What can the monumental success of BOTW teach other video game developers about how to create good open world games?

What can the monumental success of BOTW teach other video game developers about how to create good open world games?

Nothing that Minecraft didn't already teach them a decade ago.

Make a big open field with big rocks and mostly nothing else in it.

Oh wait, that's what other developers already do.

Nothing. BOTW was barren and uneventful.

That if you slap "Zelda" on the title it will automatically be considered good

If you have to have towers, just have the towers reveal the general geography of the map and not pinpoint every remotely interesting locale therein.

Raise an entire generation of unthinking babymen who still watch cartoons for toddlers like kirby: right back at ya! and my little pony: friendship is magic who will automatically consider your game a 10/10 and buy multiple copies even though they didn't buy a wiiu and they can't find a switch

You do have a point.
Explain your game through design, have style but also substance, it is more important aesthetics than ultimate graphics, its is cool to interact with the enviroment, study how to make your puzzles more "organic" - pay attention to the details.

But there's all these rocks with nutbuddies under them. 10/10
The lack of a soundtrack was inspiring!


The game is my favorite since the release of Metroid Prime 3, but c'mon. It didn't catch fire like we thought it would. Only Nintendo fans in the end showed up for it.

We thought it would break 11 million like Skyrim, and I highly doubt the game has sold 4 million copies. I was one of only two people who showed up at release to get the Wii U version.

Thanks. Because of your comment I will now avoid all towers outside of Plateau.

Let players find content themselves instead of being led to it with icons and NPCs, though technically series like Dragon Quest and Red Dead Redemption already did this. Also to have better content besides 100 short shrines.

It's not going to outsell a Mario Kart or Smash Bros game, but it was the quickest selling Zelda yet. And got a ton of people to buy the Switch. It could surpass Twilight Princess in sales by the end of its life cycle.

That having satisfying core mechanics in an open world game is possible and should be the default approach.

Lots of cute girls.

That sounds like a good idea but I don't know what it has to do with this boring half-baked snoozefest of a game

TW3 already did that in 2015 though.

most open world games honestly do have satisfying mechanics.

in GTA its fun to drive around. GTA 5 offered fast travel in taxis, but driving is so fun that most people dont take the offer.
in Red Dead Redemption its fun to ride the horses around
Even the movement in Witcher 3 is satisfying, its fun to walk around the map

This idea that BotW is the only open world game with good movement mechanics is a meme. The only open world games with really terrible mechanics of movement are Elder Scrolls

But driving in GTA V, or riding horses in Red Dead Redemption, is far superior to gliding down another plateau or climbing up another rock face. The movement in BotW is overrated

Nothing, because it crammed a bunch of other open world game mechanics into this one. Give it shitty durability weapons and the ability to climb anywhere and people think the game is the best thing ever for some goddamned reason.

>I highly doubt the game has sold 4 million copies
BotW for Switch sold more than the Switch itself
Also it released in March where there aren't a bunch of parents buying shit for their kids since it isn't Christmas
Literally the only people who bought a Switch were fanboys who mad money and they're still sold out
Come the holidays, these things will sell like crack

didnt think of it like that. driving in gtav was great, especially as franklin at top speeds.
the reason i liked getting a horse so much in botw was that it meant it wouldnt take so long to travel across empty fields. didnt help that you had to rub the horses cock until it behaved though

>User Score
How many of those users are actually butthurt Sonybros who couldn't live with the fact Zelda is a better game than Horizon Zero Dawn?

Literally these. Nintendo gets a free pass whenever they do anything remotely modern thanks to them being industry veterans and being a Japanese company that's usually reluctant to do anything beyond what they would strive for back in the 80s

how 2 make a good open world game
1 - let player climb anything
2 - give player a glider
worked for cubeworld worked for botw

>"riding a horse in Red Dead is fun"
>while ignoring the fact you can ride horses and shield surf in Zelda
Sonybro detected

So, when will sony ponies and other gayfaggots stop being butthurt about BOTW? Here's hoping it's in the present decade, but their autism is quite strong

>anyone who didn't drink the coolaid and didn't thinkt BotW was 10/10 must be Sonybro
branwashing is strong with this specimen

I own every current gen console and a decent gaming PC and I think BotW is disgustingly overrated. Shouldn't even be considered as GOTY material


make simply moving around fun and the rest of the game will likely follow
I've always said this

It's fine, gayfaggot. I'm sure you'll stop beign triggered someday

You really think Sonyfags wouldn't be so sour and assravaged that they wouldn't go out of their way to make BotW look bad?

>implying Sonyfags could keep their toxicity to themselves

I will fully admit that horses in RDR are better than in Zelda. But that's mostly because Zelda locks horses into valleys and flat areas. It becomes faster to just run or warp everywhere in BotW because of that. And that's something you seemed to have overlooked. Controlling Link off a horse is 100x more responsive than moving John (or Jack) in RDR. John has basically three types of movements. Slow as fuck walk, run like hell or sidestep with a gun. Try to get John to walk onto a small walkway or stand on a rock and it's a nightmare. While BotW made it easy.

This is not to say Zelda invented any of these things. It just refined it a little. And hopefully the next Zelda and RDR will refine it even more.

>Thinking tank controls and a gimmick is even remotely comparable

Retard detected

Imagine being so autistic that you probably have this image available at a seconds notice because you think this is a clever comeback to any criticism met with this mediocre game

Take off the nostalgia goggles, the horse riding in RDR was shit
The horses were stiff as fuck, the only thing fun about the horses was trying to tame them
With the way horses move in BotW compared to RDR, there's just no competition
Zelda has better horse riding

Imagine being so autistic you get triggered over an image pointing out how triggered you are

It is like Mario Galaxy 1 in the sense that it has some fully baked mechanics and concepts that weren't applied to the game play in a overall deep enough level, like many Nintendo games.

