ITT: autistic shit you did in vidya

ITT: autistic shit you did in vidya
I equipped arrows and bolts to my undead in dark souls even though I never used them to make him look more "prepared"

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought I could marry Rosy in animal crossing so priposted to her in a letter and made a tux at the able sisters, it was raining (in game) when I got a reply back in the mail and she didn't understand what I wanted, I thought she rejected me so I started crying (in real life) and walked through the rain in animal crossing alone

I walk slowly and raise my visor in FFXIV when I enter sanctuaries

I used a cheat disc when I played the silent hill game because I was scared

I cuss and shout when I do poorly in multiplayer games

I only capture Pokemon in pokeballs, ultra balls, and master balls. I never level up Pokemon you must face (ex. Snorlax), Legendaries, or Shinies. My PC boxes are also neatly organized.

Literally played symmetra in overwatch

>pit invincibility code in
>can't get past the very first 5 minutes of the game
>find out you HAVE to die at this part

Trying to walk at the same speed as other character

Shoot porch monkeys and leave humans alonem

When I was a kid I used to drain Mega Man's weapons and pretend he was "broken" and try to get through the stage without fighting

I did the same thing in Super Metroid because you could turn off powers, so I'd try to get through as much of the game as I could with minimal stuff

I'm just a farm boy, I didn't think this was a legitimate challenge run thing, I was just having fun

I do this too and I don't even use the bow

I bought LMAOBOX and hack in TF2 by spawncamping the entire enemy team via aimbot headshotting anyone that doesn't come out of spawn conga-ing

I have been doing this for months

I remember i never changed my equipment in TWEWY, literally did shit damage all the time.

All of my pokemon have to hold items
no matter what

>still playing pokemon

>using anything besides regular pokeballs

I never understood this shit

i never had my characters eat till after i finished the joke chapter

If it's a third person game, I move the camera in a way that what I'm doing looks like a movie.

>Game has underwater swimming section with oxygen meter
>As the character dives in the water, I hold my breath while the character is underwater to see if I could make it through the section myself
I have no idea why I still do this.

Why are piercing weapons ineffective against undead? Why are bludgeoning weapons good? Why are slashing weapons bad? Why are they resistant to cold?

enjoy your dead brain cells faggot


>play Battlefield 1 as slowly and carefully as possible to try and feel like a real soldier trying to survive the horror of war

You have to use white magic against undead, use life and they'll die quickly

I check to see if I can beat an enemy using only the non-resource using abilities just to see if I somehow ended up in a shitfuck scenario where I have absolutely no resources that I'd be able to pull it off.

When I play a game with Karma system, I always make a run 100% good and one 100% evil, and only then I start making a run doing the things I want.

I don't know why I do that, often neither are fun to do.

>No functional organs to pierce and damage
>Break bones to hamper movement or the ability to use equipment
>No real ill effects from blood loss nullifying the effectiveness of slashing attacks
>Derived from the low temperature of dead bodies compared to living humans

But why? What's the explanation here?

I sheath my weapons at the campfire

In Oblivion, I roleplayed as a beefy red headed Amazonian two hander who spent all her gold on food and booze, and was basically Minsc but with tits and hair.
I put like 300 hours into the 360 version

What about holy/light/life magic? Where does that shit come from, how does it work

Because white magic heals right? So when you heal them they're dying right? Get it?

In RPGs, if the main story tells me that i need to be in certain place asap, i forget about all sidequests and grinding and go there, even if i can't go back for a while.

Whenever I manage to accomplish something in a game like defeat a boss I died to a million times, I clap like an idiot

>played Mercy as dps

Thats the dumbest thing you can do.

If there's one thing I give props to Mass Effect 2 for, it's for putting consequences if you decided to just fuck off and do a bunch of side quests before doing the suicide mission.

Usually from a god. If we're going by DnD rules, clerical magic is a mortal pleading with their patron god for a direct act of intervention on their behalf.

The reason holy/light/life magic hurts undead is because the god generating that power doesn't like the undead.

