What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Are you going to 100% it?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Finished it last night. It's pretty good. Crash 1 is harder than it used to be due to wonky collision detection but that's offset by having box counters and a save system that's not complete ass. Crash 2 & 3 are more or less as they were, same issues technically apply but the expanded repertoire of moves mitigates the precision of the platforming. Overall, I'd say it's about an 8/10, still holds up as a solid set of platformers.
i honestly dont know how people 100% these games, it just seems like a big headache. right now, im just playing crash 1 and just beating the levels. my roommate is trying to get platinum on all three games, which is just insane imo.
Only a handful of the levels in Crash 1 are particularly insane, they're just a healthy challenge otherwise. Now shit like Crash 2's box gems on Piston It Away and Cold Hard Crash, that's a little crazy. Doable, but in the realm of "fucking really?".
Already got 100% on all 3. Now trying to get all platinum relics. The games pretty fun.
Got the platinum trophy on all three. Not bothering with the plat relics because that would require playing the bike, underwater, and plane levels again.
When the Switch version comes out
I will once I get a PS4, which I will once it either drops in price or gets more games I want that it will actually keep.
The asspain this would cause would be felt for centuries.
Incredibly dated, but still good if you can put yourself in that 90s mindset and enjoy being challenged
Got the platinum trophies already. Truly an enjoyable time.
Crash isn't a stranger to Nintendo consoles, so it's not impossible.
I would love to see the asspain, it'll be Bayonetta 2 times 100
Getting 100% in Crash 2 is way fucking harder than Crash 1 was. Some of the bullshit you have to do is ridiculous.
>Are you going to 100% it?
102% actually
Is the game worth it if you've already beaten the originals?
I beat the first two and gave up on three because of the stupid gimmicks
Agreed. Simply beating Crash 2 is easier but its bonus/death/gem routes are fucking bananas.
It's a nice little trip down nostalgia lane. I've beaten all 3 games before in some capacity or another and loved doing it all over again in the remakes. Besides, Crash 1 gets its stupid save system fixed and a box counter, while 1 & 2 now have time trial modes. Also, you can play as Coco in all 3 games.
It's not even a PS4 exclusive, so I see no reason why it couldn't come to Switch. Nintendo systems can never have too many platformers
If you liked Crash before, it's nice to have just because of the major graphical update
>Trying to break all the boxes in Cold Hard Crash
I'm playing the originals now, no ps4 so no insane trilogy. Beat 1 and on the last world of 2.
I'm not sure which I like better in all honesty. 1 has better difficulty but 2 has more variety. I don't really get the point the point of the crystals in 2, the game basically just hands them to you in every level so why not just give the at the end of every level. Overall I like both but I have to say, if there is anything to call shitty it's the boss battles. I'm not sure how they're viewed by fans but I've found all of them either way too easy or just tedious to play. Maybe 3 has better bosses.
I did that last night that was some bullshit.
2 has all-around terrible bosses but 1 is hit and miss IMO. 3 is probably the most consistently good in that regard but at the end of the day they're still platformer bosses so they're there but not really a strong point either.
3's bosses are just as easy. Even though I really like the boss characters, their fights have always been too easy
I see, that's a real shame. Still liking them a lot. the only time I have become genuinely frustratedis in crash 2 there has been some instances where I tried breaking some of the boxes you need to belly flop on but I get glitched into the boxes and need to exit the level. Pretty annoying but only happened twice so far. Happened in pic related in the bonus area.
Does not bothering to get all of the relics count?
There are some levels where I don't want to put myself through that.
I hate the stage from your gif i spent hours trying to get the boxes in that last night. Its the only stage i have given up and genuinely don't want to try again to complete.
As someone who felt the same way as you but ended up going for it, it's ultimately not as bad as you might think. There are some difficult levels to get the gold medals on if we're talking trophies (platinum I don't count because that's just for bragging rights) but Crash 3 was always manageable and Crash 1's times tend to respect the level pacing more than you'd think - half of its levels are basically free plats if you just keep moving and hit every time box in the process. I'd say Crash 2's were the hardest of the bunch on average actually, the speed shoes and a decent understanding of the slide/jump mechanics were needed rather frequently. I'd say 2's were the most consistently "git gud" of the bunch, though 1 does have stages like High Road and Generator Room that are a pain.
