What game lets me forget I'm playing a game and look up after five minutes only to realize 10 hours have passed?

What game lets me forget I'm playing a game and look up after five minutes only to realize 10 hours have passed?

being out of your comfort zone

Black desert online. 1k hour passed last month non stop.

4X games do it for me.

Already played it user. I was there from launch, I was part of Leviathan, then Addicted, then Leviathan again.

I levelled up nearly all classes to 56+

I did the gear grind.

I just don't see the point of doing it any more. At least in Warframe you grind for new shit - in BDO you grind for extra numbers on your stats so you can grind more.

PvP is AIDs.

End game is basically just grinding.

Community is the only thing the game has and it's not that great.


It's perfect for people who think that heroin is not addictive enough

I'll buy it on sale. The devs say it will never go on sale though, so I guess I'll never buy it.

>Osiris New Dawn
Is this a subtle shill thread for an early access game?

No it's just a picture I found on my hard drive that looked pretty cool.


You get the occasional "woken up" individual here


It all depends on what you like to play. For some all they need is something like BDO or stardew valley to grind their head off with. Others need to be blasted with crazy good graphics or narrative, like witcher 3. Roguelikes are popular among people for time wasters, a lot of my friends like binding of isaac and dead cells.

What tickles YOUR fancy?

BDO is a really cool idea with terrible polish and retarded mechanics that pointlessly slow you down.

Anything by Paradox Interactive

Not the one in the OP that's for damn sure

7 days to die... although newest update ruined immersion with magically appearing zombies

Subnautica can eat up a lot of your time really fast if you're not paying attention. It really meshes its exploration and story together well, in that the story is minimal and to get where you need to be (deeper, always deeper) you need to find and upgrade your stuff.

Its still in early access so that might put you off, but its definitely worth a look.

>Zombies can't teleport.


>Buying Early Access dog shit.

The absolute state of PC gaming.

not fucking pic related, that's for sure. lol

It's 20 bucks you cheap faggot
There's even a demo you can download to try it out
It's a game you're likely to log hundreds of hours in if you like it


Elona+. It's free.
See you next year.

roller coaster tycoon

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This looks like farpoint wtf.

No Man's Sky. Longest I've spent is 26 hours staright. It's like I blinked and it was tomorrow.


Whenever I'm in a vidya slump or just don't feel like playing anything, I go for something new that I have little to no experience with, and it almost always rekindles my love of video games.