user, show me your copy of Fallout 4, NOW.
User, show me your copy of Fallout 4, NOW
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Where's your copy of Fallout 4, complete with season pass you faker?
no way fag
We don't want anyone to get hurt do we now?
i share a steam account with a friend who has fallout 4, so i can play it for free. i'm not going to, though. ever. trash game for faggots and retards and their retarded faggot children.
Don't do something you're going to regret.
Daily reminder Toddposting dates all the way back to 1997
But I sold it, Todd. I beat your game in three days, and I didn't feel like shelling out another $30 for the season pass that at the time had no information. Then by the time it did have information, you increased the price to $50.
So, fuck you.
I seed torrents of Fallout 4. I don't even play it, I just want other people to be able to have it for free
Todd I only have base skyrim for the ps3.
i said your game has all the appeal of a school bus fire, you fucking midget cunt.
make a good game for once in your short, manlet life.
A true hero.
Show me your papers of proof of purchase for Fallout 4
Fallout 4 was a masterpiece and you know it.
oh i skipped fallout 4 when you brought out fallout shelter
I really like the Fallout 4 intro.
I tried but your poopy game won't let me mod it Todd, even when I did the shit with the .ini file
Manlets live longer though. Kinda like how small dogs live longer than big dogs
You can shoot me now, but that will be one less copy of Fallout 4 purchased.
Did I do good sir?
The yelling Todd image should really have another miniscule yelling Todd inside the mouth.
Why should I?
Surely you intend to put in a few hundred more hours...
I sold it Todd because it was a S H I T game
Don't go to sleep tonight
Why is he dressed like Inspector Gadget?
Here you go, Todd.
I hadn't planned on it. I've got better games to play.
I refused to believe that there are this many xbox one users on Sup Forums
But Todd.. I've played the whole game front to back, bought all the dlc. Please.. I'm tired of fallout 4
I pirated it because i have no money, please Todd understand i dont have money to buy your games.
Yeah? Well I sold mine too. can't catch us all, TODD.
There's literally unironically infinite content in the game... you've got settlements to protect user!
I unironically think Todd is handsome af
I trusted you Todd, I bought Fallout 4 and the season pass, but all you gave me was 2 big DLCs before abandoning it completely.
Yo todd does it count if I torrent it, cause you never said if i purchased it only if I had a copy.
Good to know I'm not alone
will someone just shut the fucking door, you're letting the todds in and they're getting stale.
I unironically bought Fallout 4 twice.
Getting pretty fucking sick and tired of seeing this smug cunt's face
You cannot stop us, we will find our way to your home, and we WILL see if you bought our game.
I've done that with worse games but COME ON DUDE.
solidarity brother
the todds shant shank MY chute
>I refused to believe that there are (two) xbox one users on Sup Forums
Nah, that sounds about right.
reminder that todd posting is reddit. it was never funny
reddit posting is reddit
posting on Sup Forums is reddit
Reminder that you only have yourself to blame for being such a miserable fuck
it's not funny, redditor. it was never funny. your sense of "humor" is nonexistent. at this point todd posting is marketer spam and should be banned
Go to bed, Todd.
I swear the people who complain about the omnipresent reddit are more common and cancerous than the actual redditors who use this site
here you go Todd
you're probably the same type of person to sperg
the fuck out over posts typed like this.
when will toddposting end
Todd, why does your game need 100 mods to be fun?
>you feel so inspired you step outside and stretch
>not a care in the world
>the birds are chirping
>the squirrels are gibbering
>the blackbirds have finally gone silent
>a roll of thunder bumbles across your subconscious
>HISSSSSS!!! your neighbor moans
>the clouds are forming
>close to the ground
>suddenly an old crone grabes your arm
>you wrench yourself away and she explodes into several hundred copies of FALLOUT: NV for PS3
>the wind is picking up, you stumble.
>Your neighbours are battening down the hatchers.
>you are transfixed
>THE TODD'S'RE COMIN! shriek the blackbirds, all roosting on your shoulders at once, pressing you down, kneeling you down into the moist earth
>a rain falls. Nuka cola.
>no that's stupid. It's rain.
>the blackbirds nip at your ears and cheeks, you shunt be looking away today, little boy blue.
>Todd has appeared, barely over the horizon.
>agonizingly dragged along by the children of several crucified black isle employees, the discard-lord Todd spits at you:
>wielding a scourge mounted on his stunted gimp arm, todd lashes one of his catamites
>the scarred child plucks a copy of New Vegas from the ground and presents it to Todd
>blasphemy, todd hisses
>Todd whips out a can of body spray and blasts the poor kid in the face, holding a bic lighter in his other hand and waving his tongue around
>The child crumpets to the ground
>Todd dismounts from his exoskeleton. You thought he had the suspicious proportions of an ungainly child, but Todd was in fact a small head with little gimpy dangly arms and legs, carried about by a hummingbird carriage
>I, I don't- you stubble
>NOOOOOOOO!!!! Todd tantrums, his entire tiny body bulging at once.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! he continues, exploding in like a ripe grape.
I hate Fallout Todd, I'll never buy a Fallout game.
this edit is insane good
>noticing the swastika is replaced by the "B" in Bethesda
the wanted poster in the background should be replaced with a picture of an NCR soldier from New Vegas
I was only able to enjoy Fallout 4 after heavily modding it so it was basically a completely different game.
Oh shit
It's all good Todd, we're all friends here.
Sure thing Todd, here's my pirated copy. put a bunch of hours into it too. whaddya think?
learning the enemy spawn points for every settlment might just drive me insane.
I only play RPGs, so I didn't buy it.
>be me
>have pirated Skyrim with 38 mods running (obis included)
>windows 10 crashes
>system deletes most files
>can't even remember the mod list
>end up deleting the whole game
Every tiem
Someone post the Dating sim Tod
Everyone who says this is always a wierdo that puts green forests all over fallout and replaces half the npcs with anime lolis
don't hurt me todd
>not wasting 450 hours of your life away at this game
But all i have is a copy of New vegas. Does that count?
You cheap imposter Todd
Show me your copy of Fallout 4 NOW!
This meme sucks
I'm getting a copy right now, Todd.
This is good. Your reward, good sir.
>you have developed a (you) addiction!
thanks for reminding me Todd, I will pirate it now because I bought better PC
everything after morrowind suck dicks and Fallout Tactics was last good Fallout, sorry New Vegas faggots, that is truth
sure Todd,here's my copy of Fallout
>Only 116 hours
Sure thing todd.
i have alot more on the pirated copy,i bought it cause it was on sale
Faker? You're not even good enough to be my-
Doesn't matter if you're 4'9"
Do you have the original version?
I wish I could put this much time and effort into shitposting
I know its late but heres a shitty webm.
>manchildren on Sup Forums unironically buying a bethesda game on a console
Worst board confirmed?
Get a load of this fat faggot. I spend more money I've made off of Fallout 4 in a day than you have probably made in your life haha. See that mountain of cash? You can't climb it homo!
Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming about buying and playing my games.
or sawyer
or avellone