ITT: Absolutely broken heroes. Junkrat needs a nerf to hell and back or something. He's INSANELY strong

ITT: Absolutely broken heroes. Junkrat needs a nerf to hell and back or something. He's INSANELY strong.

>instant deletion of half the cast
>doesn't need to aim
>ult that can one shot literally anyone

Holy fuck. What an annoying little cunt. He's the most broken fucker in overwatch. Easily.

Other urls found in this thread:

>junk shitters will defend this

Get. Good.

We are reaching new levels of irony here.

t. litterally gold shitters

Only thing I complain about that hero is that he can't kill himself with grenades/ultimate.
I fucking hate to see shitters with him left and right.

Get good fucking retard

There is literally nothing wrong with being gold. It doesn't make me wrong, faggot.

Why complain about junk when he's never been meta and there are actual heroes that are so good they're basically must picks?

I fucking wish he was good.

Get good is the lazy answer when discussing game balance. It has nothing to do with how good I am, it's how little effort it takes to win with junk.

>Still thinks trashmouse is OP

>me being low elo doesn't mean my opinion is less valid
excuse me what the fuck

No it just shows you have no idea how to counter him
[The answer here is Pharah or Genji, most Junkrats, like the dumbasses playing them, will actually shoot a grenade at a Genji, forgetting Genji has a deflect ability that boosts damage, and kill that bitch]

That was the wrong image.

how about you learn to counter him instead, faggot

Oy vey, free bait!

he's the most situational character in the game, he's not viable

>asking for the worst character in the game to get nerfs
Knowing Blizzard, they'll fucking do it

Shut up you dumb white boy
We know that's not a girl

It doesn't boost damage.



I think it was the right one, user

Anything with fucking range? Also, winston?


I'm terrible at Overwatch, I can't aim, get my ass kicked 1v1, and can go several matches without a single medal for eliminations/damage, but Junkrat makes me feel useful as long as the enemies don't get up in my face, in which case I get destroyed.
I've also made it into Master rank these past 4 seasons only playing Mercy.

>play Trashmouse
>Queen - Having a Good Time

>Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence

where did it all go wrong

do people really still play this game? i haven't touched it since the christmas event

We might as well make it an Astolfo thread.

Why do you post this every day?

Just kidding youre right

But still you can fuck him if you do it right

>133rd best Junkrat in comp according to Overbuff


Congrats he's not that good

>133rd of a broken hero
fuck off

>ITT: Gold shitters

If you genuinely think Junkrat is broken your opinion on this game doesn't matter.

He is legitimately one of the most easily countered characters in the game. He's good in low elo because people don't know shit about the game, but at that rank lots of low skill heroes are amazing and broken, like Bastion or old Roadhog (rip).

I'm well aware. He really just needs some slight buffs, nothing major. My proposals:
-Increase projectile speed by 15%
-Decrease reload time by .2 seconds
-Subtract 2 seconds from Conc Mine's cooldown
-Change Rip-Tire's HP to Armor

And I think he's good. Unfortunately Blizz will probably do something dumb and unnecessary.

Nah you're awful at video games, ya dipstick.

>DPS Mercy

You know, I played a lot of demoman in TF2 and never felt he was underpowered, but when playing Junkrat I always feel like I am doing shit. I wonder what differences there are between the two that make me perform so differently with them.

All I really can say is that demo can fire more shots before reloading and can place lots of sticky bombs.

>fucking normies REEEEEEEE
got me

TF2 and OW are just fundamentally different games. Despite being similar on the surface, Demo and Junk have a lot of differences. Junkrat actually has a higher DPS than Demo if you look at them side-by-side, but Demo has two primary weapons and a large pool of melee weapons with huge utility. Demo can frag multiple targets at once with ease, but Junk is better at nuking single targets and kinda falls apart when engaging multiple threats since OW is always 6v6 instead of 12 v 12. Demo has to sacrifice a large chunk of health in exchange for movement, while Junkrat gets his for free. Demo has lots of easy ways of securing kills while Junkrat has to either be fantastic at aiming consistently or use his conc mine.

Holy shit go self promo somewhere else

You know if they did all that they'd have to nerf damage
But I agree because he is way too spammy


Not really. Pharah can do all that and more, and the only thing Junkrat has over her is that she can't hit targets from around cover. If they ever did nerf his damage, they'd have to give him and extra grenade.

The entire cast should be powerful, Junkrat can be taken down by any hitscan outside of his range in an instant, otherwise he's no more strong than most of the cast.


And then you end up with some weird abomination of a hero like nu-Hog who has the same DPS but none of the utility as before

Maybe try getting gud first.

Conc blast/mine - both knockback but Junkrat damages
Pharah jet boost / Junk mine - Pharah does no damage meanwhile junkrat can
Both do 120 damage per direct shot

Junkrat's ult is only 600 dmg because its low risk except if it gets shot
Pharah's ult you risk your life being still but you can do 1000+ dmg

Junkrat is slower, can't just drop for cover if cornered
Pharah can fall out and get heals

Idk I think Pharah needs nerfed slightly if anything.
If they gave him hanzo's crosshair. He'd be amazing

Idk. This game is so unbalanced right now it really doesnt matter if he gets buffed. I say do it

If they outright ripped off Demo's charge shot, that would be a decently strong buff to Junkrat's utility without making him OP. He'd have an easier time hitting single targets, especially aerial fuckers like Pharah, while taking a hit to his overall DPS. He'd then be able to choose between focusing on a single target further away with charge shots, or spamming an area up close to try and catch multiple fuckers.

Other than that, his bear trap should have the same trajectory and stickiness as his conc mine, as well as no delay to the activation, so you can throw it at someone's face to root them.

probably because TF2 demo was the strongest character

Junkrat is the most fun hero in the game and that is what is important

Plus I mean hey it's not like I'm a professional player if this game so he's still very much useable in my and like 90% of the rest of the playerbase's brackets.

The fuck does any of this mean? Hero rank 59%?

>rip tire
>low risk

rip tire has about 100 hp and pharah has about 200 I think. Although pharah is stationary during her ult, you can zarya barrier and heal her during her ult which is something you can't do to a tire. Even though you can continue to control the rip tire even after you die while using it, it still is vulnerable since it's so loud and has a small amount of hp.

The Demoman doesn't have a half-dozen medium range hitscan characters to fight, and he's also less dependent on direct hits to kill shit.

Why do i always get paired up with solo queuers that are legit retarded and the enemy team always has at least 1 2stack or a 6 stack that are basically masters that shit on my team?

Means you're in the 59th percentile.

I think they only give number ranks to those in the top 1000.

Lmao junkrat one of the few characters thats decently balanced.

Junkrats problem is he's hard countered by the top tier characters and not softly either. He shits the DPS but without better ranged tools or faster projectiles its difficult.

If you think hes op, seriously just go soldier 76, you shit is so much faster he'll be dead before he can get two rounds off.

t b h it's probably you're fault, phamalam