Which one should I get, Sup Forums?
Should I trust the reviewer score or the user score?

They're both good games. In Witcher 3 there is zero ability to traverse the environment aside from the pre determined paths they give you. Exact opposite in Zelda. Meanwhile Witcher 3's world is much larger with a lot more dialogue, quests.

You cant climb fucking everything is what im guessing what the third world english speaker is saying. Its still pretty fucking open and you can get to the tops of mountains in lots of ways..

Either one, both are pretty good. Just pick whatever one appeals to you more. Zelda's exploration is better. Witchers story and worldbuilding is better. imo

Witcher 3 is a meme game, just stick with Zelda.

Buy BotW now and wait for the summer sale on the Witcher 3, both are great games but you can get a way better price on a steam sale whereas Nintendo never fucking drop the prices so waiting is useless.

What the fuck does this mean? I've played a lot of Witcher 3 and you can go pretty much anywhere except areas blocked off by story right from the start of the game.

Witcher 3: Story
Zelda: gameplay

Make your choice.

Great story and characters
Shit overworld
Boring gameplay

Great overworld
Decent gameplay
Shit story and forgettable characters

They're both good games for their own reasons. I've finished both and enjoyed them.

BotW won't go on sale, Witcher 3 goes on sale all the time. Unless W3 is on sale right now, buy BotW.

Neither. Trust which you prefer. Also Zeldas score is only low because of salty shitposting in the reviews

Trust the reviewer score
A good majority of the user score are butthurt Sonybros who are still sour about their "Zelda killer" not doing it's job

I bought both games at launch, I honestly liked Witcher 3 more

It's like game of thrones versus barney the dinosaur

what are you, poor? buy both.

>What the fuck does this mean
It means you literally cannot climb that mountain. It means if you end up in the water by Skellig you can only go to the land that CDPR decided you can go to. I remember being forced to swim around the entire island just to get out of the water.

I played TW3 at launch and loved it probably my favourite RPG of recent memory. I picked up BotW last week and I'm loving that too, it feels so much bigger than TW3 with so much more stuff to find and do. My only gripe is the side quests arent as deep as The Witcher. The Zelda game physics are insanely good aswell

>it's shit versus a childhood defining experience remembered decades from it's release

sound about right

>Should I trust the reviewer score or the user score?

I can't think of a game where the reviewer score is more accurate than the user score, particularly in the long run.

Note that the user score's character is different when the number of users rating is high vs low. Also note that large user scores mean more normies.

From a practical reason, if you already have a switch, then BOTW is an automatic buy as what else are you going to fucking play on it? I would consider both to be automatic long term idiort choices though.

Fucking hell man, is this guy even trying?

BotW isn't worth it anyway without already having a Wii U or Switch

>BOTW has better gameplay experience

>The Witcher 3 has a better cinematic experience

That's really what it boils down to. Cinematic experience comes with the usual focus on graphics, story and relatively more linearity.

Gameplay comes with freedom and polish of the interaction with the world. Pick your poison.

You can't really trust review scored for console exclusives on Metacritic, it's very usual for young users to rate good games exclusive to consoles they don't own with low scores, you can't verify that by seeing the score distribution of those games.

The problem is that Metacritic doesn't filter those reviews out like better systems like Rotten Tomatoes' do, I believe Metacritic sometimes massively delete this kind of reviews shortly after the release of a game, but the problem is still persistent and significant.

Also both are good games, get both if you can. Zelda is probably better, but if you want something more story focused Witcher is the better option.


I personally enjoyed Zelda more. Witch put me to sleep but I cannot deny it's high quality story where Zelda has little to no story in any of the quests. It's all about exploring the enviroment where Witcher is all about engaging story lines. I just found the gameplay of Witcher to be boring. Had much more fun exploring the lush environments in Zelda. That's just me though. You have to decide which of these two styles appeals to you more.

>Better gameplay experience
Basically. Though that shouldn't be used to shit on Witcher 3.

Look, I just want to know without any console vs pc faggotry but is botw playable in cemu?

>it's like game of thrones
So it's like trash? Huh, not a really stellar recommendation of TW3 right there user. Can you do better than that?

yes, this is how platform exclusives work on metacritic.

I thought Witcher 1 was garbage would I like 3?

I feel like I'm being left out of "based CDprojects" #1 game but I don't want to poss my money away.

I've given all 3 of them a fair chance because of the hype. People always say "the next one is way better" and while that is true, I don't find any of them appealing or fun.

i own all 3 games and didn't like any of them until witcher 3.

Both are incredible masterpieces which you should experience if you are into video games.

Gameplay-wise, BOTW's freedom of movement and exploration aspect is honestly groundbreaking, but the combat isn't really that much more satisfying than Witcher 3's combat. But neither game is really about the combat.

In both games, when you look at an interesting point on the map and simply decide to go there out of interest, you are rewarded with a memorable experience. In Zelda, you'll be satisfied upon climbing to the top, and have a beautiful view. In Witcher, you'll be given a unique, charming short story.

Personally, it took me way less hours in BOTW than Witcher 3 to feel like I've already explored every place and everything there is to do. Especially if you include Witcher 3's astounding expansions. I think that I'll have more fond memories of Witcher 3, 10 years from now.

Even as someone who really liked TW1, I have to acknowledge that CDPR made massive progress as a game developer from game to game.