That's also to say that there should be Mario Galaxy 2 equivalent to BotW, but addressing most of the major thing people complained about. Yes, Mario Galaxy 2 is better than 1.

BotW made me miss Dark World too. I would like to see one in a game that looked like BotW.

Introduce cute shotas and there you go! GOTY all around

1. Don't hold the player's hand (no bread crumbs/GPS/special towers that instantly marks all minigames/collectible/cashes/sidequests on the map)
2. After a short tutorial area, truly open your world and let the player discover the world and complete any tasks in the order that he wants to, and make sure your game is conceived in such a way that all major quest tasks can comfortably flow from one to the other in any order.
3. Be sure that your exploration always has a comfortable flow to it, always have something interesting for the player to strive toward visible in the distance from practically every vantage points.
4. Do not limit the player's movement/range of exploration with any invisible walls except for the EXTREME edges of the ENTIRE MAP, nowhere within the map should be beyond a crafty/resourceful player's reach
5. Speaking of resourcefulness and craftiness, add a bunch of physic systems in your game that can be utilized by players to come with a variety of ways to solve problems, even some you yourself might not have thought of.
6. Be sure to add plenty of ways to use large amounts of resources so your player doesn't feel like gathering them is worthless ten minutes in the game

I can't tell if it's young goku or old goku

This guy gets it. Although even BotW could have refined a few of the things he mentioned. And hopefully subsequent Zelda games will.

I loved BotW and I really want to see that iterative sequel that builds on it.

I want a sequel where they just keep the whole Hyrule area you explored in BotW. But then open it up so you can go to the plateau west of Gerudo desert. And then over there is a whole new adventure similar to Zelda 2, with temples, overworld mazes and isolated towns you need to save.

Can anyone tell me where the ending scene takes place?

>develop a time machine
>go back in time and start video games before shitendo
>congratulations, you are first now and you get a free pass literally no matter what you do

>Let players find content themselves instead of being led to it with icons and NPCs

BotW does this though? Other games have options to disable quest markers too.

>implying Nintendo invented videogames
underage detected

You get an item that pings when you get near a shrine. Aside from that, there's like four or five times in the whole game where an NPC puts a marker on your map. Mostly to find the towns or in the starting area to do the junk for the King. Don't remember any other blinking icons except the ones you put on the map manually.

How's it feel to be wrong?

>did I le trigger you with my post xD

Rightfully calling you an autistic retard is not the same thing as being triggered. You really need better comebacks if useless drivel like this and the same spammed image is all you have.

Is the DLC worthwhile?

Looks like West Hyrule plains, near the place with the frog eating memory where Zelda spotted a single Silent Princess, but now with a fieldfull of them for maximum pottery.

Go play RDR right now, and if you can tell me horse riding is better there than in BotW (assuming you even played it) then I'll shut up and let you be retarded in peace

First, of all I didn't post that image
Second, that image and you reply prove how assravaged you are, good day sir

Last played it a year ago. Comparing that memory to playing BotW a few months ago, I can say that Red Dead had better horse riding

As of yet? Not really. I mean, the Trials of the Sword are neat but their reward isn't really worth it, and Master Mode is a mess, mostly because of health regen. The Korok mask is a welcome addition but none of the other outfits are worth jack since they share effects with other, better, upgradable outfits you can already find in the base game. The warp medallion is worthless seeing as there's so many Shrines and Towers to warp to already. Hero's Path mode is a neat gimmick but should really have been in the main game, maybe unlocked after beating the final boss once just like the map completion percentage.

All in all it's okay but not 20 bucks levels of okay. Maybe once we have more info about the length and depth of the second phase of the DLC, then it'll be worth it.

>are u le mad xD did i troll u too hard??

No I'm actually just letting you know that you're a retard


Imagine being like this

I'll let you be retarded in peace then, goodnight user

imagine being this unironically retarded

where can I get pants/shorts like these?

they're called capris

In game or irl?

>no proper dungeons
>no proper bosses
>no music instrument
>right handed Link
>soundtrack is shit
Why do people keep defending/prasing this game?
It doesn't resemble zelda at all.

Buy reviews

I am supposed to be impressed by that webm? Sequence breaking is not impressive, people were doing it in OoT as well.

>>right handed Link
Do people honestly care about this?

Was it really a monumental success or was it just the numbers everyone expected, all Nintendo fans and Zelda fans coming out of the woodwork for the game?

Only autistic lefties aka all lefties aka subhuman trash.

They made a game that really wasn't TLoZ, slapped the TLoZ branding on it, and sold it. We just happen to be living in the parallel universe where the Starfox Adventures strategy panned out.

Leftyfags who complain about Link being right handed remind me of feminists complaining about women being portrayed in video games
As if it actually affects gameplay

I don't think you understand what mocking is. Should I have to mention next time that I'm making fun of the person or do you think you'll be able to actually pick up on it? Dumb fuck.

This game is going to age like shit. Focus tends to age better than sprawl.

Hey, you posted "le xD" face, not me
I can still you're still sore in the anal region
I'll forgive your retardation then

Looks like you still don't know what mocking is, or pretending you don't know. Notbsure which is worse. Here's your (You)

>This game is going to age like shit.

>Focus tends to age better than sprawl.
Yeah, that's why stuff like Uncharted and Assassins Creed have aged so well. Oh wait.

Thanks, wanna give me another one?

It's Saiyan Saga

The old games have aged well. It's the fact they keep making new ones that's getting on people's nerves

The fuck are you talking about, those games are about sprawl and not focus

Its fucking linear zones and QTEs.
