>fucktons of forced walking sections
>shitty looking combat
>cringey "learning to be a daddy" story that literally every hack writer with an inflated ego uses
>inconsistent art style
>criminally generic enemy designs
>music trying too hard to sound like the original games without any if the talent
>michael judge sounds like he's trying to be tc carson instead of doing his own thing
>"its not a game script, its a script"
>name that is guaranteed to cause confusion for people
>shitting all over its own legacy
Could Sony possibly make this game less appealing?
Fucktons of forced walking sections
Other urls found in this thread:
>most likely going to run at 30fps with headache inducing motion blur
They made it like the last of us so it can be hailed as deep art by 14 year old girls
i hope this and last of us 2 do as badly as the order did
I have to say the boxart does absolutely nothing to suggest 'GOD OF WAR'
A man and his son sailing idly on a boat?
Said it a million times, but I am not gonna lie I am still pretty triggered that they removed the best camera in action games. Why? Other things are far more understandable; we haven't seen everything so we can't say. But this? It's obvious the game's still an action game, so why remove the "high enough to see everything, perfectly automatic" camera angles?
because fuck doing what makes senseto improve your game, just make it so game reviewers can pan the camers around the skybox for their portion on how pretty it is
I was wondering what shit will Sup Forumstards start flinging when the 'my wife's son' meme died and absence of QTEs was confirmed.
Guess we're back to the usual padded garbage greentext lists.
Reminder that Eurotrash is ruining the series
If they took out the damn kid and made it a new ip and just had the Norse feel, it would be pretty good. It looks so bland because it doesnt even resemble God of War, Kratos seems so out of place.
>continent whose countries have laws in place that makes it so ninja theory will never die are ruining games
Why am I not surprised
Why did they even bother? Europoors only buy Fifa
They honestly would have been better off making "Fifa of War"
The best action game of all time used the same camera angle.
Would you like to actually address some of OP's greentext or are you just going to whine?
god hand had the camera locked behind you at all times, using a tank control scheme, it was built to not be a hinderance. God of War cant boast that
You've played the game already? Can I borrow your copy?
Oh god please no not this
find me one sony game of the last four years that doesnt do this and also isnt a vita game
Address what?
Garbage like 'music trying too hard...'?
Leave the music part out and it sums the OPs post perfectly.
>fucktons of forced walking sections
Why is this acceptable design?
I remember first realizing these existed when I played El Shaddai and it was absolutely hateful.
Down-time between the intense parts. They have been around far longer than you think, it's just that the recent games make it more obvious with the dialogue in them.
thats not forced walking sections. forced walking sections are cutscenes "but not really cause you have to hold down forward"
A coworker of mine is jizzing about this game, he's a normalfag I guess that no matter how shit this game is because it looks like It will be a commercial success.
I guess every game has forced walking sections then? Alot of games nowadays have those points where its just like "look at how pretty that looks".
This is the truly red pilled game we've all been waiting for.It will encourage the men of western society to finally teach their children real core values, and get back to worshiping our true gods.
Not all forced walking sections are done like cutscenes, though it's a more recent trend. It makes sense from a design perspective where there's still something going on in the down time. I prefer Uncharted's climbing to that though.
modern day forced walking sections>>>>>>>>>>just mashing the confirm button in a JRPG convo
and you dont see the problem with that instead of the organic downtime older games used to have?
>god of war is now a movie game
>game isn't even out yet
>talking all kinds of shit from what they've seen in the 2 trailers that exist
Typical pc user salty that this game is probably gonna be pretty good
Kratos objectively looks more Norse than Classic Greek.
hey user I'm not OP but I have a ps4 and I think this game looks really lame
I'm sure fake game news will say it's breddy gud
I didn't realise you played the game already
you seem to not know what a forced walking section is. Exploration and gameplay outside of combat are not forced walking sections. forced walking sections are very much "this is a cutscene, but we want you to feel involved, so have this barely existent gameplay where all you do is walk forwards"
Gameplay looks trash, and camera is gay.Has histrionic xD joke man character in it.
Most of the teenagers who played the first game when it was released have grown up, married and are (or are in the process of becoming) fathers, and now have little to no time for games.
If anything, its perfect for its target audience. You're just not part of it, OP.
>God of War cant boast that
If it is anything like the last of us or uncharted then yes they can boast that as those games literally have the best 3rd person camera system.
