Kingdom Hearts on Nintendo Switch

I'd like that to happen, since the Switch is the current system that interests me right now.
But I doubt it will happen.

>more console war shitflinging

Can we not? Just this once?

Hey it hasn't devolved into that. Yet.

How is this in any shape or form console wars?

I'll believe it when I see it. Too many devs have "considered" Switch versions only to back off.

Cool, Nintendo players wait an extra 2-3 years for a game that was over a decade in the making.

Also this

2.8 didn't really look that painful to run, but I really can't see the Switch even running a Ps4 launch game, let alone one from 2018

I hope Nomura ports the HD collections as well.
Having the entire KH series on a portable would be dope.

Is it even possible for a switch to run 60fps?

Is it even possible for any of these shitty current gen consoles to run 1080p 60fps?

You're incredibly naive.

It is but it's also up to the devs to get their games to run well on it

Yeah? The Switch runs 1080p 60fps games docked.
KH3 probably wouldn't though because of the nature of a downgraded port.

Not gonna happen

Switch is underpowered as fuck, they would have to heavily downgraded and built it from scratch

I guess that a spin-off is possible but KH3 on Switch? Not in your wildest dreams

>Begging for scraps.


What's the Fucking point

If it's near release I'm going to play it on my PS4

>inb4 switch cant run it
Isnt kh3 supposed to be originally a ps3 game?

Sorry, your rebranded Leapfrog tablet will not be getting any actual games. Too bad!

>director himself considers it
>the maker of the game is somehow begging



>Spin-off is possible
Most likely. KH has always been using the Nitendo handhelds for the bridges of games since CoM.


We've already had several prequels and midquels, what else is left for side stories? 3 is the final battle against Xehanort.

take a deep breath and get off Sup Forums for a bit mate

Let me translate what Nomura said for you. When he said "we're considering it after the PS4 XBOne release", what he meant was "we haven't even thought about it because we're so focused on finishing the actual game itself, we're not focusing on adding an additional task to our list, but we won't rule it out at the moment, but we're going to look at it after the project is finished, in which we'll find out it would take a lot of reworking just to port it, and quite frankly, we'd rather put our time into the Final Mix content, so we're not going to do it". There, I hope this clarifies it for you.


This is STILL coming out for the Xbox One!?

Its pretty much the same thing as FFXV, they COULD port the game to the Switch, but the game would have to be downgraded to hell to run properly on it.

Still has nothing to do with begging. Try again.

I wouldn't mind having 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 on Switch if they'll also bring over KH3. That being said, I seriously doubt it will happen unless Switch starts pulling 2007 Wii sales

KH3 doesn't look that much better than xenoblade chronicles 2

go shitpost somewhere else please

>60 fps

First of all, I doubt us getting a stable 60 fps even on PS4. Second of all, ANYTHING you get on Switch WILL be inferior with the trade off (excuse) being that now it's portable.

xc2 looks better than kh3