If I remember correctly, you can't get all the boxes unless you find one of the bullshit secret exits. Crash 2 is really, really bad about the transparency of its level design, things sometimes seem impossible when the answer lies in a completely different level.
Just barely 102%'d Crash 1 (all plats) and moving on to Crash 2. It feels incredibly refreshing to not have to worry about Time Trials for the time being and just enjoying the improvements and new elements in 2.
I kinda gave up on the relics in Crash 1. I don't want anything less than platinum and I've been stuck on Sunset Vista for days.
As someone who played the first three to death, yeah. If you can get into the Time Trials you're in for a challenge/treat since they were retroactively added to 1 and 2. This alone spices things up and adds a layer of challenge for 100%'ing the games.
>Are you going to 100% it?
Nope, I'm a casual.
So when there's a branching path how am I suppose to get the boxes from the other path? Do they actually expect me to backtrack? Also did anyone else find it the bridge levels easier by actually staying on the path because I could never consistently jump on the ropes and fell more than half the times.
Yes they do.
what do you get for 100%
>Do they actually expect me to backtrack?
Yes. Have fun, user.
>Also did anyone else find it the bridge levels easier by actually staying on the path because I could never consistently jump on the ropes and fell more than half the times.
Also yes. I finally figured out the key to High Road's relic was challenging the edges and jumping right before I fell off instead of trying to cheese it with the ropes or dealing with the shitty turtle hitboxes. Turns out most of those jumps you can actually make without the turtles if you get the timing down.
The path with the wumpa fruit is the "correct" path needed to beat the level, to 100% you need to backtrack.
In all of the games, nothing really for just 100%. For 102% in Crash 1/2 and 105% in Crash 3, trophies and a cathartic sense of self-satisfaction.
cool ill take a snap shot and show it to chicks in bars.
>Do they actually expect me to backtrack?
Sunset Vista is one of the easiest plat relics by far. The hardest part is the beginning. As long as you can get to the first vertical section by 0:50:00 and not miss any cycles you're golden. You can even fuck up at the end and still have time to completely recover and score a plat relic. It's mostly just playing Sunset Vista in one go that's the issue.
>It's mostly just playing Sunset Vista in one go that's the issue.
That's the problem honestly. I keep fucking dying. I haven't even completed the trial once yet.
Just know that if you keep a decent enough pace you can score a plat. You have time to grab the aku aku mask that's behind the pillar with the red lizard next to it. Be patient because those moving pushing blocks WILL kill you if you don't know the patterns. The plat trial takes waiting for cycles into account.
Are three masks a requirement for the plat?
I actually haven't gotten far enough to even know if there is a third mask
>in final world of crash 2
>get to rock it
>level is shit, jet pack is weird to control
>now immediately go to night flight
>know the final boss is done on thr fucking jetpack
Should I even try crash 3? I have heard crash 3 is mostly gimmick levels and such. I don't mind a slight deviation but these are just annoying as fuck levels.
I have 100% in Crash 1 but I am only halfway through the time trials and I don't know if I can get them to platinum the game.
I'm too autistic to move onto Crash 2 until I plat Crash 1
Crash 3 is still absolutely worth playing, but there are more mediocre to downright un-fun gimmicky levels in it than in Crash 2.
The tiger riding levels are fun as fuck though.
There's only two masks. I use up the first mask on the second vertical section taking a hit by the bats so I don't have to wait a few seconds for a cycle. The second mask is not in a box and behind a pillar almost immediately after this section. I recommend holding onto the second mask and not using it to cheese through a fire pit because the last part of the stage with the rotating platforms is tricky and you can recover from falling if you have a mask (under the rotating platforms at the end is fire, just a safety precaution).
Thanks for the tips. I guess I'll give it another shot.