Yes, and in more linear games, this is used as a way to have somewhat more engaging player downtime than shit like cutscenes or loading screen. Downtime has always been a thing in intense single player linear games.
>compared melee based fast paced action game to adventure games like TLOU/UC or a tank control less intense action game like God Hand
Wtf is wrong with you?
Based on the clearly scripted trailer that looks like literally the opening mission to the game, relax guys, why can't you wait til it comes out to talk shit
Euro cucks are still playing FIFA on ps2. Are you surprised they have shit tier taste and bring everything down with them?
I'm not saying it's gone be the best game ever all I'm saying is wait til the game come out before you talk shit, seriously if it sucks I'll help you throw shade
Bro have you even tried playing the original titles again? They have not held well and it is not nearly as fun as your middle school self thought.
This new direction is great for the series.
all of a sudden everyone on Sup Forums cares about the god of war franchise and were a fan of the originals
>the trailers which are supposed to sell me the game look shit
>Don't judge it yet
>me calling UC4 at all slow paced in that post
Learn to read my man.
>you get sent to prison in most european countries if you simply deny the LOLacaust happened
Europe was a mistake
agreed. game looks as amazing as the TLOU. here's hoping Cratos is killed off in this and his son is the next god of war for the sequel. or maybe it can be about him rescuing his dad from hades or something.
All of THE sudden
It might be better than it looks, but as of yet I don't see any real reason for it to be a God of War game. I don't mean the story, either -- it makes sense Kratos might change, and family was always his soft spot. I mean the overall priorities we've seen so far.
They're pretty good. Inconsistent, in some respects, but good.
So we have nothing to discuss then.
If you watch the gameplay of God of war we have so far you can see the camera even zooms out during some moments in the fight to ease up on the player.
Goddess of War when?
This game makes Sup Forums so mad, I love it
>If they didn't make this game, but instead made another, I'd be happy
>Cutscenes are bad! Any game that has cutscenes is a movie, not a game!
>Well, here's this way of imparting the information and spectacle of a cutscene, but you still get to be in control of your character
>No! Walking segments are bad! No walk, just tell!
Jesus Christ you guys have no idea what you want
western videogame = automatic fail and shit.
But what about if there are collectibles in this "walking" sections. Don't they turn into exploration sections?
You don't have to care about something to see the obvious downgrades.
But it isn't a downgrade until we see exactly what is worse in the final game. So far we have seen that the combat wont even be that different from the first ones.
>inb4 camera
Who gives a flying fucking shit? If the camera isn't invasive no one should give a fuck.
We have already seen that the weapons have a hitbox just like in the first games and you can hit as many enemies as you want. You can use magic and other shit aswell.
>sony makes a game for adults
>autists scream "WHY CANT I GO BING BING WAHOO YET???!?!"
I'm glad I don't have ADD
They look ok, they made to be more cinematic, I just wanna see what the game actually is before I say it's shit, why is that such a bad thing
Yes, and it still doesn't cover the kind of area previous GoW camera used to while at the same time having to be moved manually otherwise. Both of those are objectively worse for action games.
They are great for TLOU or Uncharted because those games don't have a "wide open area of enemies surrounding you" thing and they are shooters. It's also great for God Hand's weird style that's restrictive compared to a typical action game in certain ways so the camera works well for it, too. God Of War is nothing like either of these.
good job bud
The saddest part about this isn't yuropes poor taste in vidya,
The saddest part about this is the fact Sony would pander so hard and make a well received hack and slash action game, into an over the shoulder 30fps motion blur movie game.
It's like when whatever the fuck company made those stupid Star Wars singing games for the kinect.
People "like" kinect. + People "like" Star Wars. + People "like" singing/dancing games = Star Wars Singing Dancing Kinect game.
Sony, have you have any fucking backbone? If Sony were selling fucking degenerate pedophile simulator games by the truckload, they'd say "well, people like these kinds of games so now God of War is a pedophile simulator".
>sony butchers gow into yet another tlou clone
>this is a good thing
I'm glad I don't have shit taste.
>narrative focused, open world approach
>open world
Whats the next series from sony that gets turned into a TLOU em up?
>But Nintendo-
He did not mention Nintendo at all
As if
could be referring to anything else.
Do they have any more franchises to exploit like this that would fit the bill?
Like, what games could they possibly make an """""""""""""""entertaining""""""""""""""" TLOU adventure game copy? I mean God of War was fucking stretching it.