I played through Kingdom Hearts 3D with way to Dawn/kingdom key only, no balloon, no drop me not, and I had to run signature moves

Purposely handicapping myself just to make the game more "difficult" or "real".
Like using newlyfound weapons that make enemies harder to kill in the DS series instead of my upgraded ones.
Using the lowest attack weapons in Breath of the Wild
Using the lowest and weakest type of magic in the "easier" enemies
Using some of the "hits the enemy for % amount" items just to use them even though i don't need them.
Heck i even let myself die in games where i am full of lives and can't have another one until i lose one.

it hurts undead because positive energy

and you're forgetting ur-priests, who just steal the power.

>Not having balltism
Are you that pleb?

That too. I was thinking more like Meridia from the Elder Scrolls and how she'll grant tools to fight the undead.

I guess it also depends if the undead have a god of their own, or come from the more nebulous "anti-life" for lack of a better word.

I equip "civillian clothes" when entering a town in Elder Scrolls games.

i don't use 95% of ammo and items i get in any game. i fucking hoard this shit

i would always make link but his sword away and have navi / tatl out i would also do the milk run event just to get the hug scene and self insert as cremia

I have to complete deadline dungeons in Persona as quick as I possibly can, otherwise I start getting anxiety.

>Maybe I'll need it for later
>Still hoarding stuff after final boss
>Still hoarding stuff after 100%

In games i've never played before, i exhaust all side missons until only the main misson is left

The fuck

After every battle, I salute every npc that has died under my command, usually in strategy games and in some rare shooter games that have killable squadmates


I wrote character analyses for some GTA characters: Bernie from IV, Franklin from V, and I am currently working on one for Johnny from IV's The Lost and Damned expansion, since I just finished replaying it. It should be the first one that is properly complete as well, since the other two were written using only one or two of their scenes, along with a few plot points. I've been slacking, but I have written 5 pages so far, so at least it's coming along.

>I wrote character analyses for some GTA characters:

I would set certain clothes to hotkeys in New Vegas based on the weather or time of day.

I mince oaths and say "oh dear" in a normal voice when I do poorly in videogames, I cuss to much regularly and it lacks impact

Holy fuck

Threadly reminder that autism and roleplaying aren't the same thing.

Also LWA is garbage meme anime

Oh god I remember you.
Can you post them again?

I save 2-5 times each time.

>autism and roleplaying aren't the same thing.

I do this + bang my desk

They aren't. At least not light roleplaying like "equipping arrows to look more prepared"

Make a second, or sometimes a third, save over the same file just to make sure.

savescum for an hour to get a perfect start in a 4x game then quit when i get the good start

I have to talk to all the NPCs in a an area after every little event in the game so I won't miss any possible new info, quest leads, or flavor text.

In Halo i would always shoot the face off every flood i killed so their face wouldn't turn any more ugly.

I also did this with on other Flood i left alive, but shot the arms off as well so they would follow but never hurt me, so i would befriend those ones.

Back in like pokemon diamond in 5th grade I had a team of stacked legendaries, when facing random in game trainers I would switch out all my pokemon so that the in game trainer knew what pokemon I had.

I am autistically obligated to name my SMT/Persona characters after View Askewniverse references. Demifiend was Dogma, his roommates were Jay and Silent Bob and his teacher was Snoogins Beanie, for example. My persona 5 character was CLERKS 2, BLU-RAY as well.

I used to play legendary on the first Halo and if a marine died I would revert to last save every single time to 'save' them. I wouldn't progress unless they all survived.

the most autistic thing I did was organize every cod ww2 game's missions (that I have) by date, along with battlestations: pacific, then play it all in order over the course of three-ish months. I still have the spreadsheet I used to calculate the dates.

I save my games at least five times over and over just to make sure that everything saved properly.

I farm for perfect gun parts in Borderlands 2

In any gta game I'll do only one or two missions a day because it's not realistic to kill people, get in a car chase and shoot outs then go on to the next mission like nothing happened.
I'll also change their outfits daily.
It takes forever but I like doing this.
Helps with the immersion.

