Do you ever feel like you're wasting your life on vidya?

I've had this feeling for a while where no matter what game I play I feel like I'm wasting my time on something unproductive and pointless, leading me to be more satisfied in finishing games than playing them.
I don't think it's because I'm 'getting old' but I'm only 20 so I'm not sure if this is just something you put up with as you come into the real world.

The confusing thing is that if for example I have a day at home to myself where I wouldn't be doing anything productive anyway I still feel like I'm wasting my time on vidya.

you need EDF 4.1

now THAT'S a game

Do you play more than 3 hours daily?

húrinposters go HOME

Exercise 1 hour for every 30 minutes you play.

Not on the average day but sometimes I might reach it because whenever I'm not playing a game I'm stuck in a cycle of browse steam library -> Sup Forums -> game news ->browse steam library etc in a bored and unhealthy loop as time goes by faster than if I actually played a game.

What kind of exercising do you suggest? I can go for runs but it's boring to do more than one a day.

Now I know who the picture is of

what life?

>What kind of exercising do you suggest? I can go for runs but it's boring to do more than one a day.
Bodyweight fitness is good, certainly a lot less boring than running.

I'm wasting my life on Sup Forums in general.

define productive
if there's something you would genuinely rather be doing, go do it.
odds are society's expectations of you are causing you stress, but you have no obligation to them.

You do have an obligation to society though. You get security and a degree of freedom, and in return you give your obedience and labor. If you take the first without giving the second, you're a leech.

My obligation to society is to follow the law, nothing else.

Would I be looking more for hypertrophy or strength?

Also by 3x12 reps do you do 12 of the task then pause for a minute then do it again until you've done it three times? Is that what it means?

Thanks for the image by the way, I like the whole level up thing.

I wish that was my problem
I load up a game, play for 20 minutes, then stop and get drunk, which doesnt fill the void either

>didn't ask to be born
>killing self is against the law

rly makes me think

>Also by 3x12 reps do you do 12 of the task then pause for a minute then do it again until you've done it three times? Is that what it means?
Yes. Also, you may want to check out /fit/s bodyweight training threads, they have much more info than I do.

You can't break a law when you're dead

You can't die if you successfully break every law.

No but I do feel like I'm wasting time on Sup Forums.

>play vidya
>feel like I should be working/studying
>wish I was playing vidya

I recognize that spending so much time playing vidya is not the optimal way to live, but it´s like I have much of a choice, I live in a shit hole with nothing to do, and have no means to move to a better place.

So yeah, I am aware my life is a waste, but is as good as my options let me.

Nope. I hope I die in my sleep tonight.


humans want what they don't have.


>know I should be doing something, to benefit my well being or future
>could be doing brazilian jiu jitsu instead of playing bloodborne
>could be dry practicing my guns
>could be going to the gym
>could be swimming
>could be socializing with people
>could be running
>could be finding another job

yet I come back to here and playing terrible games just to pass the time, waiting for something. Nothing.