk that brings me back to it.



play dragonfall.
hong kong is ok, but i think dragonfall is way better.

what's this?

dragonfall definitely has a more cohesive overall plot.

hong kong does polish some of the combat points a little more.






*x-files theme intensifies*


Wheres cities XL guy when you need a dump.

Can some sony fag start spamming horizon zero dawn