>make a character for RPG
>dialogue options don't fit character

Yes, I find the storytelling and directing during the cutscenes to be quite good, and, especially in IV and V, there's a lot of subtext behind the dialogue and a good eye for diction, and there's a lot of dialogue to hunt down, as unlike the 3D GTAs, characterization in IV and V doesn't end with the first playthrough of the main story; there are multiple sets of mission dialogue, and further characterization is parceled around the open world for you to find via the side activities. I find it really fun to hunt down that characterization and connect the dots between the reveals in the side content and the main plot, and it all very often becomes something substantial.

duping stuff in terraria just to make a comfy home

i went mad with power and ruined the game for myself though

i did the same thing lol

My first character in every medieval setting RPG is always Jeanne d'Arc or a similar OC

Everytime an NPC dies in any game I shout "bites da dusto" and reload to a checkpoint where I know I can save the NPC.

I pirated Resident Evil 5 just so I could play as Rebecca in a cheerleader costume in Mercenaries mode. I have a massive fetish for cheerleaders.

I bought LMAOBox to make myself feel useful because my self-esteem/confidence has just been utterly destroyed and I wanted to have a few laughs. I sent all the items I got to my main account

I spent over 100 hours as Mercy in quick play in Overwatch because it's the only class I'm good at. I've made it to Master the past 4 seasons and will pretty much always have mid 30s-low 40s in terms of healing percentage every match. If people don't commend me, I tell them off and leave.

I mute voice/text chat in all multiplayer games when I fuck up because hearing people deride me for my mistakes makes me genuinely upset at myself

I have Super Mega/Game Grumps/Zero Punctuation playing in the background while I play games because it relieves my anxiety.

I played Arkham City 12 times over the course of 2 months when it came out.

I have over 500 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2 almost all of which is solo play.

Didn't Lmaobox get banned a year ago?

I only pick up and carry things that would be easy to carry irl. Coins, gems, that sort of thing.

I do this when I'm dominating. Must be the adrenaline.

Not exactly vidya, but I mimic gun reloads in real life.

no bully please

>make a character for RPG
>name doesn't fit the setting

I spent most of the day savescumming in Half-life 2 just so I knew none of my civy squad died.

There was one that kept dieing near a medic, but I later found out she shot him as a mercy kill after hearing a loud shotgun boom and seeing her walk over to my squad.

The first time I played Zelda OoT I hitted the cuccos hoping they would chase me to the chicken coop

Do you use them to dance, too?

What the fuck even were you supposed to do with them like you couldnt glide to that one spot over the fence anyway

I shout "Wooooooow" sometimes when I die or mess up, and "How were you supposed to know?" over solutions that aren't intuitive or even over trivial shit. I also say shit like "this is harder than dark souls" even if I'm just simply making stupid mistakes.

In game where you can do non-lethal take downs, I take down all the enemies non-lethally, & then kill them. Every Time.
Also in Dark Souls I always remove the arrows, even though it's more efficient to leave them on. I just don't like the way they look.


I would, but I'd rather not use a pastebin since I think they're easier to read on here, I split them up according to Sup Forums's character limit, plus I try to choose appropriate images for each section and I'd rather not post outside links as much as possible in them, as wasting time opening those links is a bit of a hindrance to reading imo. And if I just posted them within this thread, it would be off-topic.

In an open world RPG, when I've finished the game I go back to my upgraded house, unequip all the gear, store it in the proper containers, equip comfy clothes and then sit the character in a comfy place before saving and turning the game off.

dont most people do this?

>tfw you come back to it when a DLC/expansion comes out

Comfort like no other.

In stealth games, I always go out of my way to kill as many people as possible, even if I don't have to.

Also it sucks that games either reward the 'ghost' gameplay or the 'going loud' gameplay over stealthy assassin'ing

>nine years old
>vanilla WoW
>first character
>learn skinning so kill a rabbit to skin it
>don't have a skinning knife so I'm almost in tears that I killed it for nothing and it made that little dying sound

I still play Minecraft

>and then sit the character in a comfy place before saving and turning the game off.
