Dragons Dogma Thread?
When does this game get fun? Just beat Grigori.
Dragons Dogma Thread?
When does this game get fun? Just beat Grigori.
when you run the uninstall wizard
Start a new game, save and exit, go to hard mode, go to bitter black isle ASAP.
Or install "Lefeinn's World Difficulty Mod"
If you didn't have fun fighting Grigori then I don't know what to tell you, there's no saving your bad taste.
Try the DLC. It is quite superb.
it was just run run run
climb his back
attack his heart
dodge dodge doge
attack his heart
dead dragon
Literally the worst meme.
Then you wasted your time user. You should have noticed that the game is not of your taste sooner.
>play game for several hours
>"hey guys, this game isn't that fu-
>"you've only played it for a while, it gets REALLY good!"
>play for 23 hours and compete the game
>"WHAT!? You've played for 23 hours and didn't find it fun!?"
If scaling giant monsters and driving a blade into their (insert weak point here) wasn't fun to you then you should have dropped it.
Like 20 hours ago
If you didn't like combat at the start of the game why would you stick with it all the way to Grigori?
>It was just these things that made the battle more involved than other games with fights against dragons
I still think it is your fault. That's what you get when you listen to fans or idorts.
I played metal gear just a few hours and dropped it, but I don't go around posting random comments hating on it.
why is it always DD that gets these kinds of threads?
They think its super le funny meme to call a legit good game bad.
it was suppose to get really good?
the git gud point is generally accepted to be once you reach gran Soren. if you're still not enjoying it after that, drop it
Oh man, it's this thread again
>tfw no dd2
Uh oh. It should of been fun before then. You might want to get drunk or something.
I am sorry you didn't like that, let me recommend some games with final bosses more your speed.
>Fable 2
>Shadow of Mordor
>Dying light
I am sure such a person of your caliber will enjoy the fights in these games.
dark souls was better
what game is that?