First franchises that came to my mind was R&C, but that game is so heavily ingrained in gameplay, and it just got a movie-tie in game. So that's out. Time crisis or some shit? Pull out the dead IPs.....
Sly Cooper? Jak & Daxter? If there is a God he will prevent this from happening. He is our only hope.
>Games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper share some similarities
>This is totally fine
>Uncharted, The Last of Us and God of War share some similarities
Loving the hypocrisy here
Can't argue with that.
Thing is that back then those were actually games, with mechanics, That you could enjoy, and that you could get good at.
>Exploring abandoned city.
>Scavenge grocery store
>Button prompt to press triangle appears on screen.
If you hit it fast enough, dodge. If not, take damage.
Now you're given control of the character and allowed to fight the dog through combat.
>Exploring mayan ruins or some shit.
>Button prompt to press triangle appears on screen.
If you hit it fast enough, dodge. If not, take damage.
You kill the snake at the end of the QTE.
I had more fun watching "TLOU The Movie" on youtube than I had actually playing the game.
Seriously Sony if you're reading this, those compiled cutscene videos on youtube are taking away so many sales. You should get on that. Don't want people watching your movies without paying.
With a rooted camera you have to restrict controls as well, as having shit like long dashes won't exist unless they completely eat away at the frame rate, and double jumping, or hell even just basic jumping, also risk not being included due to camera limitations, with Kratos only climbing and propelling himself upward in cinematic moments.
This is nothing more than story garbage being pushed because that's what everyone eats up these days. DmC is more of an action game than this bastardization of GoW.
>Le mobie guise do I fit in yet? XD
Yeah, they could make it one of your shitty chinese cartoon games
How the hell is he wrong? Minus arguably Uncharted 2, all these new age Naughty Dog """""games""""" basically glorified $60 movies.
And yet it's gonna make tons of money and be a critical success no matter how hard you cry
With a rooted camera stuck directly behind your back*
Thought I'd throw in that little edit because, while God of War also had a rooted camera, it (usually) captured the entire area to give player freedom of movement.
This is just flat out wrong. Uncharted 2 is the template of naughty dog games.
They have a solid gameplay fundament and a story that supports said gameplay (except Uncharted 4 to some amount, but it still has the best gameplay in all of the games so it kind of evens out). They also have a multiplayer component that is actually really active. I believe even Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 have active multiplayers to this day, not to mention Uncharted 4.
They are all approx 13-17 hour games that have maybe 1.5 hours of cutscenes at most and the rest is gameplay.
How will you spin this cuck?
Uncharted 1-3 are all roughly 10 hours long, with 4 being 15 hours but having far more scripted shit.
And that's what Naughty Dog is great at. Creating these scripted events where it FEELS like you're playing, but in reality you're just following a linear path to hit the next part of the story. I'm not falling for your bullshit where these games have dozens of hours of "gameplay" when everything is so similar to a shitty chase scene where you sit on the mounted turret and shoot the bad guys that show up, or you're running away and making sure you hit the correct button prompts to avoid a failure screen.
I'm not saying Uncharted is a bad series, but it's one of the last games or franchises I'd buy into where "gameplay" is a main selling point. I'd play them because Nathan Drake is goofy and following him as a character is all fun and good, but definitely not because of the "gameplay."
>Uncharted 4 has more scripted shit than 2 and 3
stop yourself user.
Besides i said naughty dog games. It is the same with the last of us.
I`m hyped for the father son karaoke QTE then.
It felt like to me when I played through 4 at least. Maybe because of how short the other 2 games were.
And I don't include TLoU because it's honestly one of the most boring games I've ever played. It's one of the few video games where I dozed off while playing. And I'm not shitposting, because I hate this trope of walking, listening to characters complain and whine, fight a room full of bad guys, rinse repeat.
At least when games like TWD did it, everyone was already aware that Telltale didn't really make "games."
But those areas are filled with stuff to collect.
Don't compare them to Telltales TWD dude you are literally just shitposting then.
>the game has shitty collectables you might see in an extra room sometimes, that means it isn't a linear story book!
Am I really the one shitposting here?
Come on are you implying that collecting things in tlou is unimportant to when you get to regular gameplay areas?
>"It's a franchise that has historically acutely underperformed in europe."
I call bullshit.
Also, just because fucking fifa sells a ton and a half doesn't mean other games don't.
>In most european countries
>Only germany