I listen to the Japanese VA because the English sounds so bad!

>I listen to the Japanese VA because the English sounds so bad!
>Oh, you understand Japanese?

Other urls found in this thread:


>listen to music in another language
>don't understand the language
>still enjoy the music
>can still say it is a good band

voice acting was a mistake in the first place, if you have to have it you might as well use the one you can't understand

What if the lyrics are about stubbing your toenail and crying all night about how you want to die because edges on furniture is unfair?
Fuck your shitty comparison.

>Post my opinion on Sup Forums re: a game's original Japanese dub versus its trashy English dub
>Immediately pelted with "You don't even know Japanese!" responses
>I know Japanese

Fuck this board.

But what does it matter if we don't know?

Listen to this OP


then listen to this


Doesn't make the song any less good. Maybe a little shallow but it doesn't change anything

Why the fuck would that matter? Songs with bad lyrics can be good, and songs with good lyrics can be bad.

>Oh, you understand Japanese?

Well, i don't know english and i can tell that english dubs are awful.

You don't necessarily need to know Japanese to know it's better than the English voice acting.


If a movie is from France, I watch it in French with subtitles. If a game is from Japan, I play it in Japanese, because I'm not a dumb EOP.

>I listen to Spanish VA because the English sounds so bad!
>Oh, you understand Spanish?
But somehow this is more acceptable for you reddit
50% times latin america dub are surprisingly fun/entertaining to listen

>watching french movies


>dumb american that can't comprehend the joys of foreign films

Die retard lol


It's fine, English isn't my first language either and I think it sounds like shit.

The American movie industry is #1

Why would i settle for less?

But that is completely true, English dub usually is trash, you can play in Japanese with subs for an infinitely better experience, of course, I'm talking about weeb games exclusive, jap in anything else is disgusting




Casting is a bigger issue than the acting itself, imo. Most localized casting choices are pretty bad.

Exactly. For some reason most english dubs sound fake. At least when it's something that comes from asia.

But I do understand japanese and american dubs are cringe shit.

I'd also add direction.

That's a big thing for me too, the direction of whatever region the game originates from is going to portray the characters closer to how the writers/creators themselves intended to portray the character.

post superior english dubs


Even if OP has serious brain damage and can't tell when something in another language is well-acted, wouldn't that still be better than actively bad acting?


>Being unable to discern tone and cadence in speech.
Literal dogs can do it and they don't fully understand any language just a few hundred words. Are you dumber than literal dogs?



Both are gross. I do prefer the one I can't understand

who the fuck cares? when it comes to music, voice is just another instrument. lyrics are generally irrelevant

I prefer Japanese, but English is metal as fuck

if you close your eyes the american version sounds like some dudes masturbating.

I have no beef with dubbing.
I just think Eren going REEEEEEEEE is funny.

goku sounds like an old lady dying in her sleep

>game takes place in japan with japanese characters
>I should play with the english dub, why wouldn't japanese people speak fluent english and butcher the pronunciation of their own names?

>This game is bad because of reasons
>I haven't played this game but it's fucking awful
This is the worst board on the site, no contest

But I understand Japanese.

Thank god Oda didn't make Luffy grow a foot or I'd have to listen to twice as many retards as you.

What about songs done in languages that aren't real to begin with?

I can relate to this so well it hurts

Most Nips have fucking horrendous male voice acting. You're either 13 or 80, there's no in between. Same goes with women, where you rarely have any actual depth. You're a girl or a granny. It's sad. That doesn't change the fact that a lot of English dubs can be horrendous. RAD, Reuben Langdon and David Hayter are still great no matter what they're in.


The Japanese Goku is universally accepted as shit

No, you can't do anything i can't do. fuck off

Goku is voiced by an old woman.

So you like British Goku Black?

>Dragonball Super

Doesn't exist

jotaro (jojobizarre) and erwin's (pictured) voice actor is pretty awesome user, so I don't agree with you.


Yes it does, some parts are good too! :)

>super isn't real, GT is the only sequel we need.

I kind of understand this at times, I was trying to watch El Chapo on Netflix and the English dub was so bad that I watched it in Spanish with subtitles. It was much more enjoyable.