I personally think the jetpack levels are worse than any gimmick level in 3 but there are people that would argue otherwise. With that abhorrent control scheme I couldn't imagine why but 3's reputation precedes itself I suppose. There's usually no more than 2 or 3 levels with a particular gimmick and I personally think some of them got easier in the remake like the airplane ones. Maybe it's because I grew up with 3 and it's the game I'm nostalgic for but I don't think any of the gimmick levels are outright bad. Worse than traditional levels, sure, and some are a pain in time trial (look up the Hot Coco plat to see what I mean) but I always thought they were alright levels.
I finally 101% beat Crash 1 today.
Fuck yeah. Some Platinums, some golds, lots of sapphires.
It's not worth it man. Move onto Crash 2 and come back to the time trials another time.
Great! Now get all golds for that lingering trophy and sweet, sweet 102%.
Are they like the polar bear levels in 2? I liked those a lot, that is fine and offers a nice change of pace. I guess I'll try crash 3, beat 1 and just about done with 2. Fuck doing 100% though, I like these games but not that much. I'm playing the ps1 versions so maybe n.sane trilogy is a bit more forgiving but these are just brutal for 100%.
I'll take your word for it, it wasn't even that difficult but the controls just felt so bizarre after playing the rest of the game. I still need to do the last battle so I guess I am going to have to get used to them.
Coco's cute.
Will -not- be 100%ing since that includes relics in games that didn't have em' originally, and autistic speedrunning when I've meticulously not-died doing Crash 1's Slippery Climb, High Road, and other meme levels with worse clarity than the originals is just not worth my fucking time.
Plus you know, I own Crash 1-3 on PSX and still play 2 often. Love the old versions music better.
They are, but they control way better than the polar levels. Also, the charge isn't limited at all. You can charge through the entire level if you want. And I highly recommend you do because it's fun as hell blasting through the level.
Sounds cool then, as I said I found those levels really fun to play so more are welcomed.
Crash 3 is fun as fuck. The only truly shit non-platforming levels are the underwater ones. The rest vary from ok to good. The quality of the platforming levels are top-notch and make up for it, though maybe N. Sane trilogy touched up the vehicle levels but I'm going off the original Warped since I haven't gotten that far yet.
Same here. I wasn't sure of myself, but with Crash 1 being one of my defining childhood games I wasn't going to let this shit get in the way of glorious 102%. I feel like a god of Crash Bandicoot having done it and finally getting to Crash 2 feels like a cake to celebrate.
>I'm playing the ps1 versions
2's not really any different aside from the time trials. FUCK 100%'ing the original Crash 1, though. Not with that save system. The one nice thing about the original is that bonus boxes don't count towards gems but in the remake they do. However, you CAN retry bonus levels so it balances out. Also, don't get too bent out of shape about the final boss - it's disappointingly easy.
105% Crash Warped, started on Crash 2 but then I got to the boulder levels. Killed my motivation to 100% it.
I played through them all though so I got my moneys worth.
Beat all 3 of them about a week ago. Planning on going back and 100%ing Crash 2 and 3 down the line, and 1 depends on if they fix the jumping issues in that game via patches.
Doubt I will go for all the Platinum relics though.
I already got all three platinums, even though i only played Crash 3 and 2 as a child, now after playing 1 it really grew on me, levels are pretty memorable.
Thanks, underwater levels sound weird for crash but if the rest is good then i'll muscle through them.
I was actually interested if they changed the save feature. I'm not going to lie, I've been playing them on my psp so i just put it into sleep mode if I wanted a break. If I was playing on disk I would probably say fuck it and just keep my system on.
Thanks on all the replies guys, appreciate the suggestions.
Yeah, the music can sometimes be off which really sucks if you're nostalgic for particular themes. For me, the remake subtly pitched up the xylophone melody in 3's prehistoric levels and it bothers me on a subconscious level.
In my opinion, Crash 1's save system getting fixed was worth $40 by itself. Stuff like the other 2 games having 3's box counters and playable Coco was just icing on the cake. Still mixed on the time trials but fuck it, I already got my golds for the trophies.
Native fortress time trial really made me suffer, even more than the meme levels like High Road or Slippery Climb.
What is the best level in Warped, and why is it Orient Express?
