What's the point of this?

What's the point of this?

Did you steal that shit?

To commemorate the worst game in the series

Oh I get it now. VGA ratings exist to rip off dumb rich people who don't know what to do with their money.

To discourage you from stealing it retard

Because everything is collectable eventually. Getting it sealed at perfect quality boosts the value it'll have when his next of kin gets it by at least $3.

Wouldn't the definitive edition be of higher value?

At least post the hilarity.

>Ever being a collectors item

It's a 2 year old game that's being sold for $3000 on ebay though. Does that mean I can just buy ARMS today, have it """greaded""" mint condition and resell it for 50x its value in 2019?


Who invited the tripfag


So some nigger stole a video game from Best Buy and is trying to sell it on ebay for 3000 dollars?

Only $125 a month plus interest if you finance it for 24 months goy.

>Who would win in a fight

if he is a hero why is he smashing people with a car?

>$65 shipping

>if he is a hero why is he smashing people with a car?
So people would ask themselves the same question and buy the comic to find out why.It's clickbait before the internet was a thing.

He's fighting the evil capitalist bankers who control the city.

>Literally millions of copies exist.
>It's not even a collector's edition.

This one is at least somehow rare by now.

>people think in a post ebay world anything new could become a collectable
unlike the star wars toys and transformers which were mostly unboxed, played with and eventually tossed out there are tons of people stockpiling sealed items, it will never reach the same value

One day, that will probably be worth a fortune. Not anytime remotely soon though. It'll be exactly like a mint copy of Smash Bros Melee or Path of Radiance

To inflate prices of normal video games and rob stupid people of their money. Literally those cases don't do shit and even have air holes.

It's even worse if VGA fags get ahold of a prototype or games actually worth something and stick them in those stupid cases. Basically putting them in a huge money barrier. It's awful. Fuck VGA and fuck the idiots who perpetuate this shit.

This is the stupid shit I am talking about. Who the fuck cares if it is sealed. Literally nothing special about that copy of the game.

People do to sell games in auctions, to have documentation and stuff. But this is still funny

>2 Watching