Saw a thread of this last night before going to bed. We can agree this game was pretty good right...

Saw a thread of this last night before going to bed. We can agree this game was pretty good right, like at least an 8/10 for how hard it tried? The 3/10 meme reviews are BS.

>10-point rating scale

Whats the alternative?

Everything about it feel so right. I Never understand why generation get all the praise since that build off from unleashed. We'll never get that high production value and that amazing intro that could've been movie.

Well the movie might look like bits of it. Its live action from Sony's going to be complete shit but there may be some cool animation scenes.

>letting it be anywhere near 8/10
Maybe if the combat was at least DMC1-tier but it's not so fuck it.

DMC? Where you beat the shit out of enemies that don't really attack you outside of bosses or deliberately harder enemies stylishly? If that's the case then it is.

>I Never understand why generation get all the praise since that build off from unleashed.

Probably because you're not forced to play as a werewolf

The subtext of your post is you made no attempt to defend sonic unleashed and immediately went after DMC

If you agreed that werehog was shit, why go any further? This isn't a DMC thread

I didn't actually insult DMC. It looks cool and feels smooth to play but its not particularly challenging, kind of like the werehog. A game doesn't need to be hard to be good.

>I have never played DMC
That or you played on easy. Gain taste, faggot. Even then being stylish with sick combos is a lot more fun than mashing one button.

At least the music make up for it. If only the werehog sections was just pure platforming and nothing else.

The 5 outta 5 scale is the best:

1= nobody will enjoy this, avoid like the plaque

2= only dedicated fans will like this, everyone else avoid it

3= it's okay, nothing to write home about. Not terrible but not great, just acceptable

4= should play if you can

5= must play, missing out if not

Oh yeah that one jazz song over and over sure makes up for it.

That's a good scale do realize 10/10 and 5/5/ are the same thing right? It's just simplified.
1 = 2, 2= 4, 3 = 6, 4 = 8, 5 = 10

oh lord why did you remind me!

Nah. I been playing it recently,

- The game looks gorgeous, the characters look cartoony enough to not make Sonic & friends seem out of place
- The world travelling setting is really well done
- Sonic Day stages are amazing, challenging but really satisfying to get an S rank on them
- The hub worlds feel comfy as hell
- The music is amazing
- The whole game feels like a nod to Sonic Adventure 1.

- The werehog levels drag on for way too long. Sonic levels are around 5 min long, while werehog levels are at least 15min, so 3/4s of the game are werehog stages.
- Sun/Moon medals being a requirement for advancing the story instead of being an optional collectible, and since they are pretty easy to miss they force you to do backtracking.
- The Boost gameplay is hit or miss, and since its the first game to use it its still unpolished
- Some parts of the werehog stages feel like padding, for example, having to mash buttons to open a door, having to push around boxes to get by and the tightrope walking are really slow ways of platforming. And the combat is like God of War but even more watered down, and the combat music is NEVER different, shameful because most werehog level songs are great.
- The framerate is kinda iffy at some parts.

I'd give it a 5/10 because the non werehog parts were really fun, and while Generations is more polished and an overall more solid experience, its not as challenging as unleashed (comparing the Sonic stages only).

if Unleashed was a Daytime Sonic only game, even if it was 5 hours long or less it would have been a way better.

They aren't. Notice how 3 is average in the five point scale but on the 10 point scale it's a 6 when 5 is the real middle. A 10 point scale is inflated conceptually. It's also less accurate since it leaves people wondering what the fuck a 7 is supposed to mean for a game's quality.

This game is ass. Are all the people who unironically like this game people who were kids when it came out so they have nostalgia for it? This is the only way I can think of where someone would like this at all.

Only issue I have with the intro is that it should have been playable in some form

There's definitely at least one fag that dicksucks this game to the point of shitposting that comes here.

I see, that's a pretty good way to look at it. I think its IGN's and the likes fault for making 8-9 the average, so anything 7 and under is seen as terrible even if 7 is still a decent score. I will adopt your system I think.

That's fine man. I understand all the criticism towards the werehog and rightfully so, but I still managed to enjoy it. Not a nostalgia thing, as I have replayed it recently as well.

Does anyone know the best place to get a ton of EXP? I never was able to get all the achievements and want to do it now. Need to max both Sonics.