In retrospect my favorites are probably the Egyptian/futuristic ones.
As a musician, this triggers the fuck out of me. They completely destroyed the original composition.
did it days ago
>MFW the uncompressed versions BTFO this PS4 horse shit
In the N. Sane trilogy, Fake Crash now shows up on every level. Even in Crash 1 and 2.
Yes for the Crash 1 revamp, and Crash 2 with analog control.
Although in its current bugs & shitty load times it certainly doesn't replace the originals.
I just did the plat now. The game is very lenient on letting you fuck up. I fell maybe twice on the vertical segments of the level. Don't be afraid to wait on some obstacles and just be wary of the tricky shit they try to pull to kill you.
Already did. Will probably go for Stormy Ascent whenever it's out. Like said, I've also warmed up to Crash 1 a lot more with the N-Sane Trilogy version as I pretty much stuck mainly with 2 and 3 as a kid (100% the original versions of those 2 and only settled for just beating the original 1).
Because 100% for Crash 1 was bullshit with its underdeveloped systems. Now that keeping track of boxes is reasonable and the save system isn't pants on head retarded the strong level design that was always there now feels more compelling to actually engage instead of just get through as fast as possible. Crash 1 might be my new favorite of these games now that its antiquated bullshit has been fixed.
Pretty much. Out of the original three games, Crash 1 benefits the most from this remake with all the QOL features it received. Still prefer 2 over it but it's actually enjoyable to go through (though original 1 is still alright).
>finally got all the platinum relics in Crash 1
Holy shit fucking finally. Generator Room was absolutely fucking cruel but it's finally over now. My autism is appeased and I can finally move on to Crash 2.
Please tell me the time trials aren't quite as difficult in 2. I want to move on to 3 without too much headache
Yeah, I'll 100% it as soon as they fix the hitboxes. Not really fun the way it is now.
It's great.
How did your favorite track fare in the remaster lads?
>mfw Hang Eight remastered
That shit is jammin
Crash 1 LOOOVVVEESSS boxes off screen with no indication, doesn't it?
Anyway, which was the level did you think they did the most justice for?
Pinstripe's theme and Toxic Waste are my personal faves. Honourable mentions go to the Crash 3 medieval levels and the ruin levels in Crash 2.
I actually despise the new Hang Eight theme. The descending electric guitar riff fucking ruins it.
I know I'll probably get shit for this but I like the new Slippery Climb music. Yes it's completely lost the sinister creepy tone of the original but it's still a fucking great sounding track, those organs are top tier
>there are people that would argue otherwise
Probably because 2 levels aren't gonna break a game for them you fucking pussy.
Just 105%'d Warped Already 100% 1 & 2 a while back
>1 platinum
Not finished yet it seems desu
For not having played Crash before. I found it to be a blast: its frustrating but the platforming is excellent and the rise in difficulty is engaging enough that it doesn't feel impossible. Except for the High road that shit was insufferably hard.
Would recommend it.
So those anons that didn't play the originals, how did you find the N.Sane trilogy.
This, step up your game user.
I find it odd that the secret exit in Road Crash has a hint as to finding it (The bird) but Dino Might! still doesn't
1 actually has more level variety than 2.
ive only just finished the first in the set so far and have gotten every trophy except the two for the speedruns. idk if ill do those, since they are abusive. but ill casually try to get them as i move through 2 and 3 i guess. im having a great time with it overall, 1 is fun as fuck.
Yeah, the only reason I ever found those as a kid was because I had the guide. Dino Might's almost seems like it was meant to be an accidental thing.
>Die a bunch, respawn with Aku-Aku
That's nice game too bad what's killing me isn't the enemies but falling. Also where the hell is Aku-Aku in 1, I just finished and I've never actually reached the invincibility mode because of how little you can actually find him.
Not really, 2 does everything 1 does but with additional stuff like jet ski sections and (though they're awful) jetpack levels, not to mention new settings like ice caves and sewer systems. That said, 1 absolutely has tighter level design than 2.
Who here /got99livesaccidentlybyretryinglevelswithcolouredgems/