I'm just shitposting, I actually really like Super past the second arc

>he only watches shounen

It's like a lot of dbz games, pretty good, but a fuckton of missed potential
Before the Black timeline was explained, I thought someone took goku's body from the unexplored timeline. Needless to say, I was let down

As a general rule, media is best viewed in its original language

not sure if op bait or stupid
and I am not even watching fucking anime shit

english is the only language that matters.

>someone out there actually will defend BOTW's english voice acting

retard statement of the day

>hurr durr you can't speak language u cant tell if iz bad durrr
Only dumb tone deaf assholes with shit running through their veins who masturbate to gay horse on man videos while their brittle parents feed them chicken nuggies can't tell whether a voice and its delivery of lines sounds good regardless of what language.
Don't reply to me with an argument over this or I'll put your stupid ass 6 fucking kilometers in the ground, blow it out your ass.

remind me of this
i like this finnish (?) song
can someone tell me what the song is about?

Literally nothing is wrong with this you dumb faggot. If the english dub is shit then it's shit. Maybe the japanese voice acting is bad too, but since you can't tell you should just listen to whatever sounds better.

Plus there's something to be said for listening to the original audio that the studio intended. Japanese games are rarely made to pander to western audiences. Poor english voice acting usually reflects this.


it's about impregnating cute traps

>Implying you need to understand a language when you know the english sounds shit
It's either play in different language or play muted, and I'll choose different language every time.

is the woman in the video a trap?

why would you listen to a retard like me?

British theatre actors >>>>>> Amerishit actors guild circlejerk = Arr sound same mechanical Jap voices in ugly soulless language

Rare exceptions apply

>man i hate how cello sounds, i prefer guitars
>oh, you understand music theory?

Woow how can you enjoy the melody and sound without understanding it or even knowing how to play that instrument?

Disgrace, s m h

Too bad Japshit voice actors don't have any subtlety with their tone or cadence and everything is fucking cranked to 11.

Wouldn't go as far as to say "Fuck this board.", but yeah.

The quota of 出来る is probably higher than most people expect.

>dub are surprisingly fun/entertaining to listen
Japan thinks so, too.

Video starts off with the Japanese dub for comparison.

Shit like this wouldn't even become popular enought for you to ever "stumble" across it.

Now shut up you failed abortion.

I prefer subs to dubs since the VAs were chosen for a reason. i want to experience something the way the creator(s) envisioned it.

that being said, this rule really only applies to movies and shows for me. i don't give a fuck about video games. generally speaking, if a game has bad voice acting, it's charming. if it has good voice acting, it's icing on the cake. movies and shows don't have gameplay to make up for it, though you could make a case for action scenes or whatever.

He's right though.

>he plays EDF with the JP voice acting on
>he plays EDF with more than 8 frames a second

Video games need english voice acting because "Look out it's behind you" is much easier to understand and a lot of games are cheap about subtitles during gameplay.

>Jap option has more spoken lines
>English version has half the voice lines cut out

nep off

>that chick who always does the milf/older sister voice acting in the english dub

>since the VAs were chosen for a reason

Generally I agree, but the current season has a massive outlier.
The female MC's VA in Nanamaru Sanbatsu is garbage.
Completely ruins the character.

I used to be a subfag when I was younger. In the 00s, it was all awful. Now I'm older and just don't give a fuck.


>Jap option has more spoken lines
>English version has some of the voice lines cut out
>Years late people discover that the kindest guy of the party is actually a pedophile

>sub vs dub
>subs are always shit
Don't listen to weebs.

>tfw Dub Holo is 10000 times better than JP Holo

>Using Ghost Stories as an example
That just isn't right.

>Cute girl with granny voice
The best.

To be honest the Dub would be entertaining on it's own.

>try out P5 Jap dub to see what these jap dub only losers have such a hard on for
>kind of annoying to listen to during normal gameplay
>get into battle
>ugly nip screeching

What's wrong with you people?

I listen to both and understand both.

No he isn't? MF DOOM and literally every rapper that exists straight up decimates that argument.

Thought about changing the language for Witcher 3 but I didn't want to lose English Geralt and the Emperor

Nier A english VA better then japanese one. If you disagree then you are filthy weeb and should kill yourself

>try to play persona 4
>the dub is awful and full of honorifics and other weeb shit
>listening to the actual japanese audio would be less weeby than this garbage
>get cancer
>look what other people think about it
>"why would you want to play with the japanese audio when the dub is perfectly fine? the japanese audio is for weebs"
>die from cancer
